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Friday, July 11, 2014

Pyramid Scheme

Many think starting a farm or business is profitable for the creator of such; and such may be true...for those who can afford such luxury. Yes, a farm is a luxury in a time of civic turmoil and a hut in times of destruction, geological change, and/or war. Farms and/or "survival huts" provide plenty of reasons for the "enemy" or "friends" to find you as the farmer is the one with the food and resources with energy (perhaps this is the reason why the dark forces of planet earth focused on energy/food manipulation?) Raw materials and manpower can also be found on farms. For example: how many family farms are there in the United States? Is that bait for the dark to drink their chi? Their energy? Their offspring? O, such questions can create havoc with logic and the interpretation of God's love for humans (this can then become the dark female energy?)

Such ideas are dichotomy (duelistic) but need be addressed with Real Estate Planning and the interface of rural and urban environments (not including suburban models - as today's suburban model grows a crop of grass in america as a way to preserve land and drain the pocketbooks of many Americans today and of future generations.) For example, the energy required for food to be transported, if greater than the energy that is contained in the food, is then considered a net waste and a way to subjugate (enslave) humanity (and its leaders who count coin/currency - thus was this why the Annunaki left planet earth? Travel cost-benefit ratio was too high to matter for a petroleum based world? And if so, then was money the bait created by prime creator though the Annunaki to upgrade mankind?) This is why it is important to teach food growing and preparation practices as part of a high school curriculum (or even in primary or secondary schools.) It is to pass on the tradition of life and life giving forces with the security of life that can evolve into the ideas generations later to be enclosed into a Dyson sphere (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_sphere) upon which all the energy of the universe (the playpen for souls) can be utilized to gather all the light energy from prime creator and the creators of stars (abuse or be abused?; additional reference: http://www.johnkettler.com/).

If the dark really wanted to stay on planet earth, then it would have followed these practices and maintained them beyond the Annunaki's command otherwise; as doing so would become true dark compared to the manifesting light via the heart of the mind and stifling the giving that could become. Chemtrails that were meant to fog the world into a gray mass is only a weakness and shows that the dark has a form of light that disgusts those who want to create a true darkness in the universe: the creation of the toll. The toll is the price to play, to have an ego, to have a judgement, to have the rights bestowed upon which a glimmer of freedom may be gained. You have already paid a toll in your life, it is birth and the birthing process. Upon which the babe is born it cries out because it paid a toll to pass into this realm/idea for living in. For us to interact with it, and it to interact with us. It is a toll of pain, as planned by the shadow of God to test our strength to pass onto death at old age (another toll.) Thus what we create as money and our existence (or even of our world as an imagination) then it is a toll; a price to pay in which others (somewhere) can gain an economic reprisal to play in the playpen of the universe at someone else's expense. And to count all of these expenses and revenues via fiat currency (or currency itself) is counting where the tolls are and how to manipulate the tolls of others, feelings, energy, existence. To manipulate existence is in itself the guide to manipulate creation, to manipulate how others create, to control, to devise a way for others to direct how others are to create from their soul. That is the goal (and I am not surprised that the Annunaki left this planet because, that is the accurate way to avoid the kind of control that developed under their supposed rule.) It does not stop at tolls; it is of power and control as consciousness and alchemy. As such, to separate oneself from such alchemy is important in order to ascend above the darkness of tolls and the trolls who manage them.

So, then why have a farm? Is to be a farmer not to control how God manifest the food? Or is it the only solution left, the only way for others to understand that it is the best way to reach beyond the necessities of life, liberty, and some kind of idea for happiness? It is a bridge, a way forward, a freedom to exit the chaos of the city and find a type of peace and to give peace orthogonal to the last toll, and that is the maintenance of the human body. To be 'orthogonal' means to create a geometric structure of thought (or something tangible) where the ideas expressed harms no one and feeds no one and provides karma and guilt free nourishment for the so called soul. The idea has no toll (except for the idea itself, in which maybe I collect the toll?) To be in a position of existence where the toll is minimized and nonexistence means one can invest in a toll to enslave others. (Has God or other creator beings done that? (Depends on where the karma flows?)) So, then the farm itself is the plantation, where the farmer enslaves plants for food and workers for energy (now I really do feel southern (upside down exclamation point for sadness.)) Yet, what slavery should it encompass if no slaves to pay the toll of harvest yet be done? As the answer permits, the idea of the toll is understanding the idea of want. The ideas already covered in economics and intelligent being behavior where logic permits by life and love (the economic definition of utility is a personal want that is fulfilled by a means.) Yet, if I not follow the idea of the plantation and allow others (even my children if I had any) to become sovereign beings, then there would not be the dis-ease of managing a plantation (that the evil and dark ones have fallen into that kind of trap laid by existence itself. As a test, as a test to make sure that kind of idea does not exist in realms where light and English words cannot yet express exist.)

So, then what do I follow? What kind of farm? A sustainable small house where I plant enough food for myself and sell to sustain me? Or give? Ideally, was not this already part of who I am? What already existed years ago before the advent of complex social systems to convey the idea that we, the people, live in a fictionalized plantation called government? Such idea is not new; yet enthralling for the ego to acknowledge it should own it. So in time, empires have become again and again this kind of idea; accounting the money or goods; logistics for the war to expand the plantation...then, before the politicians realize it, before the owners realize it: they are their own slaves of managing a 'natural monopoly' where it is just a fantasy; a fantasy of self enslavement while the people rise with another plantation of God: Light/love; the universe; the playpen upon which God awaits one to wake up and become one's true self. Yet, is not God just utilizing the same scheme, as a way to give more than receive?

To game karma? To outwit the ideas and institutions that create and rely on...me? To be aware of the fantasy and the plantation means that I give credence to it. And I give to it, not knowing that I gave. So then God give the idea to me as to not gain karma? If then I realize this, I then must know that I must be an enemy, as I rather not be. So, then sadness be in my awareness. Kindness I would rather give, as it is the only other way to give anyway. Thus, hark, it is feelings that matter most. As feelings are what must be more true then what one or others can do outside of oneself; as karma itself can feed off of feelings. Therefore, it is to game karma. It is to become a master of one's own feelings and outputs. And, if karma has become attached to feelings; then it is one's duty to challenge karma by becoming the feelings of others to worship me. Alas, it is just another empire's whim. Then it is to, O, of what feelings to become? Happiness? Sadness? O, of what choices could there be to make an empire of feelings? (Marketing?) Thus, human is just the same as the burden of existence to choose what economic utility there to be.

Then it is karma of the human body's maintenance that is important to understand, as this is the reason for a farm. This is the reason, not the knowledge of the heart but of the mind, to know that there are no other ideas left but to keep going on the trail to free oneself from the plantation of another's making (of God, King, or (bureaucratic) country.) To focus on making an empire from within oneself; how much I disdain such an idea, if only there was another way. Then, as one wonders from place to place in physicality and in one's soul (feelings?) then it truly becomes the experience of the past that makes the heart and mind of today to exist with what one has and what one will gain. To test the heart in the pyramid scheme of a country, one can only know that they will be back again to claim their prize.

[More to be added later...?]


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