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Military Patent Infringement (Pentagon takes your genius crap)


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Thursday, November 24, 2016

UnFollow Friday (Dear Trump)


Dear Trump,

I hope this video and my letter gets to you. For many years I have been growing up in America (born in 1986) and know both worlds of truth and lies. I have some experience in things much more odd than what you or I can cite for references of this or that. I am glad you denounced racism or at least the surface of such. I do believe that many issues of the 19th and 20th century are being taken care of by the ones who wish to own our souls. I can give you reasons to cancel one program or another but the truth is stranger than fiction.

Why is truth stranger than fiction? The answer is in general study of economics. Fiction is something the human mind is born into as part of our imagination; and facts are part of the captured body is not immune to. Then, in logic, the truth is stranger than fiction because the fiction  is more comfortable for the mind than the fact as we humans are born with the innate ability aforementioned before hand. HOWEVER, if a person who so happens to be a totalitarian or powerful position can impose a fact (but is truly a fiction kept in secret by an elite that wants to rule over its population or politicians) then in fact it be a fact to all. Of this power itself is deemed from the power of utility (economic definition) at a social level (of what ever could be truly measured,) and in fact the victor has the most votes (or seems to do so at behest of the land owners and separated by state borders.)

Nevertheless of your minority victory in the electoral college as granted by the United States Constitution, it is my belief you would have won anyway against Clinton even if the Electoral Collage and House of Representatives would have been updated in 2015 if and only if the Census was done of the population every 5 (five; instead of 10 (ten)) years per Census Cycle. (for Reference the last cycle was done in 2010.) If the Census was every 5 years, your victory would be more fragile and would have barely won the Election.

Unlike this election cycle, you are caught between a rock and hard place Mr. Trump. You have knowledge of the Media and have captured the immigration of Conservatives everywhere with renewed vigor. How much so is itself probably of utility of each individual's soul, mind, and heart. I myself remain a neutral of how much you have displayed so far and of how much you have released news and announcements. I am a white male living in North Carolina, and in due course would probably wish to mention to you that more fantastic things do exist. You have some power over the pentagon right now and should do so accordingly to make things cheaper for the Trump organization (as well as other innovations to reduce your expense margins) that will in the long run of humanity would increase its property.

The true war that has been raging on planet Earth, of antiquity, it itself is what the elites do not want in any circumstance. They do not want humanity to be bonded or slaving for God; they think it (whatever spirit God or Jesus, or other supernatural power therein is as is is) for they want humanity to be slaves for their portfolios; (that includes your portfolio to slave for them as well.) Overall, technology and its progress is the war and censorship of this planet. Such technologies would clean up the pollution, provide true universal healthcare (the cost-benefit ratio of a capitalist system would be too expensive if the patents were released; such patents would make it more affordable for a natural monopoly system instead,) and cheap and abundant energy. Energy that would not be needed from fossil fuels and solar and wind would be considered extremely polluting.

See what the Pentagon is hiding:

(Hence: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-08/congratulations-your-genius-patent-is-now-a-military-secret )

And of course you are chief diplomat; if the pentagon has had contact with a foreign entity, you have a right to know as a chief diplomat. As is your constitutional duty to represent the United States, the same is if the entity is not of this world. There are many stories that some of the hidden patents mentioned above would be of and from other civilizations affecting what is releasable to humanity (how the communication happens is disputable.) There is one who has some documents that may pique your interest in this matter and highly implore you to meet in clandestine fashion (ie, not even your personal secretary will know of this date and time and only booked via paper (no electronics allowed with this booking of communications until the minute happens you must meet with him.) The only reason I suggest this is of your knowledge of our intelligent community may be working for these elite people who want to turn humanity into slaves, instead of treating them with the respect of what being a citizen is.

You can find him here: http://www.disclosureproject.org/

Some Resources for referenced above. Many hidden forces tend to publish iconic plans via games and other means of "color" permissible via law to maintain their so called "order":





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