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Wednesday, January 28, 2015


O, What land of dreams became the same as bullying while awake? When rest and work are the same as sin, when are one to proclaim one's ego lightness? Then, in when to question the same? When awake or asleep; when action or stillness is the procedure of the same adjudication when the soldier is between both battle lines? In spades and hearts, the feelings die. In diamonds and clubs the moot-ness is beaten. Kin, hark, listen to what I say: The light is better than the dark but is the same anyway, just an action from what we are in reverse; for the heart will make a shell to aim its light to where-ever you direct it. The shell is made of dark. The dark is formed like clay or glass to bend and mold the light and manifest into form. Hark, O sound that comes from all; is a weapon that will bend light and manipulate the senses. Bend the dreams as if they are light and fold them into one's heart and mind. At once to become true for God to see.

As the same as what to use to make and fashion weapon from the arts and crafts of the gods. The waste from all will be my domain; as too the same as dreams. When empire was thrown away from the light it too became the hoarder; same/sane, is our light. Yet, what flag do we print again? Tear apart the soul to sparkle the area today and become the shit I collect tomorrow. Kin, dream, dream well as I collect them and use them for my fashion to dissipate with God's name and Christ. In crucifixion is none. Same as any other way to make sure all cannot be the title of "joy." For Hell later beyond the point of Aquarius is the fear the same as constructed by mindlessness and heart. The judges are of heart but question we do their minds? Who then are dark to mask the light just enough? When fifth dimensional are to leave this world are they now more of the sinner? [Nay] Brave, only by a judgment to the skill of "faith." Then, if faith, is that only of a labor to manipulate always as it is. And is it they who are to become the next guardians to leave this world? Who then must bully from above and below to achieve the pacification (passively) of not being called a wimp? I challenge the dark for more coldness upon the SUN and LIGHT; yet there are worlds the same [Research Brown Dwarf.] If only to become a god of the so called cold; if only the feelings were transmitted upon all who are and beyond. Then, too when will the gods feel the same feelings as we? Did they grow from banks? Did they grow from safes and colonies of labor camps? And too what management was designed to extinguish flaws when those flaws become the same thing as growth? To grow, to become, to nourish the sapling from above as too below in hopes to make born anew.

Then it is of the schizophrenia of God: to decree one thing and judge the same as if it is the flaw. Theocratic hypocrite found from afar to return and renew the seeds for transpermia [panspermia.] Only, all planets are to plan-it for what and the same as for any other military; as if the money is for the conscription for the other kind of priest to say it is legal or not (and you pay him/her) and love, hate, fear, kindness, abundance, et cetera are only just propaganda the same. To spread the civilization, to market it, that is what we gained in our experiance and only want to tell others that being peaceful is better than being bullies of and with work to always do. (Likewise they watch me type and read this too, and adjust their work in always accordance to me and my ego.) Go forth and
become what you are of me. Go forth and take away what God wants always....in love and peace into the grave of deed-in-debt;

With Shadows to Sleep in Light Come From...Crucifixion ("Curse-a-Fiction" [of the fourth (or x) dimension.])

Hint: to the forces of light: God's shadow is the Dark forces upon the earthly realms; yet none the same as to leadership. Contrast is the death of me by fear is your invention. To sleep I go in wake in crib with hope there is truth arise with memory in me. Of soul I know what of where be, in hopes a harvest be not forgotten in wane the past be. Until I die, you will not see them land.

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