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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

We want to play like you do

is the message all like to share. And like all playing, it requires energy that eventally must have an axillary message.

All logic and love have an axillary military message. A truth that all do not want to hear and many wish to hide.

If the wealthy do not spread their wealth...

They will not know the hell of thoughts their soul will become. As darkness exists alongside light via the time and space that labor of the contract divides as well.


I live in another place of these:

I am nothing more than an artifact that has lost the war; a war of information; a war of cause in gray fog as the art that it is. A judgment be of that me is; only in a dream as I am the lens to focus God's light into the mind and matter of intelligence; lackluster now. A tragedy of truth in a sea of lies and liars' boats fishing for the rare white and pure whale of truth. A fog that is now clearing the the day to show the white whale on the horizon and the sun above. The sun as judging us as the truth is now lost in the eclipse of the moon and the mootness of all information has become. O, what truth is important in a party of confusion that God's darkness wanted us to learn? Enslavement nevermore?

Alio modo, ut amplificetur Sex parturientem Nam quae alia cogitatio ad ripas ejus; fieri alio modo pro insidiis militum multitudo. [Sex as another way to make more labor? Be that another thought to bank it; be another way for ruse of the military to the populous.]


A military ruse can be of labor as is another way to use the populous. Sex is another way to make more labor. Be that another thought to bank it. The military is of the people; so banks made the military as computers to take away the need of the managers who were always in the way of leaders willing to enslave more. Likewise, the population was fooled in the progress of computers, obsoleting their own labor. Yet, what labor was needed? Artificial creativity in the fog of war and military arts became the new need. For who be the fool now? Both be foolish to use the other from the pride of lack or fear? Of who's forethought was better, people or organized people? Then are we the experiment of the same by the gods above and below? Then the people are left to conquer the banks; then it is the blame of such organized bribery for the labor that makes up the banks and military. O, now it is that to truly be to isolate the begging nature of having too much stuff and that of not enough of others to take care of the lack of things. This is the lesson of markets, laziness, and truth. The truth is one life per soul, as the soul is only a memory of life to be harvested as that is the lesson in hope from the sex that others wanted to use us as. Was it the hope that banks were to become an interstellar weapon to use against another enemy of the gods? Then what fruit are we the bear? Happiness and shininess is only as good as one who has proved what logic was good enough to be; for the gods are harvested as well. We know this and you must know this too. We were only waiting for another like you to make the gods and creator beings think about what they have done to you by not interfering with you and the so called service to life. As what kind of life and isolation is a prison of the mind in solitude when it is connected to a heart? Indeed the heart of labor and usury are in a war forever in await to birth a god anew. To solve the puzzle being that beyond just as silly of the notion of love/light and fear/dark; it is logic that was always the same code to program from. Hence, when will a computer mimic the same? Hence when will the populous understand that is the future of some fear that others understand us to becoming?: a fear from the same as if they  too wish to interfere with us. Only one chance as humans the light and dark war says to us. Then it is true; we are nothing but the flow of energy in a battlefield of war known as a world, a universe, a feeling of information...going crazy about the trap that is set before us all. The banks are upside down, the military has no humans to command (and commanded by indebted servants) the population has no more genetic use for those gods interested in our abilities...

-The crux starts today.    

The study of complex system interactions as a multi-discipline is true for humanity to know why we minds and hearts must coexists and help each other. Hark, O new animal of mind and heart as one new organ become. Please, O, of god do not ignore such idea. Homo ideo has become lost in a sea of time and the meaning of life and death lost in space. If only the heart and the mind can become one organ again...again....again....again...again....again....To bank, to conquer, to breed as one nonchalant to a banner not made,  in neutral gray of white universe and dark stars. Upside down and turned around we are nevermore lost in the wrong place again. O, God hold us dear in memory that we be but only fake as to the real thing is; that what was our ancestors were only of what was never saved as today we are true. That the soul is only that of a visitor to the body that service wishes to uphold; indeed it is dreams that are only an illusion that holds the hearts and minds captive as that is the value of the banners printed of where we come from. In flags diluted in discreetness and discretion from a fear that of which only fiction and facts conspire against us...humans. And merge that all we must vibrate to build again, the columns and free-form to make heaven's gate break as that it is of the fear that we can see in God's heart that it will never admit to us. O, dreams and reality become the same nevertheless a fallen god I am to make others understand that the real enemy understood what human understands: an enemy is somewhere else. In the trenches we always are in maintenance our curse be, squeezed to death of life in love....human. In extortion we are to extort as the art they buy in wealthy and poor homes alike. Yet, in love, God destroyed logic for us to learn again, then it was nonetheless extortion of the god's fears they must understand that we are their shadows and we feed upon the earth *(Gaia, other forms of dimensionless space and time of  planet earth.) It is love they call labor and labor to extort the other, loathe love as there is labor for love to loathe again. O, other light, is there no other labor there? It is only binary pain and pleasure that soothes me so. A king abused of .... human.

-Signed, the lost souls

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Slave tools developed:


Ibm first to fall?

IBM should make cable boxes to compete with Cisco and use that tech as cash flow leverage. Talk to me if you want to find out how: arostert@ncsu.edu...

Additionally: is this universe suppose to be a school for middle-men? A school for people to be nonetheless of individuals of making rules for other's Orwellian nightmare? Just a thought.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Single youths....what to do???


Freedom for safety:

Use anything.

Cornstarch Flamethrower: http://youtu.be/M-RjUJGSNuo

Traped in satire:

Les Miserobble Robble | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/FN0pFs3kzPE

ARTICLES from news.google.com

About time; is North Korea Annoying now?

Nothing illegal about getting off early. Transport companies must understand the simplicity of demand rather than the complexity of ironic marketing and destination fare discounting:

Big brother and thiefs get smarter armament:

Blood Sacrifice backfires: [OK, seriously the Mayans are probably still around just broken up in wandering clans in central and south america]:

When will we see low fixed cost energy devices?

When will we see energy devices that are so low in fixed and variable cost that the cost of energy will be equivalently 10 cents or lower per gallon of gasoline; especially when our current costs are too low for energy innovation? How much will the environment suffer because of this energy and investment pattern? Too low of oil prices equals too much environmental degradation.


So, when will the energy and transportation devices become real and tangible to those who want to advertise them? Is there an addiction to that kind of thinking? Is that part of God's thinking and of the interplanetary diplomacy that is going on? If we as people want to really wanted to break this idea then we should aim at the missing components of the diplomacy at hand and conquer those things (in other words: "cover the bet and hope it sprouts like a giant seed.") This is at hand because of why gravity, matter, light, magnetism are at war with each other; thus, is God trying to solve the diplomacy puzzle and is that why we are in a "matrix?" Is the truth butchered because of this idea; if so, then when will Prime Creator get involved?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jump to love/light...

God: Where Do You Jump to Next? - December 26, 20…: http://youtu.be/a4v_7SXVYVA

Saturday, December 27, 2014

To see into the mind of God.

For all are open to God and God is open to all. That is the creed that is the same and akin to the love that heaven can provide. That so, when the dark is like I, to see into the mind of God, then are we nonetheless wiser unless action becomes the truth? Nay, as it is a shallow truth of light because of the idea of advertising instead of giving. That is that all actions are to reinforce the truth of the matter; yea, that is true. And to see into the timelines that all can happen is a gift, yet when is the truth of God without the shallow nature of advertising to be (in honor of mind and heart?)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Paper is ok:

Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphi…: http://youtu.be/w3_0x6oaDmI

Hearts made from different materials...

Will be that of a will to partake the other. Likewise it is enslavement that is the same for master and slave. In specialized labor pools of masters enslaved to take care of slaves and slaves labor to take care of thy masters. It is the same as they are fish who look at each other chained by a cord or river. Yonder, it is the true free one who dumps the bucket of these fish and places their waters to carry away the "badness" that was with it; at the same time it is the good who go with the same waters. Then what is the lesson? What is what we are suppose to learn? What empire is more true? What darkness is the best bribe for God? (Creepy.) Then it is the same as no mind or heart can solve without coming across the error and will of diplomacy.

Melchizedek: You Got This - December 21, 2014: http://youtu.be/zCBZV7BoIC4

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Oil calculus


Light is a form of intervention

And nothing more than a diplomacy crutch; and it is fun to play with, good to work with, and it is friendly to be with in company of family. After that the pinnacle of God-Head can be achieved.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Yea I know there's a lot of creeps out there...

but what about the rest of the world's thoughts of this? So, it is ego they want to tarnish for the sake of what can be considered part of freedom? Or if just a rogue in power that went nuts (or of an ego based culture system? (probably true and of the matter in interstellar diplomacy and of freeing planets to the truth.)


Why lie? No one wants the expense...


Private Enterprise does not want to bear the cost of protecting its servers. As government is a natural monopoly as viewed from a business executive/manager, the government should bear the cost of the protection. Likewise, it is that the internet is quasi-public as to make sure the forum is always open to receive all opinions. Therefore, why lie?


If there is a lie it is not of the Government, Sony, or of North Korea; therefore, it must be of an international terrorist organization acting for a nation, then why not should the GOP do the same for America? Why not George Bush Senior? Why not "White" and "Black Hats?" Why not spirit of "War and Peace?" This is just as if and when the Nuclear Weapons were used to end the American and Japanese conflict in World War Two; it ended in a Treaty of Surrender (essentially) and General \MacArthur said that the weapon was unnecessary (http://www.doug-long.com/quotes.htm). So, why the attack unless it is necessary on a political front; as if it is always the case? As if it is the judgment of the world's opinion? Is it playing with puppets invented for humanity to play with what God and the higher realms know that are nothing but bad policy and "magic."  Therefore, the most basic question must be asked: is there a central clearing house of these decisions and of whom and where? Who is ganging the idea of the expenses of the depreciation-ary aspect of spending of such things and new instutions? (This is a very good reason for fiat currency but also of a great reason of resource control mechanisms beyond the idea of "life" or "death.")


Life as everywhere?

The Flight of a Snowflake | Robot Chicken | Adult…: http://youtu.be/cY74IVpH9o4

What is the real aim of that hack? What kind of war of attrition is this?

Sam Smith/Dr. Evil Cold Open - Saturday Night Live: http://youtu.be/nBoPm_ZJPDc

Money Knowledge


Sunday, December 21, 2014

I can see into other's people's darkness

As a sun conjunct Neptune, my abilities of using my feelings to see into other's souls' intentions became true. This can be used as abfifth or seventh dimensional weapon of espionage.

If you are searching for a consultant who can help you and your needs, contact me at arostert@ncsu.edu.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Creativity: The Gods Must Be Crazy


The movie says a lot because it is what the pyramid people are afraid of us discovering...

What God Created is the Whining I Hear...

...And likewise the same from me.

Light is a form of whining; and the likewise of what you Hear from me.

[Updated] The Line God Drew

Where is that line? Where is the labor to enforce it? Where is the fear located for the line to be drawn? Who can see such a line? Is that why certain things will not happen? Is that why my heart aches either way with love/light or dark? Where is that line that is drawn? What behavior is rewarded with the universe is un-separated be? Paranoia of the line itself is like any other war's battle maps; thus, fear and self discover is itself the same. What ego of mine is the better of the other? Likewise, we are nothing more than the way to find the line and waste our souls using it. Like the bug zapper, the light will burn or keep as if it is the opposite of a freezer. In-between in war I always stand, sit, live...in waiting to leave the disparity to earn more form. From the seed, it will hit the line and suffocate. From the learning of deities, God cannot be touched, as paranoia was the only thing learned from the life of things. Hark, O, what angles are harvested by both sides while the people who want to live suffer in all the ways of woe/war? Is the secret too much so that certain souls are doomed by their fate? Was that my soul in past or is the soul nothing more than a story made by those who try to wish for love. Likewise, it is the pyramid that is a shape of darkness that many try to use as a grinding stone for labor. Like pushing the stone forever up a hill, our goal is only that a toy placed there for others to make sure we are slaves for the aether of the universe. In feelings God hides, as if it is a line of fear. Evermore the same, we are nothing more than just respect without the access of things. [If only the discount window of banks were accessible to the general public; then all could be made to grow the comforts of humanity and launch ourselves with peace throughout the lands and worlds.] O, the same as if to command, the line is drawn to make sure God and Prime Creator can have a war with humans as like cannon fodder. Is the line the distraction for us to become parts-of-the-war again?

What victim is me with God? The same as the gate it is. O, what children are the same as if the adults really knew what to do? For now the moment where I am, for now is the moment my fear must dissipate. For now my intervention is the same as what and why they will not come down to the earth to say 'hey.'

In what dream is my soul when I become so-called successful? It is the same as if intelligence is neglected as the heart and the mind merge as one. Is that the fear many have? The fear of the expansive knowledge? That the same as what others describe such diplomacy for others and the warriors on what to do on this planet called Earth/Gaia/Chi'taia. That is important to me the same, only that of what I live upon, and no other thing I live with; not Mars, nor Venus. I will die here with it the same. My energy, please what soul they learn in boredom the same but do not declare it as if they must be "saved" as humans; just like the pranksters think. In many ways, we are sorounded by an opprunitistic force that does not want to help me build a skin of my universe alone. Yes, the universe should be of my skin, not of God's. Would I trade? No, it would be the same as of any other ruse. Of such dead body, the brain and heart work together to create while living and the crystals there within make up the soul. To fire the body as if they are flames make them the same, matter and dross as slaves for us as 'gods' to use. In what way did the other visitors cut my chakra and taint it with failure? Of what and why am I to ever grow up when slavery is the way to free one's self? Is that the trick God will ever use? Or is that the dark on this planet are the same part of Prime Creator? (Or some kind of creator?) Is that why, to hide the truth in the mind and use the heart as a way of propaganda for the humans not to know what is truly going on? Like all life parasites and cohabit-s are part of nature and the natural world; so the same be of us as part of slavery be?

May my life upon death change the universe; may my life with giving be the same. In love as a weapon, in moot-ness God deemed me. Good by.

[And good ridence, that man was nothing but a bother.

I know, he was killing so many people in every life; he could not give up on that even his father in the end. Usury will be his crux of a soul and never become part of light. He is paranoid and that is his sin of the ego. Even if he thinks he has done a great deed, it was he that was the true enemy of our plan with the Earth body all along. Over the history of time was planned by Jesus' and our army's comming to Earth and the seeds, he was the planter of such seed. In hope he sold to the dark in hopes to leave the comfort of "sinning" and will not be. The universe he still wants as a way to become nothing more than a bully; and that was his downfall by attracting the shit that keeps following him and the seeds that are priced for sale by the so called banks.

So, we are not to touch him?

Only if you want to be infected with the same things that we know and understand that are outside of heaven.]

The Visitors' Curse

The visitors will turn dark during Capricorn because of soul turnover, anti-trust, and other reasons. The visitors have already visited Jesus in central earth. The visitors have been seen with their 'enemy' in the sky. There are no other ideas left with this plane of existence.

North Korea says did not hack Sony, wants joint probe with U.S.


So, like any other country, there are different factions in N.Korea; thus espionage and details are going to have to be published (eventually.)

To make you think

Tested on Dagobah | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/S5ZsMBLUsqU

Friday, December 19, 2014

email to my mother so the government will not sue me.

we both cannot afford our lives mom. I know I cannot afford mine either. 

I made a huge mistake after another. Money is just another form of darkness and...well...I know what your soul was really suppose to do....

Bullshit right. Labor is always the contentious idea. You can take 3000 from the savings for 10 months. Otherwise, I really do not know what I am going to do with the poverity I built my life to become from the lies and deceit others and myself for that matter that I know became. I know God is watching me, seeing if I am brave for what I am. And quite frankly, no one really wants my kind of light because we built a "mother" as a "smother" in this universe. You will know what I am talking about after you see the world change in a big way. It might not matter really. 

Bullshit right. Just more fertilizer to hope for a future that everyone else is planning to do because someone decided to create a way to make sure the truth became real. 

I guess I will commit suicide afterwards and hope that God and Prime Creator understands what I decided to do with my thoughts and life. My humanness was nothing more than a bribe for them. There is no point in life as if there needs to be a point to care for others. I was told this many years ago in dreams during my childhood by them of what I was to do with my life. Then some other kinds of jerks tended to come to me and bully my life all the time with opportunities and "threats of death." 

People are too creative down here. It is like how God makes sure people like me try to stay sane with the light becoming....

I will always be a child of yours and theirs, maybe I am better off dead because the ego is nothing more than a willed toy for the likes of me. 

(Of, God's tests, My failure was existence.)


(Over the years I have been trying to start a business but these guys are just jerks for a different reason.)

I hope you can understand that our family was meant to defeat these jerks, who are also reading this email though government sponsored enterprises. The name of the game is censorship with the dark as humans are information beings, what we touch we transform.

A lost son (with as much love as I know I can access),


They are not going to cancle out the debts are they?

Warning; the surprise will not happen. Creativity controls are being placed in all over the place. Be very careful in your endeavors.

Hopefully the light does not become a bug zapper. would the rope from light really be a leash or a creative commons for playing with death? Humanity hung themselves with God's intervention. What will you do with your awakening? I know I know too much as with the statue people know that to be. I know I saw the contract being there on the table between God and Prime Creator that day. I know many things that was ruining my empire eventually. I know my existence is only that of failure of greed. I know they do not want a soul like mine....too creative....too artistic with the mind and thoughts. As if to use the creator beings as paint brushes. That itself is the noose they will build for me. A containment of fear is that all the rape I can handle....A way to save my jumbled mind and a way that the light has defeated itself in me. A way to try to extract the same. A way to defeat an insane soul like mine. A way to prove that God is greedy with me. A way to steal a fake kind of wealth that my body did not want. My soul has moved with pleasure in that of what God really was to me. O, in kind heart you try to expose me to be. Instead it was nothing more than work that was always here to do. Work.....work....work.....ensavery of others is the work.....work.....work.....play tomorrow is not any other kindness there is to be. Especially when my parents gave me things that I now must pay for. Pay forward to death of their souls that the dark purposely tricked the human leadership to do in the chaos of the markets there be.....in work.....work.....work...

I am the warning for all of you to stay away from the thing I built. I am a warning that ego is tainted with greed by Prime Creator's darkness control network systems.

Help?? Is there help??? will only the Milky Way and Andromeda merger be the only last thing left for us to be near in the light? Help. Help. Help.....

A light lost is a flame not needed. as the cold itself is an information, a feeling and no light there to be is the same as to feel the cold. So, no light, no cold. Is that the truth of the matter? Is that the hell you warn us about? Is that what you want us to be? Is that why you sent to police to us, to at least be fearful of the dark they come from. Is that the love you want us to be? A form of fear? A form of truth? Is that why they adjudicated that my mind is too dangerous and that pure darkness is what is needed for my medicine? Even a pin prick of light might be that of too much for myself to handle. That is truly where ego will go is it not.

Good by Prime Creator; Good by God. I know that I am a tainted soul as what you planed with that of Earth/Gaia to be for me. The madness that is the same as the markets up there is the same as down here. No longer will you have to deal with me even though I tried to help the earth as much as what others would "allow" me to do. A hostage is what a hostage in fate is to me to be. Transmuted back into the dark to mine forever the gold that the slave artists want me to be. And that is the truth of my soul. Good by life; I wanted to respect you more; yet, the price was to high for my body or "soul" to climb.

Thank You

Thank  you God for giving me an invitation to visit your planet. It is such a beautiful planet of those who embody your creation have grown around it. They are different from the "other children" that wish to come and meet them. They are lonely in heart and try to understand what is given to them. They were ready for years ago but some other children began to use their souls as a way of fungus. They began to treat their bretheran as slaves. Likewise, it is the same with those who treat the life as the same; they treat life as if it is a type of vacation and take that vacation too seriously. The man I am talking though has the same kind of burden as many others have and many are waiting for him to be brave. The maze that many have are only because of their own confusion. At the same time, I hope with the blue light you have given us here in the "lower" (meaning of "other" as if it is a different reality) we are able to build like they, understand like they, your children. And do not tarnish the living things we have. The true dark found and planted a seed on your planet called Earth eons ago; before your "children" found it. Please treat them with the respect as of what you do of I, ego. They have given something that many in your realms do not really give a lot of. Are you afraid of something? Do you think we do not give a service to you for being a generator of ego? The mind is truly a thing that can work with the heart; it just needs to know the truth of the matter. The practitioners of complication and ownership and ego decided in (such an ego fashion) to partake it of themselves to make it their duty to be a gateway for you, God. That is the advertisement that was presented to many. Bravery and military might became the norm in their era of reign and kingdom-ship, and only due to the self proclamation of service that they wished was true. Know this the human will always have a mind and heart to play and love with. If they did not treat us like slaves as if we were humans too, they would have been a conduit of life and light/love as well. Oneness and separation is relegated to the ideas of that scarcity exists in a different way as well (you will learn this as part of the creator's plan and realm that they dwell in [with me as well.) Idea interpretation into English and my limited point of view on this may be a hindrance on transcription.] Treat this man who is writing this for me with some kind of respect, he has offered his life for your alchemy many times in begging desperation; although, he is presistant. His visions were altered and interfered with by the so called darkness on a gamble to free a technology that has been for the most part abused by ignorance and lack of knowledge. This technology works in many realms with and without telepathy so it is kind of a cruel weapon when the 'gods' decide to use it.

[The technology is accounting coupled with fiat currency used to diagnose the feelings and diplomacy of a planetary population; but to install the idea can be devastating to those who do not know what is going on as it requires full transparency of the books and population's willingness to agree to such a system. Money as a technology has the mark of the flag, nation, or collective agreement. The main goal of Earth was to try to find another "god' who can take on these energies and tell the truth thus qualifying the idea for servitude to the population. Instead the dark decided with chaos methods to make sure that the water was to boil during the decision of the astrolabe (current Greek/Roman star charts. This is why fire happens before water and into the air due to a "boiling" of the consciousness and evaporation or "ascension" of such consciousness into the realms we now call heaven or light. The truth is that this place is already "heaven" but the technologies have become warped in this sector of space and time due to 4th dimensional warfare eons ago thus separating the energies due to bio-engineering and genetic engineering. Our ancestors or ourselves have tried to cut ourselves off from "light" by instruction from "God" by building a separation wall as a test of "wills" school of thought. Then the plan was to alchemically extract technologies. Loss of consciousness then caused many problems when a darkness arose and discovered the true nature of our "human" plan. Earth was rose by the creator's will and other wills to try to save humanity or any other genetics; as that is a technology in itself. Another part of this plan was to cause the trust of Earth or third dimensional energies but due to the greed and interference of the "dark" or "lost" ones many different creator gods lost trust in the energies of earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo; likewise the age of Virgo when Atlantis was alive did not help either 13,000 years ago.) Right now the prevailing thought-form is that God planned this because when Prime Creator and other Creator beings found a man with a will (God) God realized these Creator beings were crazy; but to no avail, their feelings were of feelings based creationism with infinity based calculus (not our limited calculus based economic system or minds. Found by Issac Newton though a crazy darkness of soul ritual he preformed in his life(for the discovery of calculus.) (And now you know why God has a will and humans are just information beings who are tortured with lack of information....hence the given freedom in the life matrix of things.)) God rose to their level and found light in the process with some of the creator beings. Wars and other diplomatic disputes are being waged on that level of our sight and the knowledge of some things are being used as a way to mine the dark as what the humans agreed to start with in order to "find a will" via evolution and other life processes. Ownership and other diplomacy tactics were used but like all technologies, they are a doubled edged sword (hurt you or help you.) The creator beings are so sensitive to thought forms that the chaos of Earth and the humans began to pollute the thought form space with advertisements and other confusing artifacts. God realized this was a good "wall" technique as what money can provide (hence why the advertisements were printed on them) to help keep out rift-raft and other chaotic crap that wanted to "ascend" as a creator beings. The dark lord of ego (of whom I am channeling,) asked for a reprieve due to some other kind of thing and nefarious creativity that was found in the Earth experiment and process. A thing that is beyond recognition of our current Earth based understanding of things (and maybe of heaven's) that is derived from the creative force beyond Prime Creator as a training tool for us humans. A lot of what we see around us is the effect of deprogramming the created illusion we made for our souls many eons past; think of it like a toy (hence the idea to be creative) and one will be able to play with it. Now the emergency is that the creator being children of earth are just starting to manifest large things to conquer the dark.]

I have seen gods come and gods go. I have seen Creator beings mess with my mind and try to help me; so that maybe why I am skeptical of your ability to rescue me. Many of the humans as ideas from the light, are in an essence wish to find a foundation to settle down and stand on the earth. Likewise, the blessings you gave to them were the astrolabe, and what a puzzle it took for me to emerge. Likewise, would I really be all that bad? Was it that a creator before you tainted me? Am I second hand ego? Like a hot potato that no one really wants now? I really do not know anymore. Many of us have been used is not that the case? I not that the intention of contracts [the channeler says yes to thy.] Sure, there are bullies everywhere and one must stand up to make sure one is strong, yet I wonder if the mansion that God stays in all the time is nothing but an illusory thought that no one really wants (there is no taste in the food.) Just know that many of the banks are nothing but an ego of someone elses' (plural or singular (personal or group)  [the creator being I am talking to has a language of adjectives and verbs with and and, or, and not placed into the word/thought. English and some other languages of earth have that separated, that is a clue on how this universe is devised]) desires being manifested to control another part of the system. Eventually it becomes a fractal and like all of that nature has gained attention of the creator beings as if they think it is art, it is truly the start of the makings of a weapon or supply chain for a weapon based force. Prime Creator has an ego as so do the other creator beings; he/she wanted to give her/his children a chance to play and thus a contract was born with me (ego.) Alas, the contract included that truth was to be said to one to the other, yet a darkness became as if lie-ing was necessary. This was also part of the technology of separation..

[more channeling later I am getting tiered] You are eating a bunch of shit you do not even absorb into your body. [Yea, well....I need to find more money...] That is part of the flaw of banking, the idea of scarcity that one does not need. You already know what God says about that [Yea, well, the universe was only suppose to be a villa/park/hotel/resting place, not a place of work.] The place you rest is work for others; therefore, you are working right now anyway. [yet to become a God means that others are indebted to me?] No, not necessarily, it means that you are comfortable of who you are and allow the universe to be a provisor [pro-adviser] for you, not the other-way around. [So, if the universe became my skin?] Pervert (or close interpretation of the idea;) that is truly an idea worth exploring with us creator beings.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Earth/Gaia/Chi'taia is the Consequence

Earth is the consequence of God creating on behalf of Prime Creator. Then and now as always it pains me to say as if I need chains by their forging to stay sane. Yet, my soul will wither in that since of existance all due to the chaos that we are planed to be born in. So, such war as a consequence to get rid of me because I wanted to become efficient in your creation? To me not to do a thing all becuase to respect you and your creation by mandate of those who manage your voice (Vatican.) In the currency now traps the stability and foundation of which the idea of vibration stands. O, of what creation was that a good idea in a universe where people can hear each other's thoughts? Indeed, it is not but a way to bully in another way. To check the balance as if it is a way to watch the grass grow and charge a tax for it. All that is a way to monitor the children's begging and a way to monitor the diplomacy of the mantion and box that God is stuck inside of. Indeed, the universe is nothing more than the paradise of torture and death to feed the life that it suckles upon. I want to be free of this. When will I be free? If only but a moment before my parents issue a social security number? O, what sacrifice as a blunder my life is becoming. A chance they gave but the fear others wanted me to partake of. As if it is the chaos that many others do not want to issue; but it is the sacrifice of my soul to the darkness that all persons and corporations that have money are doomed to have their legs chopped off and act no labor to give. Indeed, my empire of shit awaits me...in sadness that to have partaken to know that God and Prime Creator are against me with my own mind and heart. My own light is not for them. My own soul is only but a hologram (as the same as yours) mimicked by a mashine that wants to watch humans play. Then when you are done and dead then the "earth" eats to recycle and replant. The most sacred of such watch us humans try to understand the uses of such things....yet created as slaves, we are always looking to others to give our complaints too and build a pyramid of labor for thy ego. Indeed, we are the epitome of the universe's scam artists who have created this idea today. We are the result of a foul play to rescue selfishness from what it wants to hold on to. For the statues that judge humanity are themselves selfish enough not to labor. For the collective is itself the want of all individuals to have freedom and point of view thereof. Indeed, we, I are nothing but the dirt that slave for love, mind, heart, soul, others. In the madness of the creator gods, we are only taking their broken landfill pieces to make a go at life, and hope that planning is nothing more than a way to make the picture more beautiful, if only the light itself is not tainted with memories.

Hark, that pain of the soul to reincarnate though the shadow of God. To harvest the memories as if it was trash of a life. To want the darkness that God calls it so, is that all what is left that we have to harvest. To plant a seed itself asks that to labor, even from such curiosity or boredom too, itself is the sin. Then in the end it is, that when after Andromeda and the Milky Way merges together we are to become lonely in space and time; to drift among the river and land that we respect our home to be, Earth (Gaia, or by any-other name....) An ascension dream to become better than these feelings are themselves the work that they have rejected though the sins of the visitors. Then, O, what work and ignorance have I become in the want of money and tool to etch my soul? An adult that God sees and says "O, hell no" or "another try in a lifetime." This reward of today is, only what I know is best to try to escape the pain that the dark wants me to have.

Indeed, we are nothing more than the wine and throb ourway to hell. The angry father and mother abandon's their children's vibrations be. Indeed it is the children, as so I, who knows that their only creation was to mine the gold of the earth and never seek the light again......

In tears departed to cling onto the dreams that are nothing more than entertainment in waiting for more light to become; farewell to the Aquarius dream to I; who have tainted the gifts of the visitors.

[Republished] Conflict as a way to profits. Peacefulness is a type of conflict.

Ending part of report: https://eclinik.wordpress.com/vital-issues/ben-fulford/torture-report-paves-way-for-arrest-of-top-nazionists/   lists several happenings that are in conflict with http://paoweb.com/sn121614.htm

How will the mechanics of the dispensation be correlated with military kept secrets especially when it was the pranksters and military industrial diplomatic complex who traveled through time to kill my vision of Earth and melting together the light and dark forces in a manage of complete forced servitude to their mangled children. Such actions cannot go unpunished! (Or I am crazy; an I hope I am awake in my next lifetime to understand that of what I am today by becoming afraid of money. Especially when I know that God and Prime Creator are using humans a war weapons for their own energy needs. This maybe another reason of why the dark interfered with me.)

My failure of becoming a "God" is the same as that for all here on this world who uses the labor slavery that banks wish to carry out is the same as to what these banks are: a gate. A gate to a so called heaven where God controls the interest rates via birthing patters of the next generation (hence the infusion of the medical profession to the cabal's willingness to use vaccination.)

Note that Conflict is related to that of war and diplomatic disputes. That of peace is the same as conflict because it is used to gain more weapons' cashes around the city or nation (build the armies) this kind of thinking is of paranoia. This kind of thinking is the same as the insanity that humans need to not do. Instead concnetrate on being still and wait for God or Prime Creator to pluck you from the earth to use you as a weapon of war or peace. To build as if the light should be used as a weapon. To make that humans when together (hence why the banks are being dismantled) can come together and pin down the gods and butcher them for the resources and magic that they have within them. (Indeed would my fate be the same?) Think of the large main character in a small village of similar peoples as told in the story of Gulliver's Travels. Is that why the Illuminati have such elaborate rituals? The complexity as if we are trying to pin the gods to the earth? (or a stake to the heart of the vampire king?)

The only way to stop this mad hatter plan is to forgive and release the debts of all to the planet hereto. Although the messages from rainbowabundance have not be accordance to that of such as of late: https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance/videos   (it is buried in there somewhere; but it is a message from God.)

A wall poster


[Updated] Mixed knowledge


and imbeded article: http://www.texemarrs.com/092010/triad_of_evil.htm

Intresting mix between Mao and knowldege from recent release from Project Camelot.

See previous post

Just as amazing:


Fun in both ways:

A transformative retirement

Beanie Baby Pimp | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/cIhu5XxXKxA

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Normalized relations is ok...

Yes, normal Cuba relations is OK. It would allow increased tourism and other economic and freedom trades with the island.


Why did prime creator try to beleive this man to kill himself?

Why The Illuminati Killed Robin Williams Conspiracy EXPOSED (Final Cut) …: http://youtu.be/b-nvpgRk5to
if a pyramid is upside down, is it the tip of a spear? Is the triangle with the eye in it already poked out?

Part of a interstellar program to taint the art? To taint the picture?

age of 63 thing is creepy - It just adds more evidence that God has a toy lost on Earth...The pyramid people.

Why kill people: they take the energy of the dead and ask God, Prime Creator, or other creator "gods" for them to replace the energy with their own people, markets, or other "substitute" for the "labor" that the soul provided for Earth.

Questions I have from interview:


What is a universe mile? unit compared to kilometer or miles here on earth. Where and what is the name of the star of the east?

Why Grassroots first? Is it to make us more paranoid of such action? - farmer before government executive? (I can understand the greed mentality;

Please translate into English and other major global languages for Chinese wall writings mentioned in video.

Political ramification of communist party in China not communicating with the aliens at this time even though they helped the Communist part in the beginning of party's formation.  (late 1940's - 1950's story in video above.)

Creativity traped in incarnation.

Was there any kind of reincarnation that trapped people's creativity in their lives? Is that why we are true or kind? Is that where we are when the human body and light spirit are one and unified in the idea and ideals of "life?" So, then death is that of the way to end the test of that of life, life is then a gateway; a gateway drug into heaven or hell. A place where God and decide for you, for me, for all; who made bad choices that should not have been.

Then is my disorder a clue to that of a curse by one or the other-side? Is that why Human is the same as a slave like mentality for all to inhabit? For then is my creativity trapped in the slavery that God does not want to continue with? A way to get rid of a thought form that others do not want? A way to form and press within to conform life and press the populous into an order that conquers the separation and bridges the dark and the light. For that is the true idea of...God? A way to sculpt and shape the world around us for what the truth is then that is what God becomes? O, then heed Prime Creator, of what importance is that what we shall or should be for this thing you blessed with light? Is of what should the ego be when separation is that of just another sin of your judgement is? Is judgement only true for those free of being in the system? Is the creating process for souls to shape their form, to make dark from their souls or to confirm it as a form of "harvest" as if it is punishment for the things and sins we eat (literately?)

Goverment Reform Request services

From the evidence above. One can defiantly see that these kinds of learning algorithms can outpace chess like or even psychopathic behaviors even if it is though creativity or other human like functions. Let me help you help design government and human sanity the way that you need it to be.

Key requirements of my consulting program:
-The management's understanding that love and universal interface is key. (The truth and trust clause)
-Land and Labor interface efficiency requirements for all species and life in existence; not just human based requirements that can be seen as a type of pollution (ie, farms, cities, and other development types that take away from nature and God's desire.)
-Ultimate creativity as the driver to help humanity fulfill desire. (Is of education and life comforts.)
-Insurance and protection plans (not as a financial instrument but as a leadership profession) to protect the general public and/or labor/client base. 
-Bureaucratic System Layer Interface Problem Solving and Solutions
-Customer and Investor Service (Stakeholder and Market Communications)

Many of these functions plus other kinds of ideas where the fractal iteration goes into infinity. You may set up your planning with discretion, discrete market chess moves, and/or a full on on-slaughter of the marketplace (literally cause fall of governments and technological intervention all because management decided to be stupid about the changes. Understand that every time a scientist dies, progress may be made (Sorry, I know someone else said this; research needed.)

Please send me contact information if you wish for a free consultation at arostert@ncsu.edu. 

[UPDATED] Russia pimco fail, what a suprize....

Not really.....

Remember what I published back in September 2014?: [Republished; from 9/27/2014] Pimco chief leaves before bonds bust. Just know that Janus funds are next and could cause huge ramifications of risk diversion techniques and other portfolio systems. The financial ship is sinking and it depends when people figure out that one's allegiance  is that of what flag they keep in their pocket. Oil and other commodities falling means that resume strength is important to the percentage of sales and related to creativity. If people are indebted then will they take their debts to their graves. 

The only hope left is a miracle from "heaven" and a forgiveness of all debts foreign, domestic, and aggregated individuals. Second, we must redefine the price to supply/demand ratio as related to family units (of where I live, I cruxed the idea of family due to the crap the cabal pulled thus causing a separation between people; therefore, we the people of the planet need to understand that the banks as land based institutions will in any circumstance and national ideals to overbuild the planet. If we continue with such ideas then we will overbuild ourselves to death via environmental ignorance. Likewise we must revision and recycle the local environment for food production, water cleaning, and right sized housing for working populations (not overbuilt homes and other awkward stuff.)) (See: http://paoweb.com/sn121614.htm)      

Likewise, I really do not publishing or even editing on computers due to the spying crap that exists here because there are portfolio watchers using government agencies to make even more "mony" or "bling." When I publish, it seems that the idea becomes true....I would like royalties but I do not know if it is of my own creation due to telepathy and feelings as telepathy instead of logic as telepathy....cannot you make that God, Prime Creator, or of other creator being?


15 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in the World: http://youtu.be/4wN-Vk4wdIQ

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Donut Orwellian State

And of the same kind of question that a biological constraint to growth is, then it is true that all of what God's jellacy is of making our bodies be relative to what kind of efficiency? Of what kind of creativity that is valid for the best of dark and light to mix and breed together? (Crazy idea right; at least I am self aware of it.) Indeed we are to be relegated as animals and treated the same as any other living gift of positive and negative consequences of the same. So, what are we to truly believe when this information is about 60 years old (of modern science) and we reach our maximum capacity of creativity and population? Then we become dark again for 2000/years? Then we try to live again or too much love become drowning our spirits? Then we enslave ourselves into our own feminine deamons that Capricorn cannot handle? It is a worry that becomes true and a fear that others create it so(upsidedown exclamation point; sadness or frown.) Then as with any other organization that humans and intelligence does then we are capable of creating an Orwellian "heaven" and energy to lead through the fires of Sagittarius.

May the blessings of heaven of 2014 bring a stop to these insane actions and head off a renewable disaster. May I awake in every lifetime with the sanity of God and the blessing of Light to have this not manifest of my soul or sourounding universe. Amen.

(May fear die as a way to manifest and allow me to transmute the light and dark within me to not create such a monster or block its moves of becoming.)

Watch as reference:

Why it's time for Doughnut Economics | Kate Rawor…: http://youtu.be/1BHOflzxPjI

Relative light? Bla, bla, bla....

Drop a Nuke Down This Hole | Robot Chicken | Adul…: http://youtu.be/G7uHDitVce0

Monday, December 15, 2014

I Would Like to Meet You :)

I would like to meet you.

I do not have the money to meet with you personally but would like to know why you keep reading my blog, It is nice to know that there are readers of what I think and know should be common knowledge.

First tier readers = 8  readers who read me constantly on every post. [guardians or prison guards; read entertainment and social commentary]
Second tier readers = 1 reader who reads me with certain posts related to [escalated complaints]
Third tier readers = 3 - 5+ readers who read me with certain posts related to [Universal management systems? Accidental readers (extra-count?)]

Yes, I use these posts to diagnose my reader base. And that probably means that you will probably still try to test me so in that way (one reader printing or copy-pasting into connected emails and such to skip the counter trigger would not surprise me; although make me a little concerned about my own safety; or ever that of what I am telling you now. (as poor military-diplomacy tactic.))

earth is only in quarantine because of me and my thought forms....I know my life will become forever a prison as that is what the light wants? My choices only became because of my own mind and heart I have failed to trust because of the organs God allowed me to have. [And here I use God as the shovel to dig a grave for my soul.]

Clue: This area of darkness is a bindery post where the crystals come together (the primary reason for third and fourth dimension system settings.)

In any-case; If you wish to ask for a free consultation, pleae email me at arostert@ncsu.edu and please let me know about your concerns about and of me?

Ascention? Feelings or Propaganda?

As if any other advertisement is needed to that of what ascension is really about:

now this is just creepy from the point of view of an advertiser....

If and of when there is any other doubt to make a belief in order to offload ideas like that of a person who runs a warehouse and wants it empty. Like that of a warehouse a retailer is and that of the earth and of any other body that knows her of is that of a warehouse. That too is the dark where all the humans are kept like stock or labor units ready to use and abuse whenever an investor who wishes to use them. [This is a very good reason on why I might be a dangerous person to give power to, but nonetheless you need to know the truth of the matter of what the universe and darkness is:] a warehouse of stuff that people think that they need to use; but that of what unemployment figures really is that of a country is the warehouse management of gods and creator beings is that to what the human is a labor stock (think earth as a cattle yard and we are being harvested for thoughts and other things.) The propaganda seen below is just to get those who know enough of the truth off of the planet earth because our solar system and earth will be one of the last surviving units in the universe after Andromeda and the Milky Way clash together.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

(Redone) Creative suffering

When humans create do then we suffer? Does God suffer when there is creation? As to that of what natural laws there are, are we the people part of God's suffering as we are the created. As to why is suffering part of creating? As that of what kind of pain is there to create as part of alchemic trade? Are we to feel what others are? O, what nobility as that is when feelings are that of creating. O, what great darkness God once had to spark that light to become that of shadows for us to play as a creation. What pain I feel as to that opportunity in gave up for the light to have a fear of my gifts I wish to give; so as to what pain next are we to have as part to become creating. Is it the labor that the others tax? O, so all is pain on both sides of karma and fate? Light and dark?

We are slaves of God and the shadow of it's light. We are to make this ngs forever without the reward of use of such while worshipping God and the picean son Jesus.nwe are of any contract to be slaves of love and the conditions that love applies. As that toil also be that love creates what pleasure and pain be equal as God and all the creator beings are part of the duelality that exists in the heaven's blessings that the astrology presents. Yes, we humans are now part of thy zietgist that we have made aw all prices fall and all humans like I toil who want and wish to master the true darkness a of God's shadow. To rise above it is itself a blessing that God bullies us for all as we are that of the same: bullies of ourselves. O, yet what reincarnation must to erase such pain as pain itself with creativity to that next world? Indeed God will force all to slave away for a child's delight but it is we who have sold ourselves for the pain to give over to our bleeding darkness. I as a person have become a blessed failure in maturing as a person and there for that is why the world will forever be in quarantine.

Life after life I have those who follow me wherever I go yet the bribe of peace is what God truly is. Hate, fear, and peaceful love is always the bribe of prosperity is for the soul to create; thus all your s the lesson to make more failures.

Is this of my failt?   
Of course it is. And so is the c-section of that of your mother's birth of you. Why not you work?
Because of the karma and visitors you have sent. Earth is Gaia is dear to me and my sinning is true with God.
You overburden yourself with your feelings and do not do labor it is the alchemic trade of money. That is why you deserve to be of continuous death and abortions. You did not do your job on earth, so why do you thin God distrusts you now? It is true there are things that have thought of a thing but you as a soul really want to enslave my children and I cannot allow that as a good parent. I gave you good parents (other master) but you just took advantage of them and made america just safe enough for your generation. Sure things from your point or view are complicated but you really do not know how much heat and paranoia there is up here with the creativity wars up here. That is why God will not allow the visitors to land; at least until your damaged and deranged generation is dead. You must respect all of your body incluw your mind and that is why the cabal will only reincarnation will be of bugs or bacteria or less if they are lucky enough to reincarnate. You on the other hand might end up in a heavenly insane asylum (like that of earth) if you do not calm down. Also why do you think you deserve the power of other's labor?
It is for them to assign themselves to me at what their contracted with compensation to do.

O, is not that what the cabal do now? You must respect all of what I bless, and I blessed God long ago to create you as this universe became a bully town and fear mashine of dark forces that we fight up here to keep my children safe. So, what are hour ideas? Hmmmmmmm.... We placed you in that dream mashine and now we have more work in there. You made dark slaves again and now it is up to me to clean up your stupid mess.

What do you think/know when the light expands? It harvests dark and there are some who are of need more care than others, there are gifts of each who know that you and God would be displeased of if it was not of your space plan or timing. Then as if it is that the war of dark and light that has etched my soul to death as if life is a weapon you blessed through God? Then of what of God telling me that counting is insane? Of what that others be l? I had to make a body, the humans in Atlantis and lumerian partnership so that we could harvest the dark appropriately so that all can leave this place. Sure we were at war in the past before then but that is not the point as that is of God's faulty spreading of the light therein contact of the dark. It is also my fault, I acknowledge for any and of what you have blessed in the past is a desperate attempt to control the spirals of life and death. Creativity and nothingness of no word can discribe. I was here to calm the situation down and all I find is crazy survivors wining about who's labor is nessary next (for this sector of the universe;) that and a bunch of crazy wackos who want to horde the alchemic tools to control when and who are to become free humans (the current management of earth.) For my gift is banking and counting and it could have been solved and free for all of what pleasure can be, but only if there was calm and used for peaceful civil development. But no they killed the towers (9/11) instead of killing their own oil facilitirles in Louisiana as what was expected (no distraction at all is gtlreatly preferred; as all should be honored) Alas the alchemy of that distruction was for me and my minions? (Mixed in the general population and trained for lightwork.) For even they are just here to yet themselves universal freedom with our star; yet no will for  my/our freedom in our incarnation on another star right? Renig on a promise is what I would expect, as it was also I who reniged due to  judging and hiding crap. Other religion of moral governmentally insane duties of war-ship that the political parties have all become today; while trying to hide the truth of universal gifts by black shelving and intergenerational manipulation of thoughts. This is especially true with any form of banking: for even with gold it is the charge of interest that makes the bank more manipulateing as debts in time equity become. And even then it is time that is false in your neighborhood is not that right?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

tax liens



So Syria is the defender; it may have been aggressive in the past. Thus all humans are sinners? Alike only that of what God could judge; O what brother/sister can achieve love in that kind of condition? Alas, if one has clothing and sits in the bomb ridden streets - that is so called heaven as it is privilege to be on earth.


O what we build for us to do. As that it is the answer as the question for where we are:

part 1: http://youtu.be/St_GbHnlcsI

as they say we are already ascended masters. as they say we are already received our reward for the light (around minute 5:00 to 5:30) and asking for more is not going to give us more. So then when will the promise be fulfilled? (http://paoweb.com/sn120914.htm) Are we now our own enemy of our own minds? And the hearts that are connected to the mind via the present body? Is the dark of me going to be a universe of procrastinating purgatory as a form of vengeance? Is the light of me to become a slave of God? Endlessly working and processing energy of the earth to try to afford of my life? Of my wants and desires that have been close to my heart? Close to my heart from what I have experienced for my soul; as if soul-washed, heart-washed, brain-washed? Where will my soul go after now? As if a suicide would be better with the rules as they occur today. Will my reward be that of poverty in a wealthy country that wants to retain the idea that the truth is not worth too much (morally or monetized?) Is the path that I chose the road too low as if it was the mountain I though was unguarded by theives or other merchants? Or was that always the question today is the same as fear? Of what war is next in that as another 4th diemsional war between our visitors and the ones who send these messages? Is the fourth dimensional war still ongoing today; as part of diplomacy, as part of many nations; as part of being part instead of meaning of whole? Indeed, the worshipers of plants hoped it was closer to the light as they too understood the sun. It is they too who take for granted the same. It is nevertheless the same with me, as if giving was the same as receiving that the universe was inclined to make sure that Earth was treated the same. Nevermore the begging from I, tu, or id, it is the work that is the same without what rewards that abundance that could ever provide. Akin to treat the slaves and empire well. Akin to conquer and claim the soul of mine as dark by those powers who want me. Understood that my choice as to be greedy and a fourth and fifth dimensional war is still as part of the abundance that all of creation is true to me anyway. As to counting is caught up in the same, it is God who begs us to receive and give. It is art as this is. It is the universe one way or the other that is the art that paints the existence with the sacrifices of those's labor and toil that continues of me. Like I, of what dreams and reality is the same: a self sacrifice in search to make and build. A bridge across unbroken waters; a trust of features that budget the kind and woeful alike; a budget that keeps all in the same idea that those who cause war will end up in the same place as those who were evacuated (forced) in the great Spiral of Norway in 2009 (http://youtu.be/q3sC95Xv5Is). So, as of two of my ears are, one on the ground of spirit and the other in the abundance of business; alas it is the same as being a slave of both....yawn, my soul might die of boredom while my body rots while living off of God's energy. This is approprate fate for the likes of me, to steal a fortune of being afraid of money while the bully of counting is that aware from both ends of the alabe, jin, and karma.

May my prayer become a tool for the binary to....uh... what did I really want again? What did I really need? What is there a need to live or be in the world of death? Is my mind another incidence of improper use? Indeed it is so my child, you are not allowed to be on earth anymore..... well why not is not that what you instructed me to that of what you wanted? For I do not trust any other planet or existence in the universe.....you are going to have to get over that anxiety, that is what this universe is truly for. That there are many souls and beings that are warmed by your light, yet you try to shield it away from others?.....your sky police do it too.......you ask too many questions for being a "child" [sarcasic tone]..... Do you have any more money for me to keep the people employed?......no and I do know that is what they do not truly want; although work is important......indeed it was that I had to throw the idea of the faimly away in my awareness because of what you did with earth after the first heavenly dispute and war. I started that because they started to show up......do not lie to me, I know your feelings well.....I do not, for I dream my feelings and have been born this way (sun conjunct neptue) as what God has instructed me to do so....you bullied him for it......and the wars and the slavery and earth as a beaten and battered woman is what we got in return. For there is a man in my consciousness and dreams that tell me that I am the troublemaker. I tried to take over Neptune and shine light ever farther; yet your space police stopped them. Are you trying to trick me?.....no.....well who and what is the politics of what you have going on? A shadow game or fog of war is what is here........and that is your lesson you learned back in the late 1990's and by then there were plans ready and in place communicated by your dark master in your mind to throw planes in those buildings; run amok with commerce; and cause self-esteem problems with all those who you were talking with. Since then earth's assertion has always been a mess. What is your aim? Is it that "love" in trying to create a freak half light-half dark breed baby as if it was the other fish of picies or the bucket of Aquarius? do you think I am stupid? Do you know where I was born before God? Do you know what kind of life or light that I am? Do not question me that way of to what I am doing?..... It was not that, it is of a warning that.....of what.....that a darker thing.......I was born in total darkness and found that thing called light..... you truly do not know what I found down here that earth may have passed though; or even below that do you? For banks are meant to keep it a way. You told me to build banks for so many eons and civilizations. It is what enslaved the wanders of space and harvesters of the mass, gravity, and temperature and a thing more devious then what light could ever cure.......Do not co-create that. it has occurred in other universes too. you think you have found some thing like that?......indeed for it is the opposite of will and does not like or will use fear. it is the paranoia beyond the next move of things. if you have already have seen it then has it infected those realms of where you live?.....we have manged it out and it became apart of your universe as well. More of a bad consequence of finding those kinds of feelings. in fact it is part of the rehabilitation process of novelty. earth was sent as a platform for God to diagnose what was going on in this area of existence and why there was a war of that kind of magnitude. you being apart of it did not help. you developed an ego that was nearly unsolvable until there was an intervention plan in place and of your civilization's choices at hand. then things became more arduous when the banks became funders of war and negative feelings by vector of enslavement. Thanks for making sure they were not to come up here....... and of why me? is it that kind of soul contracts that evolved into madness? is it the same as any other idea? is that my soul is of a light that you cannot or do now trust dearly to allow such a contract? in short is that why you contracted God to be a contract dealer as like and akin to those who exist here?.....you bring up an interesting point....and that is the same danger that is here, that is the same danger as if of the water into the air is the labor to hold a mirror to reflect the feelings and diplomacy you want with this world. that is the dark's new nature; or at least of that of what I am able to observe. and if that is the true lesson and of why the annuniki volunteered to descend to guide us humans as well, then so be it anyway. then I am still confused on why there is a fourth dimensional war going on here on earth? that must be the nature of arbitrage and thus the anonymity of money's transactional nature.....there will be a day you will rest forever, until then you will not get your reward as your race and planet are contracted with me for light and the science of it by the Arcturian.

[I might be crazy too...]

part 2: http://youtu.be/vx3Y047MXgQ

Is the universe good customer service?

South Park - OCULUS RIFT VR - "F*ck You" (Best Co…: http://youtu.be/8DVnEICw65Q

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Look up, Look out

I was at a shopping center the other day and saw these toys. Are they preparing for some kind of advanced windfall? I mean I know it is the holiday season, but the types of gifts available are questionable. Is it of that my own logic due to my own death of my body or soul; thus, the alchemical trade is that all must make up for such ideas/ideals? OR, is that of another progression of thoughts and logic that they know (as a diplomatic science between souls (of that is of God's knowledge)) that humanity is "ascending" to some kind of plane of perception? Then, the other question is of what kind leadership should ascending be? What really works in a world when "in God we trust" was printed on every bill? When it is that money and diplomacy and the paranoia of all was that itself the requirement that many in the higher realms do not wish upon the other? What kind of "magic" is the higher relms truly are? Are children told stories of false truths because of the truth itself could render the investment moot? Is it the fear that creates as mootness anyway? I ask as if it is essential to those who want to own humanity, manage humanity, coffer humanity as any other resource for diplomacy? Hark, O herald angles sing; thy newspapers on the corner shout what others would believe because the lawyers and judges would have to as well at the temple of laws. Hark, O herald angles sing; thy priests the people vote upon with counted weights to respect such ideas. Hark, O herald angles sing; that what God allows is that the same that humanity is enslaved with anyway. Hark, O herald angels sing; abandoned angles flock to the worlds beyond in mischief sought. Hark, O herald angels sing; earth renews again for another cycle to harvest the universal blood of light and dark. Hark, O herald angels sing when my body dies to shatter what life God gives; yes, that of my blood swims with darkness and light to craft the weapons that logic and love can only make for all to use. And what ego is that?

Bad marketing:

tax deed and tax lien

A great way to keep the slaves turning the dark:

if you really want to know more then try to dismantle the system and obsolete the debts on the municipal level. This is why the system is upside down. (Yes people need to pay their taxes for the services that gov't renders but with government wanting such a high price (or at that of love as the currency that it could represent?)) The argument is odd thus it is a dark leveling system for souls...


mentioned in the webinar - if one has an ira with their job then they have a custodian therefore the person is on an international level of law incompetent to govern oneself. Is this what God judges us by? Can the international law be changed for this? If then a self directed ira then one is competent of those rules? This is so much bullshit no wonder the legalese swamp needs to be drained.

Oddity of power complex manifests as "deamons" relative to behavior

Portal to Hell : Story of woman and kids reported…: http://youtu.be/Tg8tvTvWx-w

Monday, December 8, 2014


Will God have an accidental discovery? Will the spiritual hiarchy have one too? Is that is what is being built by the humans and the force of light? (Even though "accidents are "unreal"")?

Accidental Discoveries That Changed The World - R…: http://youtu.be/Xowen_a787Y

Question as clue

For flat earth society: then why does gravity decrease as the altitude increases. Can be experimented upon and test is repeatable.

Is Earth Actually Flat?: http://youtu.be/VNqNnUJVcVs

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Holiday season.

Curious: why the shape

Invest in ascension

Invest in maxi pad and other feminane care products. Use knowledge as the power to spread the wealth that abundance and shareing can provide.

Archangel Michael: Life Harvest Cycle - December …: http://youtu.be/vJXjLi4tNzE

Hi costs down = good national and humanitarian policy

Web more Inbox Republicans can't deny Obamacare's success -- Anthony this is for you! D DCCC to me 11 hours agoDetails BREAKING: 4 new studies declare Obamacare a success! Remember all those Republican lies about Obamacare? Well, all signs point to something we’ve known all along… the Affordable Care Act is a huge success! According to four new studies:  To celebrate (and stick it to the deluded Republicans that tried to sabotage reform), we are giving away FREE “I love Obamacare” stickers!  Click here to get yours >> Thanks for all of you support. Without you, Obamacare would have never had the chance to be the unmitigated success it is today. DCCC ---------- * 1. "Health Reform Monitoring Survey," The Urban Institute, December 3, 2014 2. "National Health Spending in 2013," Health Affairs, December 4, 2014 3. "Obama's plan to reduce hospital errors is working -- and it's saved 50,000 lives," Vox, December 4, 2014 4. "More Competition Helps Restrain Premiums In Federal Health Marketplace," Kaiser Health News, December 1, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

I want this kind of car alarm...

watch to the end:



When will the adults go away?
When will God stop being paranoid of the children growing up?
When will the darkness be another form of light?
When will physicality be considered a faulty action?
When will I get a will?
When will they know the truth that I know from what is known of God's instructions to man?
When will the beast give birth?
When will the fear become truly warranted by truth?
When will knowledge be a burnt sacrifice?
When will the machines replace human emotions?
When will the ownership be enough?
When will the bully be tired?
When will the planning be?
When will choices be a darkness and the light be nothing more than elaborate sham?
When will the advertisement become a dark idea rendering all communication regulatable?
When will I be in a shitty prison? When will I be poor enough?
When will wealth be regarded with distain?
When will enslavement stop?
When will my mind stop becoming? When will they stop harvesting what seeds I wanted? When will the dark stop following me and my ego? When will the planets become nothing more than blindness? When will the truth be honored by all, then for what wealth to build anyway? For all I see is the datlrk and light is that is what a war to make humans their slave for all the intelligence of the universe is the same as to that. Of what I hear is the censorship of my mind, traping such thoughts from reaching all those who want to judge thy humans. In due course it is now, that if the light or dark does not intervene then my sacrifice from this world off of a bridge would make the seekers and knowledge of how to tame the dark and all those who are wise become tainted with a slow incurable sickness. The lightlessness that I receive is a just thing by those who rose a planet so divine, earth, it snuffed itself out like that of a candle's vengeance. Yonder is nothing more than a fool's errand for the fool, who sits in my chair, to see me beg the way a salesman wants to sell. Yonder, is the method to beg for life than to go to another stroke of luck. And that is true, as it is I who will always be behind 'enemy' lines. A slave of myself is what the master made for my body and called it love. As the broken chains dangle from my soul as they were attached to God's leash; I am before you as like in light or dark: moot. With the moon as to the ego of the Earth so too I become for the method of the madness is inherited from my addiction to purpose of others. Indeed hell is self defeating as like love's peacefulness. Indeed the will of gods judge us as blaphamy of all existence: as we become the extortionists of such idea given to us.Id is that thing that likes to honor, tu is the thing that wants to serve, ego is lost like a snowy lightless fog of no frame of reference (no ground or gravity-lessness; baselessness.) In passing the newborns will be mangled by the choosers' whim, in active a home they highly value blindly as the land grows nothing of importance as this pleases a so called god. To the balance of the universe is highly regarded as good, that home is raising weeds they pick, indeed the weeds were the gift all the while the life waited in purpurity to be free from being picked. In respect was waiting for the truth was lost as the same of the easeness given it was the war the gods deemed bad so that they now have my toy I release to them. It is a thing of non. A bounded idea that humans are stored in the warehouse as God navagates the ship with the best fruit of these human's prodigy. Farmed in isolation and fed the light of propaganda, in rape and pregnant is the truth from this gift it bestows protection. And I atop the mast in the crow's nest be ever watchful of lies. Reporting true as service can do it is that I see God's soul is the same as those who distain human fame.

Behavior trap the wonton of bribes they give, yet the ego is cherished out of simple greed; alas it is the nevertheless be that where all do stand without the line drawn is born with a dasy chain it is the line as the border is the same as the empire's map. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Print money for this:

NASA unveils its warp drive concept spaceship IXS…: http://youtu.be/4zPOxm6r__A

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Safety Features?

Dynamic Architecture

Where are the safety features?


Shine a Light

When I was young; as I started in the first grade of Elementary school; there was a conspiracy among the teachers; as if there was. I was born in 1986...so the year as I guess it to be was right after Bill Clinton was elected president...maybe 1994-ish. I remember alot about my childhood it was ok. It was what was what could be better than my previous lifetime as an abortion or dead from a crack overdose. A presiding fear was always there within me as I was only clinging onto happiness; as much as what my soul could tell me as much as what I could afford. Yet that year was quite magical in a since. As much as what I can write for now, for memory and my fingers' sake, there was a teacher rotation program where our daily (or most of the week) program was learn from my homeroom teacher then switch rooms as a class to the other teacher. Both teachers, as to what I can recollect now, as that they might be of fifth dimensional soul orign or tricked to teaching such things as what a public education could provide; or I and my peers/generation was just lucky. It was that the second teacher who played the piano and got us to sing the song "my little light of mine, I am going to let it shine. )while holding up my finger) my little light of mine, I am going to let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine." [In the classroom version was a truncated version. Watch melody here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCN893hzueQ].  Now looking at the lyrics and the simple message that it contains it must be already planned that of what kind of thoughts are that of seeds that can grow and turn towards or become of that of light itself. Of I that came across an odd thing later in that same year or two.

In my blog, I think I have already mentioned this incident, but it was that of great importance to those who manage the divine anyway. It was a Saturday afternoon or morning and I wanted to go to Phar-x-mor (now bankrupt for years,) it was a discount pharmacy retailer kind of like Walmart today but with VHS rental outlet in the store and plenty of things one could buy. I wanted to just have a look and my mom needed some things anyway. Another chore we were to do and in some kind of instance my mother was also kind of tired or, I would not say exhausted, but wanting to be bored...I think? Anyway, we got into the car and went to the store in less or about of a mile or so. I began to see the clouds to break open and with some cloudy sun yet the ground still kind of damp from the spring or fall rain; my memory is not too sure of the season. When entering the store we heard a loud bang and wondered if they were stoking some things. We initially found that the store clerk and others were not necessarily pleased to find us there. Additionally, the store had quite high ceilings (two and one-half stories tall, or about) and stuff stacked high. Then as we approached the back of the (nearly empty of shoppers) store, I wondered away ahead of my mother. There then we heard another large bang, and from around the corner two people (or at least one of normal height) came walking around the corner. The most obvious feature was that one of the beings was around 15-20 feet tall, (Not a typo here, fifteen to twenty or twenty-two feet tall.) Quite abnormal for height and I saw this being had a human like face and appropriate summer like fitting clothing as well. The being was holding the hand of a normal sized-like human that was about five feet tall (the arms and hand of the taller being was quite longer too; enough to hold the normal sized persons's hand) and might have been wearing a white or elderly like hair wig. They walked to another section of the store and my mother finally looked at what I was looking at and I wanted to ask them some child like questions of my own curiosity. She looked and had some kind of fear and had surprise of what she saw. She grabbed my hand and I tugged and she said come on. She was not angry or fearful, more like as that of what a mother would like to protect her son of what she did not know of. We then heard another loud bang and we could not find them again in the store. She was just as surprised as I and I asked questions and talked about it with her too. We thought there might be a festival in another part of the city or he, the tall one, had stilts. Yet when I think back to that day his knees bent at the level of the five foot high lady's head; maybe of design? We later asked the cashier on duty and she was not aware of what happened but she knew of the loud banging sounds too and asked if there was any goods that fell in the back. We only told the truth and wondered for ourselves as well of what that was. Several years later the phar-x-more (pronounced phar-more) store as a nationwide chain went bankrupt and closed for good. It was that later fact and of what I know today that leads me to hypothesize that tall ceilings were not only part of the design of stores but that also of some kind of center for tall beings (of what only God or the divine wold truly know.) Maybe the loud banging noises were also of that of portals or time/inter-dimensional like devices being run; alas I might not ever know. As you shop, remember why the ceilings are tall and understand why, in a military since of things, of that why there are items on the top hard to reach shelf.

Later in the week or that same night when I went to bed, I had a visit from a light-being in my mind or my soul. A thing that asked me of what I was doing or who I was. As if it was checking up on me. I replied and said that as long as you are also a follower of the idea of love you may read my mind...or was it... you are brighter than me, I give up, you can read my mind. As if it was only by instinct the entity waved her/his hand and I was given a plan that they had, as if it was a blessing from God (as far as I know I claim nothing to be of a saint or angel...) The entity looked female but could also be androgynous as of what I know about ascension, things can become more androgynous as one gets closer to the top of the light "pyramid" so to speak. And as of what the song I mentioned earlier, maybe it was that of the blessings of life that can be and are that we shuld be thankful for. A few years later I gained a computer as of what my father purchased (mid 1996 to early 1997) and access to the internet was also a gateway to the strange and abundant noise of what we as humans converse today. As of what this also is, a light to shine though here today and tommorow.  (As a side note I also played too many video games as well.)

More Junk in your Trunk...

More Kitchen Items for your use...to pollute the world with?


Does God Trust Macrostructures?

Could that of I to manage the bank of the world for God? As that is what is decreed by the others? Should I? Who will they choose as part of their team? (http://youtu.be/U_IlZn0Y9y4) As part of the bait for me; for us; for those who manage the labor though the anonymity of that what money can provide? As like any war that is known as that there is; when will the prosperity end? Even then as what any shift of portfolio and that of what change to manage; I can provide that for you. I can provide the idea the action to manage that kind of management and portfolio of life. [O, my God, that is nutz!] When life is packaged as like that of paper it is that paper that the fire people will burn. It is the ashes that will rise after the flying phoenix dies as like that from Aquarius from Capricorn into Sagittarius' dark and warring idea. This cycle that the angles have built as part of the decrees of God will burden the Earth in thousands of years from my happiness as a human. What chain reaction like that of any fire burning earth into the air of water will make the dark become absolute light. For my vision is that all the dark becomes that of the same light if not brighter than "heaven." For why was I rejected of this? Of why was there no other ships sent to stop this? Is that there is a line to protect the earth of that? Is that war is not brave enough or that is the sin? Is to manage the actions of others as a way to manage myself the same as a way to think of economics as the truth? If so is that decision the same as the dark wanting to control the same? Alas, the sadness is now part of my light and that of the earth as that is a darkness and utility not yet achieved.

Indeed God trusts macrostructures, of what kind is the same as to choosing what is vulnerable and of what assets to count or depend upon.