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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Overcome From A Power

When facing a source of self determination of objectified power. A power where it is over others; one must use restraint. One must do onto oneself as if they have done onto others. One must self restrain in judgement where it will only be that of the right message upon the other that is also of another self of some kind of where. For of this restraint can come a way to understand the residual activity that results from withholding where the power flows. As it is true of the be mindful, it is the same as of the actions of the mind and body, when reflected in the mirror of the universe (of that is neutral to all) images into the soul. The soul then is of the memory of other's actions become that of what one is and the resulting is of what one can get in return. Of what actions are done becomes the judgment of what others will see one do; and likewise the same as of what one will judge of the other's actions. And these actions are residuals, or in other words, auxiliary to their thoughts and motivation of their soul's true nature. Of nature, nothing becomes any more important than the whole. The whole is nothing more than the residual of another thing we must judge from what part of the whole it is part of in a larger context. Indeed all things must be equal, and the finite-ness of infinity is itself auxiliary to the discrete notion of actions. That is why the light takes a "perfect stance" and dedication to earn a "freedom" in heaven. And this is the flaw of human. That resistance here itself became the freedom there; and is where the non-light was shown to create elsewhere in a fractal of space and time. Hitherto plurality into one can become an auxiliary to of what a creator beings' invention is to be guided by. And of any being can affect the other is itself to rule to power. To rule is to measure and numbers are to organize, manage, and plan. Hence, to objectify the other. To count and to have numbers becomes only of a privilege few who can only empower others of the seem, as it is loving as to of what God's laws are. In other deemed response it is an auxiliary maker to game approval to place hooks into the light lattice of the universes and create lines of beings that are enthralled to light. Of what control becomes to always be hooked into light? Of what alchemy to make one's will to override another's? Of what question becomes beholding to the other's answer is itself a true darkness that is of why numbers are enslaved by beings with souls, as the numbers themselves are just ones added and subtracted from another. to rationalize is itself to judge the ones into only less than a whole. Hence, counting is outside the soul. And of what of the soul?

Of soul and other is to find and hold the hooks. The soul is to find and use the hooks to manipulate the other hooks from the light that come from hooks. The body becomes born of the hooks from what we as human can see; and beings are seeing each other vices and hooks. Parts the wholes we manipulate and rearrange to maximize our logic of the soul at that time and another. Yearning to be pleased. And so, to let go of a hook; to let go means more light to share. Then light was a darkness and a hook before God was there. Before light failed as a weapon and absorbed as a trinket as like from the hooks it was let go and then filtered into the universe to become from false into true. It was auxiliary to then as today is of what is; now is. So, then what hook to let go in what sequence communicates the judgment to whom? A pattern maker be manipulating where light, sound, and other inventions we have to go to where? The soul to fine tune a hook as if it was to be given a gift of light might as well be a way to stop the hook from becoming a curse. A dark as from a curse, to live again as if life if the waste product of God, a hook, an auxiliary of truth of what life can stand on n the foundation of alchemy. A founder's alchemy where all can do what ever they want. Then what hook to keep, to let go, and to trigger another's alchemy is of true power. Of what power to affect another to take your former or current hook is to become a judgment of folly from what alchemy; to be used for/against your own judgment, to be used into another, to be of stitching light, to be something less than what you were before a wholeness of when you were born? In trial of creativity to use the hooks to make another empowered as to not to entrap the other. Of component to survey that of the result of the auxiliaries that are of now in existence is itself a way to measure where one can occupy and become detached and finally be able to create a way to become another kind of auxiliary to being of and having hooks. And that is the goal of the soul. That is the way to overcome a power.

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