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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sent to both of my senators

Dear Senator:

Recently, Trump and the Republican party has nominated Kavanaugh to become a Supreme Court Justice. It has come to my attention that sexual allegations of Kavanaugh's behavior in the past has become numerous and worrisome for the GOP. As part of Kavanaugh's defense has been a war of words with his accusers as well with Democrats, it is quite different when Kvanaugh has multiple accusers as well as using a calendar as a defense.

It is my opinion as a person who frequents the internet that I can, with some money and even with help, buy a 1982 calendar that was printed in 1981 (logically speaking) on the internet, ebay, craigslist, etc... It is worrisome that the Republican party has become so low these days; resorting to lieing about the liars (accusers.) Even if the accusers of sexual assault are false or true, in independent idea that Kavanaugh kept his calendar since 1982 should worry the sane in the Republican Party (if there are sane people left in that party.) As a swing voter and someone who has studied economics and some phycology ("street wisdom" as you might put it) this does not make since for a defence, even if it is legit.

If the calendar is true, then Kavanaugh is a hoarder and should be questioned about being a hoarder and could end up on TV for the show Hoarders or something akin to it. Likewise, if the calendar is false or Kavanaugh is lying it is just as bad. Either way, Kavanaugh is NOT a clean enough candidate for me as a voter to trust with the highest court of the land.

As a non-partisan voter (unaffiliated to a party) I am embarrassed to be an American if I every travel overseas or visit a foreigner. I wonder if there is a plot to destroy America from within with the both Party's shenanigans? Just saying.

Make this vote count and send Trump a message to pick a different seat again.


NC Citizen living and votingin 27616 zip code.

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