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Saturday, July 19, 2014

(Updated Re-posting) Rebuttal to current American Employment Woes

Updated: Scroll down and read this article: http://news.yahoo.com/u-steps-deportation-central-american-child-migrants-002043797.html


Read and contrast:


I am in favor of the Bloomberg article, here is why:

As per the final answer of wage gains are to follow in thefiscaltimes.com article I am in disagreement because if employers only reward those who wish to stay ignorant (not interconnect things though the dynamics of wages but to have an overall view that competition is only a quality facter per unit produced AND NOT allow imagination for solving the problems at hand,) then only those who are wealthy enough will have to use their imaginations to solve their problems and the wealthy means to do it. From such imagination can come the communication to create even more and unfathomable to the current business process that exist. Currently, the Federal Reserve's problem of stagnate nominal GDP (or very slow growing compared to Real GDP) can only mean that new products must obsolete older products and even each other. This obsolete then leads to robustness of the resume and can cause short term quantity demand and the perception of quality supply problems.  Yet, this is judgement and cannot stand the test of true growth via love and the ideas of counting every single little thing (mined or non-mined (harvested or non-harvested; and every single little thing from fiat currency will eventually breakdown into information and logic overload; but that is for a different story.)

As business demand is so low and picky that a group of techy banksters decided to make an illusion that Americans were lazy to thwart China and Europe; in the end this judgement causes anyone looking at GDP and/or trade routes to be nonetheless of only as much light that it can withhold is a judgement and looking outside of oneself for ascension. Likewise, this keeps the Federal Reserve and banksters to have the domestic political excuse of low interest rates (a Washington compromise because this means that america has looked outside of itself instead of within its own boarders. Therefore Justifying that America is not qualified for God's love or those who watch the planet from above, below, and in spirit of earth.) [What a bunch of hogwash as this is what the current dark on planet Earth will try to complete and/or report for all those who wish to stay dark.] Further evidence suggests that the flood of immigrants from middle America (El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, etc... (not Mexico.) [Example article:  http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21605886-wave-unaccompanied-children-swamps-debate-over-immigration-under-age-and-move]
are plans for America to extinguish the "lazy American" (of political fortitude via life-insurance contracts?) This is a total disrespect for both jurisdictions both inside and outside the united states. This augments the natural flow and reinforces the perceptions of parents in those countries to rely on foreign influence as well as maintain domestic positive cash flow from myopic employment strategies as referenced in the Bloomberg article above. One has to wonder where the love is in any of this and how it is being manipulated to change the perceptions of so many electorates due to paranoia of the truth. Truth is important as prime creator says as is.

The solution: If fiat is chosen: print more money and decouple policies from observing deposit and cash flow accounts. Healthy GDP is more important for geopolitical stability than polluting the world to death. However, counting every single little thing is equal to enslavement and costs more time as necessary; therefore, there are no correct answers except for moving the economy into a non-profit/for-purpose status (this is more true with industries that are natural monopolies and evolve/grow into natural monopoly status.)

Side Note: This opinion has only been of me coming across articles from my daily habits. It is like the universe is speaking to me. It is like the universe is speaking to me as if my last days are here as much as I know them and remember who and what I can do to help the world with what poverty that can be of me?

As quickly channeled: The universe was thrown into darkness by a handful of souls that wanted to remain closed/communicative to the opinions of God. We as humans are waking up and will awake shortly. I wish and hope that if I am abandoned by myself or others, that my soul has a happy ending with love and memory of my life/knowledge in my heart. O, what great lives and mind I have to share to any who wish to visit me....arostert@ncsu.edu

Original unchanged above.
Update below.

Just came across this article: http://news.yahoo.com/u-steps-deportation-central-american-child-migrants-002043797.html

Now they are going to have to invest in those countries because the people had hopes and dreams to coming to america. Unless the truth of the cabal is known and how entrenched they are in the western world, then there is no good reason to deport them based on financial support except on political support that the protesters have been doing to pressure the deportations in the first place.

Similarity, maybe the cabal have plans to open up the central american countries to increased labor training and making factories there, because that would render china with less export markets; likewise, these countries would be chemically devastated if manufacturing moved to these precious ecosystems. I would not develop these countries further unless environmental precautions were met and standardized (and approved by a higher spiritual authority related to earth's well-being) by local and international governmental sources (before, after, and during the funding and manufacturing process(es.))

Overall, if the rest of the world is high to seek lower crime rates, then it should seek religions that offer peaceful though and meditation. Crime has many sources, but can be hampered or prevented by mutual understanding of local customs and inward meditation. [NOT meditation while locked up in a jail cell or cold dank (cave) like place of which that dark has been famous for the last several thousand years; that is just inhumane. (Meditation can be preformed their, but it is not ideal conditions as it is away from light; as to one would have to make ones own light to finish certain processes and cross certain dark membranes and passages that inhabit in the multi-universal planes. This stuff is outside of this article and will go into in another blog posting.)]

It would not surprise me if these issues were attempts by the cabal to raise the immigration issues again here in America.

PS. If you (singular or plural/group) wish to contact me directly, we can work something out for consultation contracts and advisement for many group dynamic situations. Contact me via email at arostert@ncsu.edu

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