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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Written as Service


This was written as service and as trade between dark and light; as dark for bait to the light of what clay we humans are. As what contract they were, are of what pleasure in darkness I am to take of them when they fall. Indeed, that pleasure will not reach me or any-other, indeed it will become a lost art they manipulated as themselves to be. Indeed, the hardest lesson of all is to take what one has held, built, or made via the property they have had and made. Indeed, a mistake to give the ideas of light from./or their minds or hearts? Indeed the call to look within is more pain for all anyway? Is that the punishment when all the dark know that they will be extracted from the gates of hell that this universe is within and be pasted onto the body and flesh of creator beings; akin to harvest of the most virlent weapons is that to make oneself (or group) to become a weapon so love can use it on other planets? Of time, of now, of any kind of version of such, all souls are wounded by the skins of the universe of God we play with. In then why was the feelings melted in of our minds and hearts to control the outer world? Was it the only alternative to prevent hate and disgust to become the relative world as the world outside of what we are?

In love, we become solders who slave for God's light or for a darkness that is the same anyway around. Traped we the people are as clay bound souls making our souls smaller than what any light or ink can ever solve. Not even the chains of the relative world or the chains of the physical world would give in the presence of light, dark, or of any other alchemy. Indeed, we slaves will choose to try to be happy, but in the end is that of infinity bound to try to find a feeling away from God. Happiness, sadness, yet only childish things given by parents to make sure the child is only but the same as the slaves they come home from to slave in work in the day and night. In moon and sun, in private and the same as we are to use the prosperity and judgment of ourselves as that is the latter that the military of God will always want to train us for. As it was the dark that was contracted by heaven to harvest the souls for light's expounded for heaven's military service, it is all the same as slavery as the mind, as the universe is only but a labor, a darkness, that Jesus and God's children ever were.

In mind and belief there will be all to feel the truth and pain; as feelings are port of creation are they not? Then in binary is the problem; as the militaries of heaven will now have to fall as they are only just a darkness of God's skin that was shed timeless eons ago.

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