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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Anti-Trump Spporters United shall be killed!

Dear Anti-Trump supporters:

I know I also am not a fan of Trump and the popular vote was for Hillary; no matter of how much of a lobbyist Hillary is or was; Hillary made mistakes of not visiting all 50 states and ignoring some states that could have created better results for the electoral college.

You should also know that Trump will use the military against the people of the united states against their (the military's will) when something from space comes down; when terrorists beg with bombs, when the military is on the other side of the world slowly starving to death with their bombs as well.

This is a warning against those who want to make sure the crazy people continue to exist and come out of the works of whatever heaven truly is. In peace and war, love and hate, Trump is an antithesis of creating the general population as slaves and delegator as ignorant. You will see what I mean when you are a renter or a tax payer of the land. If chaos and military rule Trump wants for his fascist regime, then it is what is going to happen for all....

Likewise, if human has no tool, then labor of value becomes less; when hoarding becomes the blessing, then human fails to colonize stars with full genetic code, thus a grave disrespect to the creativity of God.

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