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Saturday, July 12, 2014

The White Dragon Society Was Used

I know what I am saying here is risky, and might be just plain stupid; but my gut tells me that after reading for years (from here: http://eclinik.wordpress.com/vital-issues/ben-fulford/) that the White Dragon Society has been used as a litmus test for accession  purposes. They were used as a communication medium for me to gather information in order to outwit the dark cabal. Yet, it is this same cabal that I have worked for since birth and the blessings from many years ago in my dreams by some kind of creature of light (God?)

How did I work with them? By chance I found messages on the internet that confirmed many feelings of what I know and understand. Many of these messages were of disclosures from their "forces of light" acting as dark as to infiltrate their networks and cause problems on their accounting (accounts.) (Both dark elements of all political parties of the world are infiltrated by these entities, who may be genetic kin, but their souls may be of alien beyond our understanding.)
Further evidence is from my youth, when I was born I had the thoughts of "do not kill your father by any means, he is your ticket out of this place." Over the years, the low energy prices and growing up in a household of middle class parents, I became lethargic and wary of the outside world, due to so many criminal elements and sinning against God; thus, it was my decision to become a homebody and watch TV and play video games. Later, I learned that that was a bad decision as my addictive properties (from my father's personality) became that of what I only knew (advertisements and Video Game Simulation dogma and catch 22's.) In hindsight I wish I made a different decision but the novelty was not at zero yet. I wish I had a peaceful atmosphere of which I could have learned a real-world skill and trait (build buildings, computer programming, or accounting) but with the dark ones worshiping and abusing people like Stew Webb (of which I knew as of 1997-1998 websites) I became afraid of them.  Reading online and the messages in my head (or I am crazy?!) that my blessing by God in the mid 1990's gave me something as a way, and a curse in reverse: no kind of serious disease. Yet, maybe the chemtrails were making me sick?

Alas, I killed him (my father) via the power of my mind and a bargain with the dark forces of the earth in around 2008-2009 as a chess gambit to save the powers of earth and their peoples. To shepherd them away from the dark forces and shelter them from the atmosphere; yet I hesitated from the idea because that is still not the answer? That was still not the ideas that I was to "build." Was that society became the target to draw me out? I guess so, as I remember by last lifetime during Atlantis as a builder and developer of social systems/networking I discovered that the ideas perpetrated by the society were faulty to the core...thus the leadership was compromised and therefore I tried to leave them as a way to leave the group. Alas, they are greedy and scared more so of their own labor than of other's labor. (That is the key, why work for a system that berates you?)  This was my logic (or of someone else's telepathy?) For my soul to be of a soldier. and a weak body, it was that of the opposite of what the dark and greedy persons of the world really wanted: soldiers with blank souls to manipulate: light that was diminished to the point to try to kill another dark thing that wanted to eat other souls.

Now, I am of a Bachelor's degree with a junk resume and waiting for the cabal to finish its crap/deification onto the world. A piece of advice from a soul like mine is that just leave the world alone and keep going to build one's self up to separate yourself from the system at large. Of course that may be more difficult than said as the dark now has a form of light (that of pieces/water) and it is the organization of human beings and managing them away from their true essence/being. Yet, I am still confused as to why I chose this path: I guess it is because of my love of earth/gaia OR maybe I was programmed to say that and have feeling for that right before the Annunaki left this planet in 1996-1997 time period.

Let alone the light forces using me as an experiment and observation for successful trials and life events. I wish that my soul and the karmic things that I might have done here (before I die) to be done with, and that if my soul is not good enough (it is most likely) that I go ahead and never incarnate again. To be in a forever depressed state as my religion prepares me to be raped by the vampire kings while those who cannot judge me watch at how my sacrifice has been a failure during novelty (Terence McKenna). I really wish I could afford my life and the novelty that was there for me to grab and use to make the world into a place of perpetual beauty and light. May my sacrifice be that of my soul's light to infiltrate and infinitely burn into the those who touch me. Another good reason that I do this; is that I cannot allow lies to be paid. I cannot keep looking outside of myself, yet why have eyes (and the other senses?) I thank God and prime creator for what my life has been; and of now, I wait to die by my own hands or by others who want my power. And that might be that kind of ego that wants to help others that has become my own confusion of what I know of these messages: https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance
I manipulated my ego to manipulate another's to not manipulate another's ego, tu, or id. God bless those who give and have love/light.

Look up my astrolabe (alabe.com) and use my birthchart with my birthday: December 27, 1986 born on 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time in Raleigh, North Carolina United States.

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