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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

If the weapon is the language? (Arrival Movie)


If the language was to communicate a weapon as a gift. Then would it not make sense if humans were parasites to planets, then the only way to get rid of the humans is to give them the weapon in the form of the language so humans can kill themselves using the language that was given to them.
This is evidenced by the behavior that is frequently or at least places to the movie by the behavior of other humans in the media on the tv and also the destructive nature of humans represented by China and the TV near the beginning of the movie and also Midway when some Rebels within the military tried to blow up the ship.

So therefore maybe the aliens are trying to protect themselves rather than humans destroy themselves with the alien language and what better way to do it as if with a Timeless based language Relative to Time based language and habits.

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