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Monday, May 11, 2015






--the warning that of what China really is....a corporate whore just like America. Think about the money. Think about how much Apple could really start buying into the REAL Real Estate game buy buying and running a country as large as Greece. Yes, it is true; Apple could make that play...and it should, it must, it is part of its corporate doctrine to do so as all corporate doctrines say to always make profits! Always make the illness of the should for the health of the body and health of the profit corporate line. Always mke the Orwellian choice....(man that is creepy!)
Yet, discover the day when people wake up when their rights are being traded with money, just like slaves on a plantation to manage them to work just a little bit more.

How to solve this dilemma of money? Easy, just exist it and reduce the value of the goods and services. Allow creativity to obsolete the idea that land and lines must be made. For all boarders are just that of a way to separate and abuse the discrete choice mechanism that the boarder creates, then conquer the weakened parties. Yet, the best way to create more boarders is to create more monkeys to become part of the machine by giving them....money. Forgive their debts. Make them own things so that they are less than God (I am creep-ed out by now, I hope you are too.) It is only that of the truth of the matter of what the law and perception of the law reads right now. I would take the money and pay off all the debts to rise and ascend to cause bruises to all others that exist with me...or not...what the heck am I channeling? And this is why it is a crux and key to lock us away into a prison of time and space.

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