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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Start a Bazzar...


If you start your own marketplace where they cannot control every aspect of the economy, then they will own your life somehow. They will run your life somehow. They will make your will into their own will.



Friday, May 29, 2015




---money over death


---lots of money for capitulation, nowhere to go because of lack of imagination and moral fortitude to what it takes to keep a human alive and thrive; to toughen a human to that of a God or creator being. Thanks a lot controllers of the world for the money you think was a powerful tool that became nothing more than a problem. My 5th dimensional consciousness self is now traped on Earth based consciousness you wacky monsters from diplomatic mess that some kind of creator being though they could handle.

Thursday, May 28, 2015



-----Tourism, but the office space is equal to the observation of your flock to harvest what they make as slaves.


---but the environment would implode...right?


---At least in America it is Social Security that keeps them from stealing. Otherwise, it is the foreign nations that are not compatible with the American Crime rate


---I think I already noted this one.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fallen from the Heavens Be...

No Different than Criminals Form The Minds Of Lightless Gods. Hording the Light To Sell To The Bidder of Labor Be.


Frienmyof Service


Who said it was Government that was to become Big Brother?

Chinese Will

The truth will never come out because the Chinese will use (or have done) the aliens/visitors to stop the Americans to telling the truth. How? By stopping the Americans from declaring NESARA as it is the last weapon of choice from the city-states: Washington DC, London, and Vatican. This plan was made up by the meditranian money-trading families who are very scared of ascention as they have only experienced light as a weapon, not a blessing.

Data shock


More information is equal to an accurate price per customer. Unit sold minus price per good produced equals profit. Manipulating cost per employee equals control factor of profits by means of selling price. Each price is a factor of another's cost per unit produced. Therefore information is the orthogonal tangent to price and money. Control the information control the producers of things. Manipulate the readings of what others are then control where they go in dark and light.
Therefore information is the control point for many things and places. Judgemt to be is the carelessness I always feel with the treatment of all. Judgment is nothing more than the numbness to feelings to alchemically crux the population to my will....lost to Jesus Christ's crucifixion of the past six months. Nonetheless all billed me to bully God again.   :(  
In sadness my life will affect all universes into shadows.

Implant to the internet


If we can get to the brain with a chip. Soon we can implant a chip for a computer mouse, computer navigation, and when port the internet and telecommunications into our minds.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

An interesting way to kill cancer


Light to Affect Another


So then the rules of a star are the same?








----contract Greece with a way to get them to repay debts. Their own currency is best for them to clean house of feeding off of Europe. However, it is a tourism based government. Therefore, as a retail based economy it will always have a debt. *no known solution at this time




--please do an american like segment; this is in western Australia...  :|

Illusion news network...articles


---this is diplomatic communication of what the west understands of the situation related to the other nations.



---resume as management bribe; inter-corprate diplomacy bribe of some kind


money = hybolic space game


Sports and Economics have been erroneously linked as many bankers  (and other finances) watch people play sports. Yet, if money is of hyperbolic space per interaction then wealthy people are too insignificant to adjudicate for (whom need governance for) because their wealth is so large in an economy that the trickle down effect become diluted by the servants that they take for granted. Take for instance that there was one wealthy man per 1 billion people and the average income was $10/month. Then the wealthy man had $100 million dollars and gave away the money to all of the inheritance to the general population then the value of inheritance is equal to about ten months of income per person...not very much comparatively speaking. With economics and statistics related to hyperbolic mathematics, we can conclude that this wealth is not very much... Thus numbers tied to feelings are not very much at all.

Question, is the relative realms of spirit hyperbolic or euclidean? I guess neither.

Government Kascots


But seriously it would be a east of money.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

One's thoughs become plural.


Thank you Ashter. Your information is well received for an alchemy that needs to be preformed. l, all who read this need good feeling and choose to be in good feelings as all of this is shared for goodness. Now of what good ness? Indeed, we must be careful not to contrast this to become ironic for the dark or light. As is it be the case, be happy, be having excitement and read into the context of alchemy and voodoo that can be done to turn your fifth dimensional self into a shining becon of light for all the other dark to see and be aware of. For that shall light the candle, torch, or bright rocket engine that is within the heart of every cell, molecule, and particle of being. Thus that of what one is become a fragment of God to go back home and reunite with that piece to peace for all to share and have. Be all for and giving into light of light. In ones thought becomes all other consciousnesses into truth. As with all the others here to enlighten the earth (and of all its contexts) be mericles to expose and heal, of rainbowabundance and of more pure, light.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I am embarrassed

Spoiler Alert:

Seriously, if that is the universe or our solar system's story related to the atlantians then that is the most corny shit I have to be apart of?

Even so what is wierder path to ascention?

bacteria farm




----They knew that many years in advance


--see http://paoweb.com/sn051915.htm   - and how it correlates with the message....note that investigations were ongoing and need more infomration on linkages between dark,families, and intersteller diplomats to understand the communication networks



Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Solar Road Review


If the universe was bundled like cable


Seriously, if the universe was bundled like cable, would rules of light be nothing more than the rules of gray?

Spirtual quandary


If production is darkness then are God's rules dark?




-If you are in real estate, then these cities you should invest in for base rent + other higher short term profit sales

Cities on list:
Raleigh, NC
Kansas City. MO
Oklahoma City, OK
Austin, TX
Seattle, WA
Salt Lake City, UT
San Jose, CA
Louisville, KY
San Antonio, TX
Washington, DC




--accompaning article: http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2013/09/why_dont_wages.html
----the enslavement article for getting more humans on the dark or the side of the light. This is the true representation of the 3-4-5 dimential problem to managment? (of me?)


Question: You're still being pretty paternalistic, aren't you?

Answer: Employers often openly compared their workers to children. I suspect they're on to something. [Disclaimer: Bewley is probably too gentlemanly to actually say this, but it's very consistent with his findings.]

So this is the same as I am employee for dark or light? (probably wrong thought pattern to rely on but is an interesting interpretation of why God chose collective judgement for Earth-humans. (is a stabilizer?) 


--lets see it fall...exported? Is that what the politics is trying to prevent?


Earth is healing

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/video/60558

Ozone takes up usable oxygen. So seeing higher greenhouse gases such as co2 in the atmosphere will only take away from present speeding changes from healing this planet. Proposal to increase more active field programs to replenish the wildlife of open natural spaces and more environmentaly housing development on the earth's surface.

Monday, May 18, 2015




--WTF? more war...really? going against the constitution that both parties are complaining about (a third term for Obama for the banisters. Therefore, both parties are consoled by the same factor.)










This is why it is important to index to inflation or some kind of inflation matrix with medical cost inflation being more dominant in payout structure and insurance risk.


Maybe life in prison, but death...really? What was the revolution really for?





Hyperbolic Economics


Teaching Plan:
Euclidean Geometry
Hyperbolic Geometry
Statistics for both kinds of Geometry
Basic Physiology
-Micro and Macro economic space

After understanding all of the above, I will need to publish a way to program a fiat choice program to reach utility and satisfaction relative to the discrete choices between euclidean and hyperbolic space and thinking to behavioral norms. (Is this why God reached infinity? To short circuit the lack that hyperbolic space to the center of the origin that the universe of choices can contain?)

These questions are especially important because of what I have published years ago with on this site.

Sunday, May 17, 2015





This guy may have been alchemically framed. Only time will tell why the bullets did not go through the boat.

Saturday, May 16, 2015




--something great for the insurance industry to get into; crash savings might only be minuscule at first but would increase when auto-driving computers become better.





--this is why real estate is safe; Hilton is one of the famlies...maybe or an opportunist?


--you should design real estate on how it ages, not on how it preserves... that is related to alchemical darkness


--alchemy request for the heart to see the mind and the mind to see the heart. To become of all and trust of separation. Is that the fifth dimension?

Ahead of the Curve

Of course I am ahead of the curve on this one with what I am exposed to in the realms of spirit

You must realize that Nixon gave china by orders of the dark cabal to start this kind of process. Now you know that is when spirit started to really get involved and try to change this planet. It is when fiat currency became real; as if it is a window of opportunity for souls to complete karma chaos lessons and leave earth. The dark knew this and tried to stop it with low chakra incentives (sex, food and other garbage.) The good side of this is that the dark now recognizes lower chakras, the bad thing is that their reincarnation would be of a lower form (that is why there are frogs with penises and fish with warm hearts. Earth is preparing for a massive reincarnation cycle as instructed by the manipulators of the universe, the Galactic Federation and other spiritual hierarchy. The news will flow though the investment cycle, but the cost is paranoia and flipping the left and right brain from the original axis that we are developed with at the end of pisces.

Friday, May 15, 2015

New chess piece: ruble


Russia buys a bunch of other currencies.

Russia still has Ukrainian sanctions

Russian ruble is balanced by purchases to decrease the ruble or place a decreasing pressure to balance the Russian market

Sanctions get tougher? Or do they get loosed? Buying USD or other basket of currencies will increase diplomatic stance of Russia with the world of to solvency ratio.

How does this play out with american-chinese diplomatic relations? Especially if and with the dragon societies and the disclosure-abundance program as what nesara is?

Only time and trick of the books can tell.

The real value is the gold and the manipulation of labor by others, then what will be the effect to me? The world? And how Tod and the spiritual masters will interact with it?



Than you God for a warm hearted fish

Chemical evolution




Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weapon showcase


articles [republished]





--just the picture alone reminds me of what many militaries of the world have become

-Think about the old phrase of "no free lunch" [of course that does go against the ideas of abundance]



--so who is playing the game with the fed to make sure we are taking from them?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015



I am for infrastructure spending that is not a lie. I am for the disclosure of all tech. But when the dark set up its plan it became true that the Asian infrastructure bank will become unpopular with its residence when it refuses to spend money in america as an infrastructure bank.
Because of all the foreign direct and indirect investments into real estate (commercial and residental) by Asians, and by most notably other BRICs countries. And by other investing world wide into ameria just like the dark 3rd 4th greed crux I did to this planet many moons ago to try to break a banking monopoly as a threat. In turn their own crap and lack of speed from technological oppression that is on this planet became their own undoing by trust of the status quo of portfolios they have. Likewise, myself is a problem when I also know of my face to...maybe die with then for a glory of other Gods and Goddesses the human race should become. (Is that good enough? Or is that bad because of the crap some of what Jesus' voo-doo is of him and assisted by the dark? Likewise me as well with me being in Raleigh, NC area.)
By the way...I have been thinking of a meet up. Would you like to need me to ask questions? Hmmmmm.... I know I would like to meet me...wow! Now that is an ego! (Sinical sarcasm does apply.) But seriously, I am willing to speak about what I know. I just need some time and money (only to cover expenses if the cost is too high.) Details in the future.
And yes, I know what you are thinking: "why would I pay to listen to this unaccomplished man?" And my ego says to me: "you are quite right, why would I pay to see me as an unaccomplished man?"
I am also willing to do an internet meet and greet; same rules apply. 

Overcome From A Power

When facing a source of self determination of objectified power. A power where it is over others; one must use restraint. One must do onto oneself as if they have done onto others. One must self restrain in judgement where it will only be that of the right message upon the other that is also of another self of some kind of where. For of this restraint can come a way to understand the residual activity that results from withholding where the power flows. As it is true of the be mindful, it is the same as of the actions of the mind and body, when reflected in the mirror of the universe (of that is neutral to all) images into the soul. The soul then is of the memory of other's actions become that of what one is and the resulting is of what one can get in return. Of what actions are done becomes the judgment of what others will see one do; and likewise the same as of what one will judge of the other's actions. And these actions are residuals, or in other words, auxiliary to their thoughts and motivation of their soul's true nature. Of nature, nothing becomes any more important than the whole. The whole is nothing more than the residual of another thing we must judge from what part of the whole it is part of in a larger context. Indeed all things must be equal, and the finite-ness of infinity is itself auxiliary to the discrete notion of actions. That is why the light takes a "perfect stance" and dedication to earn a "freedom" in heaven. And this is the flaw of human. That resistance here itself became the freedom there; and is where the non-light was shown to create elsewhere in a fractal of space and time. Hitherto plurality into one can become an auxiliary to of what a creator beings' invention is to be guided by. And of any being can affect the other is itself to rule to power. To rule is to measure and numbers are to organize, manage, and plan. Hence, to objectify the other. To count and to have numbers becomes only of a privilege few who can only empower others of the seem, as it is loving as to of what God's laws are. In other deemed response it is an auxiliary maker to game approval to place hooks into the light lattice of the universes and create lines of beings that are enthralled to light. Of what control becomes to always be hooked into light? Of what alchemy to make one's will to override another's? Of what question becomes beholding to the other's answer is itself a true darkness that is of why numbers are enslaved by beings with souls, as the numbers themselves are just ones added and subtracted from another. to rationalize is itself to judge the ones into only less than a whole. Hence, counting is outside the soul. And of what of the soul?

Of soul and other is to find and hold the hooks. The soul is to find and use the hooks to manipulate the other hooks from the light that come from hooks. The body becomes born of the hooks from what we as human can see; and beings are seeing each other vices and hooks. Parts the wholes we manipulate and rearrange to maximize our logic of the soul at that time and another. Yearning to be pleased. And so, to let go of a hook; to let go means more light to share. Then light was a darkness and a hook before God was there. Before light failed as a weapon and absorbed as a trinket as like from the hooks it was let go and then filtered into the universe to become from false into true. It was auxiliary to then as today is of what is; now is. So, then what hook to let go in what sequence communicates the judgment to whom? A pattern maker be manipulating where light, sound, and other inventions we have to go to where? The soul to fine tune a hook as if it was to be given a gift of light might as well be a way to stop the hook from becoming a curse. A dark as from a curse, to live again as if life if the waste product of God, a hook, an auxiliary of truth of what life can stand on n the foundation of alchemy. A founder's alchemy where all can do what ever they want. Then what hook to keep, to let go, and to trigger another's alchemy is of true power. Of what power to affect another to take your former or current hook is to become a judgment of folly from what alchemy; to be used for/against your own judgment, to be used into another, to be of stitching light, to be something less than what you were before a wholeness of when you were born? In trial of creativity to use the hooks to make another empowered as to not to entrap the other. Of component to survey that of the result of the auxiliaries that are of now in existence is itself a way to measure where one can occupy and become detached and finally be able to create a way to become another kind of auxiliary to being of and having hooks. And that is the goal of the soul. That is the way to overcome a power.




---OOOOO!!!!!! -- Take in the foreign money and turn it around against the users of the US and Foreign allegiance to make the world free? A way to strike at the "Cabal!"



--higher water prices? really? Keep in mind I live a rainy state of North Carolina, USA. I am willing to pay just an extra penny or less rise in price per gallon if the infrastructure is kept safe as the statistics reported. Also, the cost-pricing should always be kept to a minimum as much as possible as what the utility should report.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Be prepared for God will force you into the fourth dimension and have you become part of his/her armed forces

Just like earth pregnancy?


How would the androgyny of the soul be of this?



I would really like my stuff. But the Cabal itself became the inheritor of weapons we have yet to fathom. The story is that the earth changes are held by auxiliary cabal that controls the rules of nature and of what we experience. A creator being broke their contract with them due to the improper treatment of their creative offspring and light began to shine (thus, light was found in the awareness of "human.") That is what the Cabal and the Dark forces are now fighting with us now about of this reality.

non military agreement embargo?


The true idea is who is controlling the idea of things to pass....yet of how long of time do they plan is of the essence of what God and higher beings would judge?



Test history


Side note of title:

Likewise a more capatabe phrasing of history is hi-story; as in hi story: to welcome a story into existence instead of the preconditioned idea of his story as if the universe is a man telling a story. That is a much more biased cause of things. So just understand this idea when confronted with some of the more auspicious propaganda of things.

Use pidgen networks


Use pidgens to get the dark

Happy mother's day




Monday, May 11, 2015






--the warning that of what China really is....a corporate whore just like America. Think about the money. Think about how much Apple could really start buying into the REAL Real Estate game buy buying and running a country as large as Greece. Yes, it is true; Apple could make that play...and it should, it must, it is part of its corporate doctrine to do so as all corporate doctrines say to always make profits! Always make the illness of the should for the health of the body and health of the profit corporate line. Always mke the Orwellian choice....(man that is creepy!)
Yet, discover the day when people wake up when their rights are being traded with money, just like slaves on a plantation to manage them to work just a little bit more.

How to solve this dilemma of money? Easy, just exist it and reduce the value of the goods and services. Allow creativity to obsolete the idea that land and lines must be made. For all boarders are just that of a way to separate and abuse the discrete choice mechanism that the boarder creates, then conquer the weakened parties. Yet, the best way to create more boarders is to create more monkeys to become part of the machine by giving them....money. Forgive their debts. Make them own things so that they are less than God (I am creep-ed out by now, I hope you are too.) It is only that of the truth of the matter of what the law and perception of the law reads right now. I would take the money and pay off all the debts to rise and ascend to cause bruises to all others that exist with me...or not...what the heck am I channeling? And this is why it is a crux and key to lock us away into a prison of time and space.





Sunday, May 10, 2015

Energy Release Needed


Money became the crux of the feelings that need to be released. Unless given freely and abandoned by humanity, the dark will own humanity and use it to encapsulate light/God.


Likewise, the light has been contaminated with unit avatars who use their idea of fear against the darkness. This is a side reaction for control as part of a plan to use the light as a weapon (or at least those who preach it.) it will not last in the long run because of the monetary crux that these bumbling idiots of "light/dark" contrast used as an intervention against God to try to get prime creator as an intervention. Likewise, I do not like to aid and abed the enemy of any side of war. It is like choosing sides for one to die and the other to become an ego. So, the stories keep going as if they are there to try to keep us in a prison one way or the other (in light or in dark.) As children of light or as darkness feeds on our misery. I guess my punishment is the same to always be traped in the fourth dimension as other see that my suffering to work is the only way I can release my energy onto others: the slavery of others to me is a way for me to ascend. Thanks alot for the terrorism for the last several decades you crazy mother fuckers thinking that the children needed an extra stick to spank the children when it is better to let their own creativity to punish them.  Yes, I really wanted to be creative in my life and show others what it means to live without the interference of paranoia and advertisements all over the place with other people wanting to have slaves of their own (that is annoying to the least of it.) And make this planet into a hotel-park (think about an environmentally friendly bed and breakfast) and charge entry fees at the moon for entry (a cheap price plus promise not to pollute relative to biological ideals.)

 -->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djgo7DFsqFw

Keep Portland Weird


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Easy Money


This is what our creativity produced as instructed by God.

War against ballance


As if any diplomacy standard, I know the war between the light and dark has become so bad it is affecting those who wish for freedom to spend more time as a slave than with what God would judge as a better quality: Love and light.

Thursday, May 7, 2015



Hmmmm...Can magnets be added?


Can the iron sphere be made magnetic? If so then a copper wire spool can sorund it to gather electrical conductivity (direct current power.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Quality of statistics...

...Depends on its testing parameters.

Apply this to economics and/or any other question applied to the context of the situation. If the question or answer (such as that is on a test) it can skew other numbers such as further down the line of what the product is. For this example of education, if the tests are too much then maybe we should identify the idea of quality of the education and the effectiveness of the labor per education type per employee (or student.) 



Use this same technology to place into live action cameras into space (like the Hubble space telescope) and see what the sound is (may be older than the technical date. Then interpret the sound as diplomacy from the stars and utilize it as for Earth.

I know wny they do not want to give us money

They think I or we will do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c4f4NJSB_4

But reality is that we will not and just want to live our lives with the Sun

I am not Paranoid

We should have a protest in front of major media stations about how we are not paranoid.


NESARA is going to be Declared

NESARA will have to be declared due to this graphic of credit growth: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-02/did-tap-shoulder-prevent-us-economy-sliding-recession

It is negative and the rule in economics and social control schemes is whoever controls the faith of the currency controls the prosperity that flows and shifts. Therefore, become prepared for the Federal Reserve to not raise interest rates unless many who are in debt become comfortable with the debts that God must judge as "bad people and ideas" as part of the tragedy that the light must see on earth as we are of today's standards of contracts. Nonetheless, yesterday and tomorrow are of only just another way for the idea of the universe to be contorted outside of any other neutral fashion. Then the idea of bank became as a way to store (like a silo or warehouse) alchemy and souls as social systems. Then the bank's managers began to see a different kind of light: a way to manage contracts and therefore all communications. From this idea the control of diplomacy became true and a new war began over control of the messages and ideas anyone can see. In terms of alchemy and of the kingdom of heaven: blasphemy.

Therefore I urge all caution to all who want and wish to be apart of this fight for freedom from the yoke of God. As God is now becoming more unforgiving to what we are because of a forced manipulation of what our soul can hear and information given to all as that is the flaw of the control of diplomacy between others. (A side reaction is death of those who do not support this plan.) God also cannot trust what the cabal tried to dig out of the darkness of that of what my mind has become: a fear of completing the idea of diplomacy control and fixing the belief of weakness into self and others (the sin of the 4th 5th dimension?) Likewise the Asian families should also understand that they will have to give up their gold to the general population of the planet, because the realms of spirit have placed a cap on mining activities for the next 2000 years as part of the rest of Earth/Gaia plan and the Aquarian time span.

So in the end it is necessary that NESARA is placed to be true: http://paoweb.com/sn042815.htm

If you do not, be prepared to face the same consequences of non-liquidity of your nation and the wrath of 3/4th dimensional earth upon you.

New Enemies of the Light


the Major Militaries of the World including the United States and China is now the new enemy of light.


First, the Chinese royal families are not in favor of God, just making sure that all of existence is of God are at their hands of weaving (control) thus are not a high format of light or regulation. Second, the connections between the communist and royal families are too tight to matter and their control of markets relative to price and labor per price unit do not do not meet purification standards [although I should talk about myself right?] The US military has always too much bias to the flexibility of marketers and reinforced the punishment of attackers with incomplete information without as much knowledge of market fundamentals and concentrated wealth regulations (ie taxes and macro-inter-generational wealth management as part of "land-harvesting" and "human cultivation" [yea...that does sound creepy...] Nevertheless, the next 2000 years will become a true test of this world relationship as God and Friends create beasts for us to play with as seen in Manga and Anime.  Remember the directive of creating gods from souls; it applies here as well. Then as what we will learn from the Eastern revival of what the "Cabal" "stole" we must also understand that hording Gold (or labor via money and contract systems (which itself is not so fun to keep track of, so computers were developed and exported to the masses to help with that aspect of this kind of "work")) is also a disease and Banks are the way to break the 3th-4th dimensional soul capitulation network and regulate macroeconomic growth factors that eventually becomes of what the information and physical infrastructure network becomes anyway. That is the true reason on why the militaries and collective judgment by "God" will not like or handle what we are becomming.


Target plan; from: http://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/chaos-in-us-as-international-bankruptcy-of-us-fed-faction-sinks-in/

Just before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (who I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan roles on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him. Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked only to find out I was no longer allowed to e-mail him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take. Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.

Note that these are NOT instructions, only observations.  (of course you should ask the question: Observations for whom? The answer is for everyone, without boarders.)

The Cabal are great at using one party at another to plan the next great darkness that will sweep the land. And all should know that they have a contract that Prime Creator signed with them when Earth Was created to keep a "check" and "balance" with "spiritual hierarchy" as of what we know of today between Eastern and Western philosophies  of living. You must understand that both camps have the correct answers in life,  but the wrong application systems installed by the true dark that invaded this system many generations ago. This is why there are so many disinformation campaigns within disinformation campaigns. Also see other justification: http://paoweb.com/sn042815.htm


---I kind of knew it was coming; there are always weirdos out there with their new toys. Yet, should we continue to increase the legal format for punishment...not really because it would only empower the lawyers with more caseload...$$$.


