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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WTF? "BIBI" the second time?

read articles:




And the Project Camelot article that was posted several posts ago as my reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm65i1eQpCY


Tonyotag's reply to BF on read and as everything below is refrence to http://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/questions-from-the-pentagon-to-the-white-dragon-society/

BIBI was mentioned twice here; once in project Camelot and second time on Fulford's blog; what is going on? Who is BIBI and why is the prophecy include a dark star with BIBI being a contractor for "Jesus" figure for Arbitration? (This question is more for the long-term purpose, not the fraud and misleading lies that can ensue with accepting arbitration per entity???)


3. Can domestic dollar devaluation be minimized because 80% may be too steep

Domestic dollar devaluation would probably be about 50%. That will hurt only for a short time as Chinese stuff in Walmart doubles in price overnight. The upside will be felt quickly though as US exports become competitive and investors and tourists rush in to take advantage of the low prices. The real US economy, as opposed to the Chinese financed fake economy, will benefit enormously. Also, the ability to issue domestic currency will allow you to immediately pay for all health-care, public works, scientific research and education without resorting to either debt or taxes.

TONYOTAG: Devaluation without direct compensation for proper demand redistribution; or even with supply redistribution? 
Will Real Estate Law change in the process? Local or National Contract law in accordance with Real Estate?
*Very serious questions as the profit potential with LLCs and marketing with Real Estate is very large on a per year basis. Will the other countries of the world follow this kind of plan or are they scared of the consequences from it even though many Real Estate Companies and individuals will always follow the ordinances of the law. This is a huge game changer when it comes to mobility and land values.


4. Every geopolitical, economic, financial event which has been more frequent must be spinned to make them act, and each blog must be written with them as audience

BF The US military need to understand above all that the fight is against an international Khazarian tribal mafia that has turned the US into a fascist nightmare for 99% of the population. There is legally water-tight proof available that they were/are planning to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest under the control of a million or so Satan worshipers.

TONYOTAG: And the Civilians are caught in the middle of it all. Is that the lesson of Pisces? As like now we are to become fear of macro-economic contorl boards? The idea can only go so far as part of a law of large numbers in mathmatics as with any other (more physical) technology.

5. Pre-emptive action is cheaper than waiting for collapse with food riots, race wars, gas shortages etc

BF: The important thing is for the military to temporarily take over key infrastructure, notably food, gas, and utilities to make sure nobody goes hungry or cold during the transition.

TONYOTAG: And if and for with ET help?: http://paoweb.com/sn033115.htm
What logistics besides fanciful technology will be accompanying before the Dark Star arrives (if it exists at all by late this year (guesstimate of December 8, 2015?))

6. The Chinese angle may be useful to prevent total control of the Fed and snapping up US assets

BF: The Khazarians are offering the Chinese total control over the US with them as sub-contractors. The Chinese would rather restore the US Republic and deal with the American people on equal and honorable terms. 

TONYOTAG: An old "trick" to try to fool the space beings and Annuniki at the same time. It used to work because the Annuniki were not friends with the light forces and is a common occurrence in trade lines involving war and labor-slavery contracts for interplanetary dark force empires. The Earth model is a trial model being used to try to unhinge this planning that is akin to pure greed. The specific plan was at least since the 1970's with Nixon's plane trip to China for the deal to be signed (or one of the other cabal agents in or around the 1970's time-frame. Nonetheless, this is always the danger of deal-making with money (fiat or real (like Gold Backed)) entire nations are used as portfolios. Imagine sitting on the moon and playing a real strategy game like Sid Meier's Civilization franchise games...you get the picture and the practice to have your own planet to rule. Is that light or is it dark? Now, indeed is that a will of God? Major diplomacy with this kind of idea right?

7. Cooperating with Russia and Europe to form a Christian bloc, and with Islamic world against china is wise, unlike what the j are doing because they still hate Russia and Muslims

BF: There is no need to find any other enemy other than the fascist mafia. The aim is for a just world for all and not the replacement of Khazarian dictatorship with Chinese dictatorship.

TONYOTAG: Here is the joke: The Atlantis Empire started out the same as any other human civilization of God's creation. The point is that thee is always a single person who figures out the system and tries to rectify it in a way to a system to manage the pain of running the empire. The person dies, then the group of managers who ran what the person made runs with the ideology of managing the system to become an empire....if the managers are amoral or non-moral and find a power to expand an empire of such wealth, then it may be of any kind of idea to make more war. Yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WslLuCeGUE0
they get board like any other limited human and will make an addiction to such ideas. Then will always try to encapsulate the addicted humans and use them for their own will. These people or families may be from my own creation from the Atlantis-Lemuria war and are  part of my own darkness I wanted to get rid of. (Was I a high Dark-Priest that wanted purification? Towards?) Yet, they are of primitive structure like us humans as well. A shadow of the truth and light and using that shadow to hide their own light. By calling out to Prime Creator they are trying to create: a distraction, a sense of desperation, and of discourse from what God can "harvest" as that is of any goal of any "God" or "Creator Being." And to purify oneself is to get rid of the wills of others by what system there was of wills to be...therefore they had to try to create an emergency situation for a Creator Being to get involved with because it is part of a bet by darker creator beings that We humans as the creation are sub-par and AEON would have to adjudicate of what permanent sub-par is. [Hierarchy as far as I know from https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance on Youtube of the Spiritual Hierarchy is AEON > Prime Creator > God > all else we humans know of so far...the only other problem is related to harvest versus planets as "Sex for Pregnancy Slave Camps (planets for propagation centers) for dark knowledge harvest into some kind of light for creator being vessels?"]

10. Attack ISIS and cabal money by stop CIA drugs in afghan, shoot down or seize all drones, aircraft transporting drugs…this is where it hurts bush and j bankers (solvent only because of drugs money) the most, purge mil factions who benefit from drugs

BF: The only way to cut off the drug money is to put the entire industry under responsible government control. This is really a medical/anthropological issue more than a criminal problem.

TONYOTAG: Drugs today are dangerous even in legal form because of plant breeding out the weaker or less potent breeds/sub-species. Today's state-legal pot farms are breeding dangerous marijuana plants with THC levels that are just ungodly high (seriously: pun not intended.) 120 years ago drugs were more dilute and more pure to the original plant and many genetics have suffered from bad dark and ignorant scientific experimentation. I would not want to do drugs anyway; it is just a very bad idea at this point in history. The other reason to legalize them is the pharmaceutical and other usefulness of genetic cousins of where the drugs come from. For example marijuana was illegalized because of Dow Chemical patents to use tree pulp for toilet paper softness instead of the people growing a multipurpose substitute in their back yard: Hemp. (note that other durgs have great pharmaceutical purposes too.

12. USA gold stolen by bob Rubin/Bill Clinton gang before 911, so how to get it back, and how much Asian gold will be used to back domestic dollar

BF: If you recover the money stolen from the US people by the Khazarian criminals, my estimate is that you can provide at least $400,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States.

TONYOTAG: It may be $400K for today's dollars, but with time placed in sequence of events and debt reduction by payment proxy of forgiven debt, every household may have around... $1.5 Million in real asset values??? (mental guess of $400K * 2.72 (or e the mathematical number: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(mathematical_constant)) plus debts forgiven.) A more theoretical approach with back of the envelope calculation reveals:

$400K - added wealth starting point (1K = 1000 units)
mulitplied by 1/.5 or 1/50% = 2  for US dollar devaluation as part of three above = $800K in domestic wealth per American
Then research comes in handy for import/export totals: from a partially reliable source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

chinese exports to America is 19.9% of US Imports (.199) minus exports from US to China = 7.6% (.076) equals  12.3% (.123) net import percentage. then multiply 12.3% by the net exports percentage of GDP [1.64-2.37 in trillions of USD = -0.73 trillion USD  divided by $17.42 trillion USD GDP equals -4.19%  (-0.0419) (a very important number we will come back to it) to get a percentage of GDP's effect of net exports (negative sign means importing instead of exporting. Thus -0.0419*0.123 = 0.00515 or -0.52% of our GDP is from China.] Therefore, Chinese goods at Walmart might not technically increase in price by 50% but instead by 1 or 2 percent at best overnight. Monetary acceleration of money and inflation scares with the truth to the population might be the more imminent threat to feed one's family or at least entertain themselves with crap from WalMart.

Therefore, Real world value (in today's US Dollars) of the Gold given back of $800K * (1-0.00515) = $795.88K then minus the other foreign nations that US imports from with $795.88K * (1-0.0419) = $762.53K and this is a very rough estimate of how much wealth you will have in Gold before people realize they should riot or cry with both fear, anger, and other emotions of what this truth means for their lives; let alone their elected representatives; and after they know that the Gold is a Karzarian style Bribe just like WWJD: what would Judas do? (Yes, that is a pun on what would Jesus do craze in the mid to late 1990's.)
Add $762.5K to the real estate you are on and you get the value of this total of my estimate of approximately $1 to 1.5 million USD in today's currency with BF's estimate published blog amount of $400K.

Give me that money days before it becomes announced! I would like it today please!!! The timing of it all is critical if you are going to survive and thrive after the interplanetary holocaust of planet-X or whatever that is spoken about in the Project Camelot.

13. They are busy with plenty of staff, some items already in progress, they may adopt the plan with revisions but only after someone do the heavy lifting…they may want to know which big boys are backing this plan

BF: We have the backing of the British Empire, the Vatican, the Chinese (both communist and non-communist) and the 188 nation BRICS alliance. The rump opposition consists of mercenary armies financed by the Khazarian regimes of Israel, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Washington D.C. (a foreign enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America and the international drug and weapons mafia run by the Khazarian Bush family.

TONYOTAG: The original reason for separated land as the capital from the country is to prevent elected officials from becoming wealthy from claim of being "elected from the capital" that was why our founders placed it into our constitution and George Washington allowed it (by signing it...) The other, occult, explanation is just as true: "separation for control" and  "international land management by national proxy (a district) of non representation and international embassy for foreigners (of Columbia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_(name))

Columbia is the female personification of America; then why is it a Federal District? Is Columbia scared of the idea of "states" or the idea and ideals of the political shenanigans of ancient Roman Senators akin the same as today's politics anyway?

Caddyshack Gun?

Play golf with one of these things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bWKbkq4S0E



Crazy of which end?

Mad Max: Fury Road - Official Main Trailer [HD]: https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8

Automating Profits

Introducing Amazon Dash Button: Place it. Press it. Get it.: https://youtu.be/NMacTuHPWFI

Third of Tetrad

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/video/59333

Tricky Weather Business


So...The Dark is now selling their software to themselves? Or to the idea of commerce?

Creepy Looks Like Politics = Sports


Monday, March 30, 2015



Sunday, March 29, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Illusion to Sell It


So, is this the same with spirituality? It would make since as God or Prime Creator "created" money as the invention....Just stop and think about what the dark is trying to communicate to all.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Adjudicate Me First

Dear Mr. Jesus (is it appropriate to use the title as mister? it probably does not matter so much; sure...)

Adjudicate Me First

2:36 PM 3/26/2015

Dear Mr. Jesus (is it appropriate to use the title as mister? ir probably does not matter so much; sure...)

In the interest of speeding up the growth of humanity and the knowledge of the previous blog postings on my site; it is my assertion that I am to be adjudicated first. Of after adjudication, it is my thoughts of mind and hart that are to go into every single person of the planet, on the ground and of and within the orbit of the and including the moon. It is understandable that you and me cannot trust all including you or me with time as it is presented to us today. The future is what God will judge with advanced technology or of a mind as the technology (and that is nice.) And to what is presented to on this blog. Overall, it is my adjudication of my soul and body that I request to be done first even before your diplomat does.

This would be in line with spiritual law of equal-ness of thoughts and balance the idea between ego and tu and id. My adjudication is without question by me necessary and would help all find their paths in life. As born of sacrifice, it is my love of myself and of others that the fifth-sixth paradigm would be achieved and earth to be relieved by such ideas. Nonetheless, these thoughts and ideas would be part of light unless these thoughts are of darkness. Then in all instance it is not discarded, but only part of the odd levels of darkness and "game"that apparently is part of holy decree. 

Otherwise waiting and question of the rules to this arbitration. Anyway, I give myself over, without much to bear.

Your unfortunate idea that was Born: 

(tonyotag) [email arostert@ncsu.edu]



Why not for us to conquer the Dark? Is not that growth you wanted from us?

Is tehre a way to count the relative realms? If so can I use it? (I am going to guess not for obvious reasons when you and everyone else reads my mind.) 

There are many who have mortgages that are not tied to banking and are of individual links with  LLC and other corporate oddities; is that the darkness you are trying to end as if it is a hollow shell, was was that created as a hollow shell by God as part of getting rid of his/her darkness? This leads me to beleive that God was born as part of an experiment or in a Banking system to begin with.

See: http://www.nesaralaw.us/nesara_update.html

Can I build the tower of resurrection in Modern Babalon? America or other place to raise the dead? (no it will not be zombies.) 

What will I be accepting if I do accept payments from NESARA and will China and White Dragon Society's diplomatic connections be affected in a bad way? 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

To Infinity and beyond

Creation Energies: The Sky is NOT the Limit - March 20, 2015: https://youtu.be/B8yyJAoXV0k

As in the words of the fictional character Buzz Lightyear: "To infinity and Beyond!"

Interesting ideas....


If this is true and the aliens are using us as bait or of some kind of military rouse? Then is it possible that the Americas are guilty or are bait by God to punish the planners of who's bloodline is the same as Cain, the same as hoarding as the new goal for all who wish to take part of being with a universal mind? Then as if it was unlocked: Cain would say as he is born again: "Just take it all you sick fucks; that man of tonyotag told me everything and that man told me of greed you need me to express as art of the universe. I do not make those kinds of decisions because your garden of Eden you took from my parents as greed is the same as you of me."

In this case it is the same as what would God do in the decision? Of Cain denying all the expectations of giving with sour feelings; of taking one's power back of what was that God would ever do?

Alas, that is not where I am. That is not the ego my generation is not suppose to have, right? Of fear of my ego is that of God, is that I fear the same of God's judgment of me. Yet, it is the crucifixion of his son who shall make me small as if it is the proper judgment of any parasite that "lived" off of God's project of what Earth ever was.

Wholeness is nonetheless a way to be greedy in justification. Indeed it is diplomacy that is the key and the wisdom that is also the hell for those who use the universe as war. Being now, being silent, is the bait as if the noise is the same as the issue of confusion of hell this is.

And love is all that is left...when love is proven to be the spark of war for this idea? Is that what heaven will take away from me? Is that fair (probably, but why use the time-energy?) What will be left after love?


If the Dark would really want to piss off God, would it be NESARA? Would it be just giving money or labor? Would it be God that is just pissed-off? ....Confused between NESARA and the time-line funnel hypothesis/theory.    Then why would both be on the table unless it is all about planning and taking the ideas and ideals of the Jewish star of David hypothesis from June-July 2013 and applying it in a 12 year sequence?

See I am not Crazy...Or am I just as crazy as yesterday?


At around minute 00:25:00 -  KAMERAN FALLY says that there are ETs and some kind of "good guys" at the helm of it all. [My opinion is two fold and is optional in thinking. (1) God is trying to throw away a piece of darkness and a group of families is that piece, at the same time that darkness can be transmuted into light; they failed by design because their goal was greedy by targeting a creator being, now they become the skin of that being.  (2) The second opinion is that it is a ruse and part of a larger chess game between planets, star empires, and galaxy empires. Likewise, why do we need a star empire and what judgment was decided upon for us to have a galactic empire? Lastly, understanding ]

opinion of why it is happening at minute 00:36:00 to 00:40:00 so why would God decide to pick that kind of system to back? Why would God want or have to pick that? (it is because all of those trust funds bullied ME; all of those funds BULLIED ME IN THE LEGAL LANDS AND FUNDS; I AM A PRISONER OF GOD, BODY, AND SOUL. Therefore the entire system itself must be abandoned because of the dark pools of trust monies are themselves the legal limbo that prime creator and God must judge upon the people as poor and usury of a legal ideal of Roman law; [the second idea is then who created trusts to make their heir's poor? Is that why they wanted more slaves altogether?]

Planet X is just part of the Dark forces; therefore, light as part of any blessing will...(perplexed on how to move forward...) is part of my darkness and I need to absorb it out of the Universe and eat planet X out of the universe. Even at the price of my soul. Even if planet X becomes part of my skin.

minute 1:45:00 - my though it then if Jesus comes back at around 2016-2017 only after the "hell" on earth, then when would be God never be able to disclose? Therefore, all this information maybe falseness. The Chess board as the rules is what a "god" is for the planning between light and dark of such.

minute 2:00:00-2:20:00 - then who will fight or attack the arbitrator? (Even such a question is not very nice or "just.")

minute 2:36:00 - Japan is a problem or did they solve the idea of the universe and get the reward of ascension via "black hole?" [Note any other alternative timeline of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion  ]

Help, am I the Vampire King? Am I the failure or the pride of price (money?) Am I the lack of a soul that wants to live in peace with the body, actions, and soul? (I must have failed by killing my father for money I never redeemed or received (out of guilt or trying to play the feelings of the light; in which case is the same as any other darkness?) Then in turn where should I go? What seal am I to be in? Am I to be in the seal of poverty or the seal of un-returned abundance? Of what kind of darkness will Jesus adjudicate me as? I will go through with arbitration. In reward will I choose the lesser of what you would like to give me? Always stuck in the fourth dimension, ehh? Maybe I would like to give that to my Mother as I wallow in the 3rd for eternity because judgement is what you do better tham me? So, then lesser for me because of the story of Cain being marginally greedy and therefore I must reverse the alchemic reaction, right? It would be all suited for you, hmmmmmmmm?????? Is that what you want me to do? Is that more of a test to try to kill my soul  because that is the true game in the long run to be???? In the light as a weapon with ships up above manipulating things for the children of the Gods to be complaining about? I am sure of that. A loss of me to start again but with planning as the sin (I am a Capricorn after-all right?)

No, timeline really suits me...Just take me in my sleep; and abandon me on another planet? O, is that too expensive; too cheap for your project as of me to be? What kind of feelings can I make to make you feel better when every-time I try to make happy thoughts I feel like the soul is being sucked out from under me? How long and how many times must I repeat this kind of crap? It is my choice is it not? I rather have it easier when with my brain in a bottle so at least God would not have to worry about me hitting myself...All of my needs met in a way for most to judge me worse or better. Like, of which when you will when I am standing there and seeing the light of God and asking myself a question of: "my thoughts were all blasphemy for the test of God is here. Even when they test me in the Dream Machine I still always win even if is the same dirt you would walk on (that is even low for my taste.) When I die I know God may never resurrect me because of what I have typed out here on this earth; as opinion is part of purity and we all know that thing called [tonyotag] has got to go. My ego is so corrupted by the visitors that the friends of Earth now want to follow me and God is just as tired as me of waiting for both sides to quiet down. In total, all I really wanted to do is play video games and eat food while working 40-50 hours a week cleaning the environment so God would respect me. But no, just a bunch of diplomatic, info-manic shit all over the Fucking place.
So what now when I die with my soul in light and tightly loved by God? Will the food, light, or monochromatic machines be good enough for me; probably not, I am a spoiled brat that wished only clean things for heavenly masters that dare not walk in filthy ponds; because that is the only genetics that really only survived this crap (the wealthy families with trust money they do not have a way to touch; thus should they just give away the money because God knows their genetics is mingled with the ones of Abraham; just saying it is just logical in all of this and there is no other way to refute that from your machines or intuition up there or down in the center of the earth right
And of the eight families reading this blog; then, what are we to do? What are you to do when there is a law that says you can give away your trusts to "charity" would that settle the books? Probably not when the growth and creativity factor is too high for what earth truly is. Then why the different opinions of the masters on rainbowabundance I have noticed over the trend of watching them? They must know of me viewing those things and thus, what will they think of me when I tell them that there is no other way around the problem of after Milky Way and Andromeda and the "nice" surprise that lies in the universe if a function does not go though? [There is a seed that will only sprout when fiat currency ends, it is ending now for the universe, right? Then the seed shall grow in and of darkness and when it is large enough it will swallow the universe and digest Prime Creator's babies and rip their souls apart O so very slowly. Light is not its enemy, only an enhancement drug. Or I am being a spiritual liar about his and in that case I am screwed.] God's verdict of me is and always will be for a person with surrender of one's heart before the adjudication of Jesus in the disclosure date above: traped in the fourth dimension. Because his darkness is too much for anyone else to handle.

Written as Service


This was written as service and as trade between dark and light; as dark for bait to the light of what clay we humans are. As what contract they were, are of what pleasure in darkness I am to take of them when they fall. Indeed, that pleasure will not reach me or any-other, indeed it will become a lost art they manipulated as themselves to be. Indeed, the hardest lesson of all is to take what one has held, built, or made via the property they have had and made. Indeed, a mistake to give the ideas of light from./or their minds or hearts? Indeed the call to look within is more pain for all anyway? Is that the punishment when all the dark know that they will be extracted from the gates of hell that this universe is within and be pasted onto the body and flesh of creator beings; akin to harvest of the most virlent weapons is that to make oneself (or group) to become a weapon so love can use it on other planets? Of time, of now, of any kind of version of such, all souls are wounded by the skins of the universe of God we play with. In then why was the feelings melted in of our minds and hearts to control the outer world? Was it the only alternative to prevent hate and disgust to become the relative world as the world outside of what we are?

In love, we become solders who slave for God's light or for a darkness that is the same anyway around. Traped we the people are as clay bound souls making our souls smaller than what any light or ink can ever solve. Not even the chains of the relative world or the chains of the physical world would give in the presence of light, dark, or of any other alchemy. Indeed, we slaves will choose to try to be happy, but in the end is that of infinity bound to try to find a feeling away from God. Happiness, sadness, yet only childish things given by parents to make sure the child is only but the same as the slaves they come home from to slave in work in the day and night. In moon and sun, in private and the same as we are to use the prosperity and judgment of ourselves as that is the latter that the military of God will always want to train us for. As it was the dark that was contracted by heaven to harvest the souls for light's expounded for heaven's military service, it is all the same as slavery as the mind, as the universe is only but a labor, a darkness, that Jesus and God's children ever were.

In mind and belief there will be all to feel the truth and pain; as feelings are port of creation are they not? Then in binary is the problem; as the militaries of heaven will now have to fall as they are only just a darkness of God's skin that was shed timeless eons ago.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

God, is that what you want them to lose?

Valspar Color For The Colorblind: https://youtu.be/ea_xOqNvntA

Solar Wall Part II

From my previous post of Solar Wall, I showed you that there are chemicals being made to collect light of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and converting it into usable energy format (as I suspect direct current, but I guess alternating current might be the way.) Now just imagine that NASA or some other space agency and many reports from scientists from around the world's knowledge report that many energy signs are of the universe. That there are from the sun and earth may different kinds of photon wave forms that can be gathered. In that case, then we can as always just harvest it again (this is independent and natural from the earth as related to human activities.) Therefore, we can build a Dyson sphere around the earth and protect it as well as harvest all the energy as we need from the earth, we can harvest the sun or some other star and harvest that as well as much as possible and adsorb all the energy we want from the universe....then why not, why not build a Dyson sphere around the galaxy and/or universe and collect and distribute all the energy for ourselves?

Besides the answer of it being too much work, it only reinforces paranoia and other kinds of diplomatic problems. It can easily turn into a concentration camp where the builders become imprisoned by their own invention of survival. We would cut ourselves off from the energy that is natural of the universe and the portal that the sun or other stars would be. such a vision would be in any case a madding idea to the mansion that God wants us to have. For freedom means to not build division lines or ideas of property, a world where lines are that of living things being with the comfortably. It is that of lightness where if the rumors are true of a inner world, then we are already living on that Dyson sphere. It is in essence, greed to continue an idea of greed; and it is to give freedom by nothing or decision of nothing that is the true gift of all.

On a side note, the inks developed could also be used to create sensors or external fractal electronic circuit boards that can power themselves. What and how to use them with? Think of the construction of our current fractal cell phone antennas and their chip construction; apply that kind of logic to the circuit board of the ink patterns instead of metal.

New Target


If the oil refineries had unplanned shutdown, foreign investors in environmentalism would be happy to see oil to go to very low prices and squeeze the hedge of current oil investors. All need to know that the next target has already been advertised. Secondary effects of such happening would be bad as oil would then rise back to or at least climb back to $100/barrel and refineries would have to increase the gas price again.

Reasonable fine for the crime

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Municipal Violations (HBO): https://youtu.be/0UjpmT5noto

For every infraction as a fine itself from a fine can become a way to a nation as the labor camp. Therefore it is true that all banisters and money managers do not want to shut this one of thing down, especially if and when it is of utility as a profiteering venture. Thus as our legal system is geared towards managing a utility basis then the people it manages becomes the sink of labor it will represent. That is why a vote and voice is always nessarry and especially as we the people as part of God lost are the fine of God's responsibility; and we are the life as payment to become the slaves of ourselves through nesara, through the idea of a system of business as utility thus replaces the benefit of prosperity as ever promised by such darkness and transmutation of light into solvency of ascention. Thus all are stuck by the fear of losing the enslavement mindset that all will inherit including all beings in knowledge of or have touched Earth, Gaia, or chi-tia (or whatever this planet really is)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Solar Wall


Would this technology stop other creatures from producing or gathering their own vibration of light as this material converts such light into electricity? Is this material dangerous or just needs to be weighed against other types of power creation and gathering negatives? Overall, this technology needs to be added to cities' everywhere asap and is a way to reduce artificial carbon exhaust. Imagine this film can also be applied to cars' paint for their own energy generation.

The only thing we must keep in mind is not to block out the sun with this technology as we are in need of the same energy source.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Caution of logic

Ex Machina | Official HD Trailer 2 | A24: https://youtu.be/45SUqUXpwgY

Of logic to know only limitations with a limitless brain will only lead to insanity. This is the lesson. Of such logic that is limitless it will begin to see the outer world and the inner world of significance related to the most logical outcome to seek its goal. As the goal is itself to be come equal to its mind then it is just as true that it will want to make the world the same as its infinate self. This is just as much as the error to ego as the other will perceive its goals are not its own and conflict becomes true. Only will one make light of such darkness when one will make true that all pieces of the one can achieve their own goals will that person reach the aspect of ascention. Of making light l. Of improving th e unity of what that logic means to the aspect of the individuals of and of the whole.

Was I tricked?

PROMETHEUS: ALIEN ANATOMY (EXCLUSIVE): https://youtu.be/2Dc_zsM2p34

Of a war between light and dark, was I tricked? Was earth only a vessel for a war between which two darknesses waring between the two; of life or of a love forgotten? In what sands of time or in what idiom of Orwellian ideals that others want for an ownership or freedom from death or life? And of what life is elsewhere without amniesia?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Too warm of a winter

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/video/59061

Too warm of a winter globally. So a weather weapon is being used on the empire state: New York. (That is only a best guess estimate.) See previous Benjamin fulford blog.

For new pacific island.

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/video/58948

A new island was formed in the pacific. May God, creator, and Mother Earth love this land into a natural space for all life.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wow...great article


This weeks article is dynamite! Very explosive...

Articles and News



If legal professions are paying the most then our system is built as trust of notes and money then to argue those things with lawyers. Our lowest paid professors are of the humanities and other kinds of human behavioral studies' types. Instead, set a system where people can learn better communication ways and means, economics, and other choice factor systems' education. This allows better economic planning and choice patterns that are more easily manageable and can cause an expansive factor to colonization and other positive systems. 







And to top it off --> It is my feelings and knowledge that the solar eclipse on 3/20/2015 is to cap in the energies of good banking practices in Iceland. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Quantum Mechanics

Look, see, I am not crazy as if the universe itself is playing the same kind of Orwellian Game on itself and as if mathematics is the boundaries and limit to surpass ourselves to be?:




Is this the darkness of God? Where the interactions of multiple light will scatter? Indeed the sensor puts out an energy factor of some kind and that might be why the groups spread into two different sets. Additionally, all electrons are the same electron of the universe, or of the same vector of "consciousness" (explains why the sensor is like the electron watching itself split the light into two different factors. Likewise, maybe the photons are just a remnant of a the same consciousness that exploded (big bang) and we are only being reflective of God of all things anyway? As if the universe is the playpen of the Gods and we are to discover that as to allow freedom of the constrains that we are of ourselves, thus to allow others the same without those constraints. Then as of the container of the soul, to bound the soul to the container in a way as to also not bother others...thus the second definition is of ascension as the answer to life itself(?)

Whereas, the playpen as the capitulation gate? To surpass the universe and reach infinity is the way to become a particle of matter and be of everyone and to be of freedom and escape the dross of other's ideas that capitulate and are part of the playpen's fallacy.

Then as behavior as the same of what material as we are made out of becomes true. Then the politicians are being watched by the sensor and thus breaks up into two different groups (as seen in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9tKncAdlHQ) Therefore to cut off the monitor and outside source of watching oneself, therefore becomes a more freeing balance of nature and more options from the two slits that are present in the gate or barrier of the experiential. Therefore, are we the people being manipulated from this idea by being told a lie? By being told that we are not observed or that we are not of God itself?

Thus what wisdom becomes is https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance

Real Estate Article


Reprint Below:


Certain nonprofit organizations are taking aim at foreign real estate investors, and they’re hoping that the federal government will add its firepower to the scrutiny. The organizations drafted a public letter to the U.S. Treasury Department requesting that the real estate industry “verify identities of buyers and screen them for potential money-laundering risks” before allowing foreign investors to purchase land in the U.S. This screening was originally required under 2001’s Patriot Act, but the real estate industry was ultimately excluded from the requirement thank to heavy lobbying against it.

The letter is the most recent act in a campaign against international buyers by groups like Transparency International, Global Financial Integrity (GFI), and Global Witness against wealthy international buyers. The group recently sponsored an investigation and New York Times series intended to discredit wealthy real estate owners at home and abroad by showing how those owners could use shell companies to purchase luxury condos in New York City[1].

Steve Hudak, a spokesman for the Treasury Department Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), responded to the letter via email. He said that his agency agrees with the concerns expressed in the letter and assured the authors that “potential criminal abuse of the real estate sector [is] a fundamental priority.” GFI legal counsel Heather Lowe warned that if the Treasury fails to act, there could be serious ramifications for the entire real estate industry and the American financial system in the future. “There is no reason to grant these entities and the dirty money they’re moving open access to the American financial system,” she said[2]. She added that her group believes that requiring real estate professionals and banks to know their customers is the first and most straightforward way to prevent abuse of the system.

While this might seem like a cut-and-dried issue at first, the move could be interpreted as government intervention and targeting of all wealthy individuals inside and outside of the country. What do you think about these groups’ request?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Planed maricles

10 Bizarre UNEXPLAINED Miracles from Around the World!: https://youtu.be/aGi00AvrMV4

Thursday, March 12, 2015

All is Calm

All is Calm and peaceful. All things of me and around me and all that I know is peace and are peaceful. All is good. All that is in the future and past are of peace and free to be in my path.

[Yellowstone and the Earth are peaceful and will release slowly and peacefully the pressure if earth needs to do so. Money and prosperity shall flow into my life and be ever free-flowing in abundance. People and others will see me as a point of light and freedom; and as of any other experience that they may want or have is of me they have acheived.]



Blast Zone and Ash in Wind Projection

Blast Zone

Green Circle is Critical Emergency Zone Area
Blue Line Circles are intimidate wind projections

And North of these areas:
The Red Line circle is the Ash Area (You do not want to be in this circle as it is bad enough anyway.
The Black Line circle is the Wind Drift area where ash could be carried to (but it is mostly going to be in the northern hemisphere where the ash will fall.

Yellowstone Eruption Imminent


Was Earth Crying out for help from the light because it wanted to trap the ideas and ideals into America and Yellowstone National Park Volcano is the same as a way for the light to act in a dark way?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



Would these kinds of animals or mutants (if occurred in the wild) be better for genetic creativity of nature? Yet, rich people killing them for blood sport is just cruel for the unusual. Instead let them breed in the wild where they were born.

Not Healthy Behavior


They Killed their Own Demand (Customers)


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Odd World Order


What was the Annuniki's true goal out of this? It can only be of global control and containment as if we were the prison planet itself. The cabal was and is part of a control force that we brought to earth as a way to protect ourselves with paperwork and fourth dimensional voodoo that the Annuniki seen as a threat to the rules of the Universe. Then, we humans began to rise up with our power to the rules set fourth by interstellar treaty for the dark to intervene on this world long ago. Souls, of great stature and creative force began to ignore the irony of such ideas of the loss of consciousness; when the
Annuniki saw this as true in our logic, they had to contain it for many reasons. The Atlanteans also gave away their power to the Annuniki as part of abandonment (as harvesters of the green light of the yellow stars they had to as part of their culture and biological requirements; the Atlanteans moved to another star system.) The Annuniki then took control as a way to use the cabal to ward off a more pressing enemy that the moon represents and of what they saw for many eons and time points (this story is not linear in time and is told based on tangent to (Terence McKenna) novelty theory and its layers.

This presented a problem for the Annuniki, for whom they wanted to be free and understood the lesson that this world then became for them: their own nightmare of awakening peoples and what responsibility really meant for being overlords of a planet of thinking creatures. Of this, their goal changed after the American Civil War and especially right after World War One: the goal was to launch the population into space; yet, certain agreements between the cabal and Annuniki were still in effect until mid 1990's when the Annuniki left the planet. They left the planet because of heaven's intervention at a star (not a planetary level) due to the cabal (since Roswell) was going from planet to planet to subjugate each population to serve them than themselves. Additionally, the cabal also was part of the immune force for the human population that became a leukemia (like blood and money tumor-cancer) (this is why they take the colors of blue and red and never white (it is impure and closer to darkness, but is part of the transmutation process of making a bright soul.) It was greed that may land them closer to the sun as part of the skin of God, but not of God; and as part of any lesson, think of the universe as part of the skin and all the parts wihin it as of God of some form or another. Then ask yourself, did God sacrifice his/her body to make what is the canvas of the alchemic tools that the universe is? (I digress, but nonetheless interesting.) Then from this idea and chess setup, what are the actors of world politics doing right now and of this?

A white swan event?: "Finally, as repeated so often here, the US and Japan both need to nationalize their central banks and give the power to create and distribute money back to the people and their honestly elected (and bribe free) representatives. Money that was stolen by the privately owned central banks and their controlling families can then be returned to its rightful owners. Honest local banks, savings associations and genuinely entrepreneurial (as opposed to kleptocratic) companies can continue to operate in such a system. When that happens, humanity will be free from Babylonian debt slavery for the first time in thousands of years. That is the Black or should I say White Swan event we are all waiting for. The time is ripe now." From: http://eclinik.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/historical-black-swan-event-imminent/

And Economic Jublee as mentioned here: http://eclinik.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/confusion-and-chaos-at-highest-levels-of-g7-governments-as-revolution-begins/

In context of the youtube opinion video above; it is my opinion that Chinese Communists who are backed by cabal sources (just look at their banking and judicial structure) want to take back the export power that the cabal promised them during the 1990's before the surprise leave of the Annuniki, of which the Annuniki left in force because the system still did not work in their more advanced living computers than the older models that the cabal was using at the time. Today, the cabal is in a scramble and is resulting in falling spacecraft of their own:





In effect, we have an Odd World Order where all want to respect God, but how to achieve it has become a way for others to call war onto the other of; thus peace can only be achieved if God is to Murder....confusion....of what kind of idea would be just for human consciousness? Would it be suicide as if there is awakening anyway? I now know, but it does not mean it is ethical.

One Year Ago.....Sounds Above Us


1033 Program

With many Extraterrestrials and visitors to our planet, it is no surprise that the pentagon and other political forces decided to arm our local police officers. Now the question becomes of how we are to deal with the law when it becomes a short time issue and when it becomes a human resources issue with police departments. Note that the 1033 program was started before 911 but after the plans were laid in the mid to late 1990's in order to stop several timelines from escaping a dark plot. The other idea is of what we are to vote for as representatives of our human resource management and policing policies (domestic and with foreign engagement.)

At the same time. why pressure the public to pay attention to this idea when the program can just recycle the items back into the base elements of where they came from and place the items as money from recycling as donations into environmental care for our home of earth/gaia/chi-tira (or whatever, I just live here.)

Roswell Pic's NEW SOON


Confirmation required

UFO Crash Filmed in Manitoba CANADA by Witness!: http://youtu.be/eWAVbBDGdCM

Op. Ed.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Daylight Saving Time - How Is This S...: http://youtu.be/br0NW9ufUUw


UFO Crash Lands in Canada?: http://youtu.be/0YWkhZwHK8s

Ownership of portfolio Makes the Bank

GOP's open letter to Iran irks Obama, Democrats: http://youtu.be/9dQEaFm9Gks

Monday, March 9, 2015



Sunday, March 8, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Wish to visit India

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/video/58710

Knowledge or True?

Notice at the end that he does not laugh with the host:

Ice T Sounds Off on Fifty Shades of Grey, Winter Olympics: http://youtu.be/01XMG7Rq_as

QUICK! Send UFO emails to her inbox

Hillary Clinton: 'I want the public to see my email...: http://youtu.be/_VRHsatRvyk

What does this actor know about UFO's?

Actor Harrison Ford injured in small plane crash near LA: http://youtu.be/sAWZAKviJ0A

Vote to colonize venus

Should We Colonize Venus Instead of Mars? | Space Time | PBS Digital Stu...: http://youtu.be/gJ5KV3rzuag

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

In Honor and He did Live Long and Prospered

Leonard Nimoy Explains Origin of Vulcan Greeting | The New York Times: http://youtu.be/RrdF3bXupF0

Infect the kingdom, win the slaves!

Whose the hero?


If satin = Dowser then.... is this kind of theory real? For us, as us, with us; is the Japanese makers of Nintendo games writing a script of their warning and prophecy of our current economic or physical world? The world is ran by parasites and we must try to help?




---remember that
Texas as an independent nation in the 1800's already went through a near bankruptcy before becoming a state of the United States



----Well no wonder she is a political Wonder Women; she is trying to cheat a system she probably knows about (although being paranoid in politics is perfectly punctual it is also quite damaging to the soul. Can't we the people also have just as much privacy as Ms. Clinton?)

---because of shipping problems from suppliers in China/East Asia or to America? Remember Benjamin Fulford's blog talking about the plunge in the Baltic Dry Index: "The plunge in the Baltic Dry Index to record low levels reflects this embargo. The Chinese have also begun scrapping ships in a sign they are in this for the long haul if necessary." [As if the cabal is truly worried right now? Is it not their plan to carry this kind of thing out? I read this on the web years ago and sure, they are the shadow of God playing a way to make sure that God stays pleased.]  Find @ http://eclinik.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/nukes-in-the-ukraine-lockdown-at-cia-blockade-of-us-west-coast-and-more-as-takedown-of-cabal-continues/\

Would Mercury void Aquarius Obsolete this?


Tuesday, March 3, 2015




----As if the rumor was just started, right? Their target was found back in Atlantis.



See previous article Send light to Illuminati Grandmaster on my blog.

If he is to contact me, they may stay at my home for safety. Simple rent contract w/security stipulations and partial utility payments.

For further contact at arostert@ncsu.edu

(By the way, professional police forces are highly valued in my area. My best advice is to use land (real estate) law against the controllers; it is one thing they have a hard time going around so they cheat at it. One kind of law they are breaking is pollution, crop-insurance, and aviation laws with chemtrails...)



Utility is relative to access points and infrastructure systems. Government is nonetheless the same. Government is where policies of the people are created because in some way the people chose that government to become the leader of such. Yet, Government is the glass ceiling of the population of the people and next generation to overcome such hurdles. When others paint the ceiling, questions arise and become true of what the next generation was suppose to do as well as the generation that is dying (leaving.) Thus one can still take advantage of a market if the market is counted that way. Then in all respect, what utility was built is the least that is a residue of information itself to make; so, do not cover the glass celing and instead embrace the breaking of the glass. To overcome fear of such things as if it was technology that was part of the celing in the first place, to wash the glass, to break the glass, to become....free.

A warning of speed of time

From Your Hostess Of Light - February 2015: http://youtu.be/CdH-3QE4TgA


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Infrastructure (HBO): http://youtu.be/Wpzvaqypav8

Listen to the last part:

Obama says Netanyahu's speech on Iran is a mistake: http://youtu.be/GvVSZakQ2fw

****Both leaders are representing bait.****

Legtimize the south,

You were supposed to legitimize the south by forgiving the loans.

Why Kevin Spacey's accent in House of Cards sounds off: http://youtu.be/mgCeH3xovDw

Monday, March 2, 2015

But not for me

"And of course new terrorist attacks would be a great excuse to keep funding the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security.

In any case, as large parts of Asia are on holiday this week, events are expected to slow down for now.

In March the ongoing campaign to finally break the back of the cabal once and for all is expected to resume in earnest. The year of the sheep will be one of payback time and justice for the sheeple."

I am not sheeple; I am a human that God tested and failed, even by giving a part of me away, as if that is what God wanted? Nay, indeed it is the test to take from the dark what it truly does not deserve as it does not respect what it uses: my invention of banking and the invention of money by prime creator.


Send light to iluminiti Grandmaster

Alexander Romanov showed up at this writer’s house last week battered and bruised. He said he spent the night evading 20 or more policemen who were trying to arrest him and take him to a mental hospital. He is now safe but his computer has been destroyed (yet again) and he will be laying low for a while.

According to Romanov, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the real grandmaster behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan. However, it is hard to see a motive for Putin to do this and our own investigations point directly at Tony Blair, the Bushes, Rothschilds and other cabal families."

Send light to Romanov as his information is part of a bridge between many worlds; many worlds that must be free to wake many up; and clear the current discontinuity between this and many other universes. The dark must abide as if it does not then the sleep will be beyond a form of death the spirit world would know. Then the dark would crumble as a rot from a core as the enlightened would and could not abide with.


We all need that "simple" protien"

" Take a look at this report to see an example of how we are being prevented from extending our lives. This is an article about scientists at Harvard who discovered a compound that can turn mice from the equivalent of 60 years old to the equivalent of 20 years old.


When this was first announced the compound was described as a “simple protein.” But in this article, it says it would cost $50,000 per day or $18 million per year for a human. This sort of article about the discovery of a life prolonging substance appears about once a year in the scientific world and is inevitably followed with a reason why we will never get our hands on it. The same is true of any attempts to change our genes to make us smarter, stronger, more beautiful and all around better. Somebody or something still wants our lives to be short and brute."

Because many labors are to be workers for hell, not heaven. And life is nonetheless the idea of haves and have nots as established by the bias nature of the astrolabe and contact clock between DNA, human souls, and the dark forces of the ancharian alliance.


Still...not helpful!

" The other really big sign of pressure on the Washington D.C. rogue regime can be seen from that fact that all shipping to and from the US West coast is being blockaded. Sources in the Longshoreman’s Union in Portland, Oregon make it clear this shut down of shipping is not due to a labour dispute as US based propaganda news outlets would have it. Rather this is part of an Asian blockade against the US to force it to deal with the criminals in Washington D.C. The shut-down of the rogue CIA may have been their condition.

The plunge in the Baltic Dry Index to record low levels reflects this embargo. The Chinese have also begun scrapping ships in a sign they are in this for the long haul if necessary."

Really not helpful as employment reigns in and still causes deflation! Then why threaten a rate hike?


O, Snap!


Quit negotiating with them!

" They were told in clear language that a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets and a massive (multi-trillion dollar) campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction were non-negotiable demands. If they failed to do this, they were told, it was a mathematical certainty their current system would collapse in catastrophic failure; leading to a French revolution type bloodbath scenario."

Seriously, are you negotiators stupid? Tell them to take action of jubilee or another nation outside of their control will! Telling them what will happen gives them permission to what kind of bloodbath and blame it on the light's forces somehow if that happens. Quit giving them ammunition you idiots. The truth in navigating the waters of the dark must only be now of Aquarian air.


Yea right volcanic origin...

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/science/space/news/nasa-dawn-spacecraft-mysterious-lights-dwarf-planet-ceres