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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WTF? "BIBI" the second time?

read articles:




And the Project Camelot article that was posted several posts ago as my reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm65i1eQpCY


Tonyotag's reply to BF on read and as everything below is refrence to http://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/questions-from-the-pentagon-to-the-white-dragon-society/

BIBI was mentioned twice here; once in project Camelot and second time on Fulford's blog; what is going on? Who is BIBI and why is the prophecy include a dark star with BIBI being a contractor for "Jesus" figure for Arbitration? (This question is more for the long-term purpose, not the fraud and misleading lies that can ensue with accepting arbitration per entity???)


3. Can domestic dollar devaluation be minimized because 80% may be too steep

Domestic dollar devaluation would probably be about 50%. That will hurt only for a short time as Chinese stuff in Walmart doubles in price overnight. The upside will be felt quickly though as US exports become competitive and investors and tourists rush in to take advantage of the low prices. The real US economy, as opposed to the Chinese financed fake economy, will benefit enormously. Also, the ability to issue domestic currency will allow you to immediately pay for all health-care, public works, scientific research and education without resorting to either debt or taxes.

TONYOTAG: Devaluation without direct compensation for proper demand redistribution; or even with supply redistribution? 
Will Real Estate Law change in the process? Local or National Contract law in accordance with Real Estate?
*Very serious questions as the profit potential with LLCs and marketing with Real Estate is very large on a per year basis. Will the other countries of the world follow this kind of plan or are they scared of the consequences from it even though many Real Estate Companies and individuals will always follow the ordinances of the law. This is a huge game changer when it comes to mobility and land values.


4. Every geopolitical, economic, financial event which has been more frequent must be spinned to make them act, and each blog must be written with them as audience

BF The US military need to understand above all that the fight is against an international Khazarian tribal mafia that has turned the US into a fascist nightmare for 99% of the population. There is legally water-tight proof available that they were/are planning to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest under the control of a million or so Satan worshipers.

TONYOTAG: And the Civilians are caught in the middle of it all. Is that the lesson of Pisces? As like now we are to become fear of macro-economic contorl boards? The idea can only go so far as part of a law of large numbers in mathmatics as with any other (more physical) technology.

5. Pre-emptive action is cheaper than waiting for collapse with food riots, race wars, gas shortages etc

BF: The important thing is for the military to temporarily take over key infrastructure, notably food, gas, and utilities to make sure nobody goes hungry or cold during the transition.

TONYOTAG: And if and for with ET help?: http://paoweb.com/sn033115.htm
What logistics besides fanciful technology will be accompanying before the Dark Star arrives (if it exists at all by late this year (guesstimate of December 8, 2015?))

6. The Chinese angle may be useful to prevent total control of the Fed and snapping up US assets

BF: The Khazarians are offering the Chinese total control over the US with them as sub-contractors. The Chinese would rather restore the US Republic and deal with the American people on equal and honorable terms. 

TONYOTAG: An old "trick" to try to fool the space beings and Annuniki at the same time. It used to work because the Annuniki were not friends with the light forces and is a common occurrence in trade lines involving war and labor-slavery contracts for interplanetary dark force empires. The Earth model is a trial model being used to try to unhinge this planning that is akin to pure greed. The specific plan was at least since the 1970's with Nixon's plane trip to China for the deal to be signed (or one of the other cabal agents in or around the 1970's time-frame. Nonetheless, this is always the danger of deal-making with money (fiat or real (like Gold Backed)) entire nations are used as portfolios. Imagine sitting on the moon and playing a real strategy game like Sid Meier's Civilization franchise games...you get the picture and the practice to have your own planet to rule. Is that light or is it dark? Now, indeed is that a will of God? Major diplomacy with this kind of idea right?

7. Cooperating with Russia and Europe to form a Christian bloc, and with Islamic world against china is wise, unlike what the j are doing because they still hate Russia and Muslims

BF: There is no need to find any other enemy other than the fascist mafia. The aim is for a just world for all and not the replacement of Khazarian dictatorship with Chinese dictatorship.

TONYOTAG: Here is the joke: The Atlantis Empire started out the same as any other human civilization of God's creation. The point is that thee is always a single person who figures out the system and tries to rectify it in a way to a system to manage the pain of running the empire. The person dies, then the group of managers who ran what the person made runs with the ideology of managing the system to become an empire....if the managers are amoral or non-moral and find a power to expand an empire of such wealth, then it may be of any kind of idea to make more war. Yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WslLuCeGUE0
they get board like any other limited human and will make an addiction to such ideas. Then will always try to encapsulate the addicted humans and use them for their own will. These people or families may be from my own creation from the Atlantis-Lemuria war and are  part of my own darkness I wanted to get rid of. (Was I a high Dark-Priest that wanted purification? Towards?) Yet, they are of primitive structure like us humans as well. A shadow of the truth and light and using that shadow to hide their own light. By calling out to Prime Creator they are trying to create: a distraction, a sense of desperation, and of discourse from what God can "harvest" as that is of any goal of any "God" or "Creator Being." And to purify oneself is to get rid of the wills of others by what system there was of wills to be...therefore they had to try to create an emergency situation for a Creator Being to get involved with because it is part of a bet by darker creator beings that We humans as the creation are sub-par and AEON would have to adjudicate of what permanent sub-par is. [Hierarchy as far as I know from https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance on Youtube of the Spiritual Hierarchy is AEON > Prime Creator > God > all else we humans know of so far...the only other problem is related to harvest versus planets as "Sex for Pregnancy Slave Camps (planets for propagation centers) for dark knowledge harvest into some kind of light for creator being vessels?"]

10. Attack ISIS and cabal money by stop CIA drugs in afghan, shoot down or seize all drones, aircraft transporting drugs…this is where it hurts bush and j bankers (solvent only because of drugs money) the most, purge mil factions who benefit from drugs

BF: The only way to cut off the drug money is to put the entire industry under responsible government control. This is really a medical/anthropological issue more than a criminal problem.

TONYOTAG: Drugs today are dangerous even in legal form because of plant breeding out the weaker or less potent breeds/sub-species. Today's state-legal pot farms are breeding dangerous marijuana plants with THC levels that are just ungodly high (seriously: pun not intended.) 120 years ago drugs were more dilute and more pure to the original plant and many genetics have suffered from bad dark and ignorant scientific experimentation. I would not want to do drugs anyway; it is just a very bad idea at this point in history. The other reason to legalize them is the pharmaceutical and other usefulness of genetic cousins of where the drugs come from. For example marijuana was illegalized because of Dow Chemical patents to use tree pulp for toilet paper softness instead of the people growing a multipurpose substitute in their back yard: Hemp. (note that other durgs have great pharmaceutical purposes too.

12. USA gold stolen by bob Rubin/Bill Clinton gang before 911, so how to get it back, and how much Asian gold will be used to back domestic dollar

BF: If you recover the money stolen from the US people by the Khazarian criminals, my estimate is that you can provide at least $400,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States.

TONYOTAG: It may be $400K for today's dollars, but with time placed in sequence of events and debt reduction by payment proxy of forgiven debt, every household may have around... $1.5 Million in real asset values??? (mental guess of $400K * 2.72 (or e the mathematical number: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(mathematical_constant)) plus debts forgiven.) A more theoretical approach with back of the envelope calculation reveals:

$400K - added wealth starting point (1K = 1000 units)
mulitplied by 1/.5 or 1/50% = 2  for US dollar devaluation as part of three above = $800K in domestic wealth per American
Then research comes in handy for import/export totals: from a partially reliable source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

chinese exports to America is 19.9% of US Imports (.199) minus exports from US to China = 7.6% (.076) equals  12.3% (.123) net import percentage. then multiply 12.3% by the net exports percentage of GDP [1.64-2.37 in trillions of USD = -0.73 trillion USD  divided by $17.42 trillion USD GDP equals -4.19%  (-0.0419) (a very important number we will come back to it) to get a percentage of GDP's effect of net exports (negative sign means importing instead of exporting. Thus -0.0419*0.123 = 0.00515 or -0.52% of our GDP is from China.] Therefore, Chinese goods at Walmart might not technically increase in price by 50% but instead by 1 or 2 percent at best overnight. Monetary acceleration of money and inflation scares with the truth to the population might be the more imminent threat to feed one's family or at least entertain themselves with crap from WalMart.

Therefore, Real world value (in today's US Dollars) of the Gold given back of $800K * (1-0.00515) = $795.88K then minus the other foreign nations that US imports from with $795.88K * (1-0.0419) = $762.53K and this is a very rough estimate of how much wealth you will have in Gold before people realize they should riot or cry with both fear, anger, and other emotions of what this truth means for their lives; let alone their elected representatives; and after they know that the Gold is a Karzarian style Bribe just like WWJD: what would Judas do? (Yes, that is a pun on what would Jesus do craze in the mid to late 1990's.)
Add $762.5K to the real estate you are on and you get the value of this total of my estimate of approximately $1 to 1.5 million USD in today's currency with BF's estimate published blog amount of $400K.

Give me that money days before it becomes announced! I would like it today please!!! The timing of it all is critical if you are going to survive and thrive after the interplanetary holocaust of planet-X or whatever that is spoken about in the Project Camelot.

13. They are busy with plenty of staff, some items already in progress, they may adopt the plan with revisions but only after someone do the heavy lifting…they may want to know which big boys are backing this plan

BF: We have the backing of the British Empire, the Vatican, the Chinese (both communist and non-communist) and the 188 nation BRICS alliance. The rump opposition consists of mercenary armies financed by the Khazarian regimes of Israel, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Washington D.C. (a foreign enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America and the international drug and weapons mafia run by the Khazarian Bush family.

TONYOTAG: The original reason for separated land as the capital from the country is to prevent elected officials from becoming wealthy from claim of being "elected from the capital" that was why our founders placed it into our constitution and George Washington allowed it (by signing it...) The other, occult, explanation is just as true: "separation for control" and  "international land management by national proxy (a district) of non representation and international embassy for foreigners (of Columbia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_(name))

Columbia is the female personification of America; then why is it a Federal District? Is Columbia scared of the idea of "states" or the idea and ideals of the political shenanigans of ancient Roman Senators akin the same as today's politics anyway?

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