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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It is not about winning or losing...

It is not about winning or losing. It is about cohabitation and finding a median; an agreement that all can assume to continue. Even then, what change is really important? What skills? In the begging it was always getting a soul to have a will. To have a steadfast honor of today and tomorrow. The truth is that every death is a soul is dead in the land of relations. A land relative to all else. What actions are relative? Maybe there are those who looked outside of themselves to heed a call to arms. The arm the ideas into a social construct where those of leadership can think and know harder than be easy. Yet, it is our world that is safer than the margin?

it is not about winning or losing....it is how one plays the "game." Yet, what game? One life only, one life the live, one life to continue? Why should we then treat this as a game? The game of resources (Thrones?) I wonder, if instead of grass the world grew crops everywhere, and the population was peaceful and responsible?

Yet my soul was born in a year of the fire tiger (1986) and God is said to be born in the year of the water dragon. Tow elements cannot coexist with each other; can they. Yet is this not looking outside of myself? Will I ever really learn my lesson? Will my lesson, if learned really be not a copy of the art that exists in the world today?

Self dignity ignored is an investment never made. An investment never continued and an investment never realized to create the dignity in the first place. With such logic, I then conclude that the dark that inhabited this world of earth was of my own minions who wanted to set me free to God/heaven/heart/love...

So then the creative powers is our labor; let us labor then rather than to count our economies into death. Yet, it is our sensory perception organs that have become too trained outside of our bodies. Thus our bodies are prisons of the imagination in our minds yet preformed by our labor that we wish to share with all.

At what quality and trust? Is trust really the issue? If so, is incarnation the breakage of trust? What would happen if every single person on the planet decided to just not care? We already know that answer today: cities and towers, buildings to snuff the lands; laws to snuff the creativity before becoming harmful to others.

Out of what I have witnessed in my life is that I only hope that the light has a plan for me to know the same information that I know today; as a precautionary tale of what happens with a world without trust, or trust mismanaged.

***A plan for a walk-able city = 1880's township design with vegetable and fruit gardens at every corner. What we put out is what we eat + what is available from mother earth's resources.

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