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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Am I the Malignant Thought Form?


If I am that kind of thought, as what I have studied as to manipulate the ideas and ideals of a "perfect" economy or portfolio, then it is true that I am sad by the thought that collective creationism is the truism of existence. The only reason for that is the only other reason for the idea itself and that may be the idea of why it cannot work; for it eventually battles itself:


And that lawsuit that Speaker of the United State's house has filed is itself the same as if the tea party really wants higher wages on their own portfolio as if the banksters also do not want to lend more money out with that. (A political error to also allow the law to exist as well Mr. Obama (calling him president is itself a misnomer as our constitution does not allow formal titles for persons) because of your portfolio depending on foreign labor and domestic trade issues.) Therefore all this proves is that both parties of the united states are using portfolios battling eachother and thus banksters do exist and have been since political parties have been in existance as arbatrage is sabatage and where there is sabatage there can be a sale....$$money$$ and trade made to gain slaves for one but all the other numbers work for that one as if they are slaves anyway (The sin of collectivism?)

Nonetheless (or 'none-the-more?') I wonder where my soul will go because of this idea or set of ideas. Recent news states that we are to finish our brain upgrades on this planet:

***same message as above**--> **http://paoweb.com/sn012715.htm

Should I flood my well of dreams, or place the well into a drought (pump it dry?) Place a new kind of union for masculine and feminine mind as if to use it as "mental sex" to create anew? I know I am already somewhat affected by my surgery in November of 2011 to my Pituitary gland with a benign tumor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pituitary_adenoma . planted by dark forces? Taking me as bait? What am I now? I ask myself with anticipation of an answer from light or dark, but them at war makes me think and my heart have a fear, that in a way, maybe my generation, let a lone myself, is not fit for the work both sides want me to do for them. Is that why they took me as bait? Is that why the light must now be grateful for allow myself to reject what blessings a master or "god" has given me in the past, as a test? As a way to question things? Are humans just tests for "mini-gods" in our garden or derangement of light to be thrown away? Where or what should I truly be? A welder --- too much oil industry; a sales person --- liars who are hungry; construction --- land polluters of a different nature, a technician --- God knows they are the ones who create too many destructive things. Maybe a more enlightened side would be better, yet it could also be the factor of something else; a business person who changes the world by creating an alchemic blockage for the dark and freeing the light of the universe because it's happening here on planet earth. Maybe not, maybe so, and even though maybe the world has too many wolfs in it and eating flesh instead of light is the needed kindness that they need...an ego, un-bullied. An ego where designed not to enslave the other (Was that the lesson that I was suppose to learn in all of this?) Is the truth manupulated by the 'spiritual' realm here on earth and that is what mankind is trying to be communicated to by the higher forces of the universe?

Day by day I live with these questions, and God only knows that maybe I probably do not deserve a body for the truth of darkness that I know I wanted to master.

From seeds I grabbed to grow within myself,
A harvest is bound to happen.
A harvest day and night be there for all to experience,
In theft was unexpected.
All who seek what experience in uniqueness is,
the uniqueness be none passing.
Of regret of the other house where the boy stuck the stick into the hive,
Yet the stings gave good pleasure...later
 In art was told, yet darkness painted
Of harvest all wish to partake.
The end of children only discovered
The playpen was also for the adults.

----Warning: Maybe the swings of the markets are bait that I planed my self as if another dark force decided to take away what I made for you to play and manipulate with??? ----

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