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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Enemies of the Light


the Major Militaries of the World including the United States and China is now the new enemy of light.


First, the Chinese royal families are not in favor of God, just making sure that all of existence is of God are at their hands of weaving (control) thus are not a high format of light or regulation. Second, the connections between the communist and royal families are too tight to matter and their control of markets relative to price and labor per price unit do not do not meet purification standards [although I should talk about myself right?] The US military has always too much bias to the flexibility of marketers and reinforced the punishment of attackers with incomplete information without as much knowledge of market fundamentals and concentrated wealth regulations (ie taxes and macro-inter-generational wealth management as part of "land-harvesting" and "human cultivation" [yea...that does sound creepy...] Nevertheless, the next 2000 years will become a true test of this world relationship as God and Friends create beasts for us to play with as seen in Manga and Anime.  Remember the directive of creating gods from souls; it applies here as well. Then as what we will learn from the Eastern revival of what the "Cabal" "stole" we must also understand that hording Gold (or labor via money and contract systems (which itself is not so fun to keep track of, so computers were developed and exported to the masses to help with that aspect of this kind of "work")) is also a disease and Banks are the way to break the 3th-4th dimensional soul capitulation network and regulate macroeconomic growth factors that eventually becomes of what the information and physical infrastructure network becomes anyway. That is the true reason on why the militaries and collective judgment by "God" will not like or handle what we are becomming.


Target plan; from: http://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/chaos-in-us-as-international-bankruptcy-of-us-fed-faction-sinks-in/

Just before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (who I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan roles on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him. Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked only to find out I was no longer allowed to e-mail him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take. Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.

Note that these are NOT instructions, only observations.  (of course you should ask the question: Observations for whom? The answer is for everyone, without boarders.)

The Cabal are great at using one party at another to plan the next great darkness that will sweep the land. And all should know that they have a contract that Prime Creator signed with them when Earth Was created to keep a "check" and "balance" with "spiritual hierarchy" as of what we know of today between Eastern and Western philosophies  of living. You must understand that both camps have the correct answers in life,  but the wrong application systems installed by the true dark that invaded this system many generations ago. This is why there are so many disinformation campaigns within disinformation campaigns. Also see other justification: http://paoweb.com/sn042815.htm

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