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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is there anyone reading my posts???

I know blogger software will count me as a visitor or a "page view" if I visit my own site using the same computer and browser as that I am writing this now. All I wish is that if there is some one reading these pages is to leave me a note, a criticism, or other thing so that I know I am not missing out on another conversation; potential friends, job opportunities (I am so broke and in too much debt. I cannot even afford my life and I know how the real estate investing network works; but the international political gamesmanship does not like me because they see me and the general population as a threat to their worshiped status and survival.)

As of Today; there are some people in Russia and America reading my posts (blogger software is great at pinpointing this!  :)

If you wish to talk and probe my brain for ideas I am open for consultation for your endeavors (free or shared use depending on what I want or need.) My rate is somewhat close to survival at this point in my life, but if you are running a business and like the ideas that I am sharing; please contact me at arostert@ncsu.edu (no spam or the email becomes spam.)

I would have gotten into real estate but....it is a well crafted scam!

Several months ago the county was on the brink of bankruptcy, but is more of a transition plan to get out of the oil trade from the east and west (see my previous comments on Benjamin Fulford's blogs and postings, (further note that I really do not want to attract bad or unwanted attention AND I really want to help the situation by re-balancing the world's balance sheet, cash flow, and profit structure with hard core economic science and not the weird hogwash that both parties (monetary, not political in origin) are conducting. They conduct the trade this way as to trap the binary (duality) world and lower dimensions into currency itself. In fact, the idea of a world meritocracy was ALREADY TRIED by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers (yes I know they are on the bottom of the 'pyramid') from the University system that has now enveloped the world economy. One reason it failed is that they hired or were framed by "light" forces by having inventors killed due to petroleum obsolescence. They are professional pirates and have subjugated my  (and many others') living-standards to house poor status akin to many in the world. In truth, one must be thankful that they took this much bait to build houses in the first place.)) ...and the oil trade thing: the truth and false realities that both worlds of "east" and "west" exist with is that they are inseparable, both physically in our tangible world (Earth) and trade wise with Chinese debt backed with US dollars and US government debt. So, if the US government decided to have a jubilee or NESARA event, it would trigger a Chinese bankruptcy as dark prophecy foretells. It would not surprise me that a true world jubilee is needed with fiat currency and more stringent asset pile enforcement. How stringent? As much as it takes with state sponsored love (kind of makes me feel queasy thinking about that as much as what this world has come to. The only reason for being queasy about this idea is that it is enforced conditional love and that is what the dark forces of this planet really want us to have...conditional love even at the blessings of the Vatican and its respective "bank." (sarcasm.))
And after china falls, then the rest of the world finally can fall with it. As Chinese investments in Africa, South America, and other places around the world decide to default and gain the advantage of real assets there as well. This may have been established by the Annuniki when Nixon was president of the United States due to the western world looking for "cheap" labor. This might have been the "bait" by the light as the dark forces already took gold from the Chinese royalty decades prior.

Asset Pile Accounting...

...is for easier logistics and economics. To see more clearly where the pile has risen to "a bunch of "shit"" status (ie. worth nearly nothing and as it is.) It is commonly known as accrual accounting and is known for one flaw: tedious practices of counting every single thing of value. Thus making the entire practice of accounting as its priests and the banks its temples (weather in communism, dictatorship, democracy, or republic banking is there to count it...to death via a temporary life.)
Changing the dynamics is like the game Orthelo: simply learned, hard to master. First we must learn the rules to money that shapes the strucure of the general population:
1. Money is an indicator of value =  price times the quantity
2. profit is return on a hard flat counted value basis; where percentage gain (like interest rates) is a comparative value basis claim of judgement (how much more relative to other economic values does this asset return?)
3. managing interest rates requires the understanding that inflation is prevalent on an equity or a debt basis (not as an asset as many believe because in accrual accounting, assets are a combination of both in some form of that corporation (or in the case of accounts receivables of liabilities on other corporate books. The same game can be placed with equity as notes and bonds owned is liabilities on other books.)

With rule three, this is whee pile accounting comes in:
(After a first wave of jubilee as decreed by heaven....)
-no more bonds
-no more stocks as liable holdings
-no more expected cash flow as an asset, instead cash flow is known (this makes many assets and risk evaluation different than what exists today)
-values are encouraged by political parties to be both inflationary or deflationary
-real production can only go so far to provide accurate liquidity
----precious metal based currencies will only bolster the price for gold and silver enriched land, thus justifying the real estate sham!

But how is real estate a sham?

Land itself is not, but justifying people's lives off of what land there is placed on there (like a house, an office, mine, industrial, etc...) is just plain nuts. Economically, land is a perfectly competitive market with imperfect distribution, therefore has a high to very high variance relative to life stages of the beings that are there to manage the property, and the building's depreciation = print the money to count the land and insulate the psychology from the land into the people. That is why the masons and many other Illuminati groups printed or used money. With gold and silver, at least it is directly from the land itself.

Additionally, land rights are granted though the deed and payment of any liens on it. If there was any greater threat of an international consortium that wanted to waste a nation trying to become "independent" it would have to lien the entire country (more debt) or individual sharecroppers on the lands' deed itself.

Reform (still in research/seeking phase)
An economic jubilee would be nice to maximize the variance schedule of exchange and revalue all valuations of previous purchases; otherwise, still researching best use practices with practical methods to life itself.

So the question is, what is practical?
The answer is justly, the labor and utility thereof. If one wanted to manipulate a nation, the land itself and the people thereon it is not a bad idea (OK, it is really bad but what aspirations are there to justify not doing so?) In such manipulation, one stirs up the population and stirs up what is there to grab back (greed.) Thus the answer of yesteryear is manipulate the population = manipulate the labor pool.
Today (and of many wishes of the post american civil war period up to world war one) many worldly scholars wished for a utopia based social system where happiness was natural for the population to be. This was not the case in many different attempts in later years up though the 1970's.  The culprit in many of these attempts was a forum of judgement (courts) instead of love that attempted to subdue the population into obedience. Many of the laws was from the original land owners who then used rents or rent seeking mentality (in the form of a mortgage) to count the previous indebtedness and servitude to those who might know better management of the land (a gamble.) Yet in many iterations and generations of such practice, a maximized temporary productivity would ensue AND apathy for labor in later generations in comparison (if the country uses GDP and GNP growth measures for wealth which is natural due to currency as a method of trade.)

The answer to this dilemma is jubilee every generation, the problem is how much money to give and the rules associated to it? (The best answer is: honor the new gifts of each generation and receive more and better quality anyway.) Because money is used to pay for the old: it is only the next wealthiest generation that receives the next best marginal growth; and the poor and wealthy stay where they are. This method justifies inflation as the tool rather than counting assets due to the method of though in producing no jubilee.)

Finally, land is a community project with some sort of use rights. We do this anyway in America with zoning.

A national land clearinghouse would be best if fiat currency was to be printed and utilized from the land itself (although why housed in a the churches of banks anyway?) 
The clearinghouse would have deeds with maximum value (or no value at all) and houses would be printed with a depreciation value on it for tracking purposes and full disclosure of what the maintenance costs of the house really are. Maximum values would be set by local governance and any land would be monitored by 
existence wish

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