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Sunday, April 27, 2014

FYI: BHO = Anti-Christ????

Is the current president of the United States the Anti-Christ? If I had to gamble on it, then I would buy a ticket to see the action, because that would be kind of weird. Even I, who is an American citizen, voted for the guy twice and hoped that the republican party was not getting even more retarded by banksters OR the democratic party getting more desperate (yea, I know they are guided by another group of banksters.) Granted, it is kind of a parody when your broke and you have first row seats to backwater poverty house party, where both boxers the the flimsy political party race thing was (to keep it high school) getting tired of beating up each other and starting to hit the referee (by accident.) Indeed, the referee is God who weighs out who is worthy and quite frankly I might not be so as I am stuck in the audience and have had second thoughts of attending the show of the galaxy (Earth.)

To prove my point watch cartoons, one of the last ways for self expression to melt with the brain as it comes from the heart of true self of the artist's hand. Think of all of the western cartoons, like south park or the Simpsons. I have wasted too many hours watching these shows over the years; but, I do say that I wish to express my gratitude of being the watcher of great art and the political satire that contained within.

With this backdrop, I present Barack Hussein Obama as current president of the United States Government that might as well be a corporation wrapped in free speech (propaganda) tied with Spartan Greek gay people (private military contractors) in Nazi uniforms (UFO secret bases) having a boner (Washington monument and the Federal Reserve.) Dam, that is stupid. In fact, I feel embarrassed being here on Earth being raped by these kinds of people (even if they are still medically classified as Homo sapiens. Lifetime after lifetime, I seem that I cannot escape this awkward and weird crap. All the land wasted with ornamental trees instead of growing more fruit and the chemtrails, my god, the chemtrails. Is that really needed for the love of Earth because of how atomic weapons work!?**

Here is a video that was posted that leads evidence that President Obama might actually be the anti-Christ:
and this video

The first video is Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West by theJonathanKleck
and the second is featured in the first

OK amount of stuff involved and quite frankly, I am freaked out a little bit because Obama's father that was portrayed in the press was blacker than the father that was portrayed in the youtube video listed above. This raises many questions of the American psyche (let alone the world psyche)

1. is this always a 'truth' test? The videos released in the press and the youtube videos above always gather that many of these 'leaders' from satin are plotting to destroy something. Or is it just a test of our resolve to stop sleeping and concentrate on our daily lives; akin to the knowledge of 'dreamland' underground bases in Nevada (or God knows where.) and such knowledge is perceived dangerous by those who monitor its gates (where the gates are of our minds and sleep via DMT biochemical reactions? Therefore keeping us awake all the time with caffeine only helps reduce lawbreaking at night and everyone poor in health making the rich laugh at us poor who really know the law is a way to corral the slaves with the shit we have.

2.The Rothchilds have been instructed by the vampire king of darkness to play devil's advocate?
What better way as Rothchildes as to be backers of the democratic party here in America and have to put up with greedy republican Rockefellers and republicans AND have their dark Vatican P2 Lodge boss tell them that there is no better way to play the game then subvert the 4th dimension with bankrupting the world's economies (every nation at a time.) True wealth of reinvesting money and hoping that the production stays there is every retirees nightmare especially when the only other recourse is debt forgiveness programs hijacked by interstellar pirates and petroleum gods burning our energy away via infrastructure and jurisdictional ossification to imprison slaves with knowledge of pleiadian starlight back in the 1830's!

3. Chicago is important because of a neighboring watershed: the Mississippi River Basin.
The Mississippi River Basin (MRB) has many important properties including the ownership of the Kensington Runestone that marks the ownership of the basin to a clan or warriors that escaped (or at least tried to) Vatican rule during the 1400's to 1600's AD (background info: http://www.thekensingtonrunestone.com/ ) Maybe the warriors wanted to defeat the Vatican by using an advanced duel-message code as viking and Northern European runes tend to be tricky to translate (even for experts.) Therefore, the language may have multiple meanings for individuals that wish to translate one message but really convey a secret one among brothers. That would be common in the ancient times of Medieval Europe.
Back onto the Chicago subject, land rights for individual nations could also be tied to river basins and Chicago (in the last 100 years or so) has built an artificial aqueduct to funnel water from the MRB into the tiny river that Chicago was founded on that dumps into Lake Michigan. Therefore, maybe Obama and gang of 'dark ones' built the aqueduct to build an artificial empire in the now famous windy city. What better way then to hijack the water of the Mississippi during the age of Pisces (a water symbol) and use it as a legitimate claim of water rights to the Vatican and the land clearing house called Masonic Lodges*

Overall, Obama as president could be an Obama-nation from hell; but I rather think of it as: I really did not like either candidate to vote for and I really think and know that all of this shit is to keep him silent about the extraterrestrial situation here on Earth and resulting disclosure set to take place in the near future.

*Masonic Lodges may have been around for a long time and probably been around since the start of civilization. These lodges were simply water claims for river basins and one can probably find such claims at every water source around the world or at least the western world. Such claims justify real estate claims related to the water basin and resulting rivers and streams. This makes since if farmers, builders, and other learned men wanted to control the human effects of the water supply; food, water, shelter is the resulting survival triangle for any survival situation.

** Atomic weapons bring God into focus and a new type of light particle related to the Uranium and/or Plutonium scale of vibrations and harmonics. That is partially the reason why humans go blind looking at one. The weapon itself can also warp out the atmosphere where the rules are placed from the second dimension which have affected many places worldwide. Many nations have instated chemtrail spraying to reform the weather networks where nuclear implosions have damaged certain earth and atmospheric grid based crystal structures. Those structures are now being healed by many ascended entities as a gift to humanity. Also note that chemtrails could be waste product from the Nuclear and other various industries and the spraying action itself without proper permitting may be illegal in certain locations, as well as bankrupting the nation's financial structure though bankrupting the soil nutrients as well.

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