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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Whole Foods Selling Rubberized Fruit As Organic!


*buying fake fruit equals call a lawyer for false advertising. I smell class-action

**Another answer is that the strange rubber fruit is a viral marketing campaign. Like the rubber fruit company wanted to make videos about how you can mistake the fruit as the "real deal." If customers are really finding fake fruit at their local shopping center then the culprit of making this kind of fruit with false pretense in its presentation is itself genius-ly  disgusting. Viral Marketing is the only other answer there and if so, then the large companies (whole foods and Costco) would be victims not the wrongful party.  

***what cognitive dissonance? (I am asking what, not "what is cognitive dissonance"
I am just going over the options that could be true of why the fruit is fake. BTW the likelihood that pesticides did this to the fruit is very low.

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