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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prosperity...what does it mean and why?.

What does prosperity mean?
Why does 'it' mean in 'that' way?

There are many questions relating to NESARA funds but truth be told; those funds will be sent to Taiwan and make the Untied States of America (corporation AND of the people) extremely poor and beyond poverty poor! A plan by the dark minions wanted to take as many souls as possible, but the light sent "angles" to try to stop them in their tracks. This is a correct action and unfortunately is not going to end well. Plenty of people will end up on the street and shelter-less, including me (maybe I am putting my ego in this?) 

Taiwan is the current home of the dragon family and when wealth is tied up in "families" then one should know that ascension is not for them as they have fallen with us. Akin to the greed that most families have (dark or light) the legal system forced many of these actions from fear and greed relative to love and peace. Yet, why cannot peace and greed be together and fear and love as well? A notable question that in ether instance is insane and can cause madness. Maybe the idea of "hearing other people's thoughts" is a lie and used as extraterrestrial propaganda for conquering politics of a world. Thus, as money is dear to many of our hearts (I still do not know which organ they are talking about; the one in the chest or the "heart of the mind?") conquering the money supply (fiat or commodity based) is the best way to conquer the public (individually and as a whole.) 

So, then what is prosperity? Alchemically, pro means in favor of and pros is even more of that. -perity means parity or in opposition to; thus prosperity is not to be desired as many will take away many things and stuffs that originally being to those who work for it. Akin to the theory of money; itself is that only a theory; but, one should ask of how much environmental damage will be done if NESARA and beyond happens? Plenty of mining for gold and silver for the sake of what? More 'prosperity' in which we still are fighting for what we think should be ours? (I wonder if I have broken this lifetime before?) We should all understand that money is only good if those who control it are responsible with it. Fiat is better as the responsibility is taught at a level of calculus and money as geometry per unit of production per sale. Even though, money is a precious idea as a commodity of thoughts and abstraction; therefore the accompanying governance should be there to shepherd the idea into clearing the formula that is there to represent it. For example, no large debt balances onto the nation of which full faith and credit should be there; and if the dark does not want to play our game with us, then it may be best for us to torture them with so much stuff they do not know what to do with it. Therefore, is prosperity just another way for those who seek stuff a way to seek punishment for others, as this punishment then can be used against the dark soul to cause a light alchemically? Therefore, light is the result of a chain reaction method of helping others to feel satisfied? Then prosperity be dammed as it is an alchemical trap held by prime creator thoughts of us being those thoughts in action. (Or maybe it is my depression talking as I really need more money to pay my debts. I wonder where my soul will go on after I die an impoverished death during NESRA's activation because China and the dragon family put up a shit fit about not playing the game correctly with the pyramid people. And I do know how to play the game correctly; I just need capital to do it.)

PS --- Yes, I know my soul is really screwed up and bound to a the chain of pain in my mind's third eye. I would really like my soul contract to be nullified by now. Pretty please? My anger and sadness is still a problem and I know god is there as a testing vehicle for prime creator to "test her children" from being hoarders and labor users of others' but to use my body as a crux for these feelings is like playing a gambit from hell. Again, I really do not know where my soul is going to end up; but I do know that all I really want is to make my contribution to society and get out of it. Living alone growing plants and training the mind with novelty. (if that is the point, I would realy like to train the mind with novelty and create a light brighter than God and prime creator. Why? Because I am a greedy son of a bitch that played a chess game that so called "angles" have too much fear of. They can only hold such a fear due to the sun's current white color. I remember when the sun was still green enough for us to exist under survival mode and be able to pass in life; it was ok and worthy, because think about the chemtrails that covered the sky. (If I was wealthy enough I could build shelters for humans to stay in their whole lifetime; but I know that is part of the dark's wierd plan.) After I die because no one in commerce likes the truth of what is going on; then I ask not mercy from God, but instead of my consciousness to infect every living thing it he universe to what I know; and I ask God of my soul to be turned into pure energy to be dissipated into space and across time to curse thoes who attempt lieing. And if I am reincarnated into a lower object of God's desire; know that I really wished to work in this world to help my faimly get rid of the shit thoes who feel threated by me, my faimly and others. Why war and kingdom speak when those who wish freedom to cry teranny by other's greed and mismanagment within their own boarders. I ask of no other method where love is the only thing. When love is out of my body, mind, heart, and soul; O where will the logic reign for the kingdom I wish to make anew beyond love's creation ; a third idea beyond love, beyond God and prime creator. Lost I in a sea of darkness as an artifact in time and space; where joy and love are only relics. Logic and creativity lost as well? 
Thus we are slaves of God as we have not proven ourselves in the golden sun, but survived the white sun a-new; since 1984 (Gregorian calendar.) 

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