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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Donut Orwellian State

And of the same kind of question that a biological constraint to growth is, then it is true that all of what God's jellacy is of making our bodies be relative to what kind of efficiency? Of what kind of creativity that is valid for the best of dark and light to mix and breed together? (Crazy idea right; at least I am self aware of it.) Indeed we are to be relegated as animals and treated the same as any other living gift of positive and negative consequences of the same. So, what are we to truly believe when this information is about 60 years old (of modern science) and we reach our maximum capacity of creativity and population? Then we become dark again for 2000/years? Then we try to live again or too much love become drowning our spirits? Then we enslave ourselves into our own feminine deamons that Capricorn cannot handle? It is a worry that becomes true and a fear that others create it so(upsidedown exclamation point; sadness or frown.) Then as with any other organization that humans and intelligence does then we are capable of creating an Orwellian "heaven" and energy to lead through the fires of Sagittarius.

May the blessings of heaven of 2014 bring a stop to these insane actions and head off a renewable disaster. May I awake in every lifetime with the sanity of God and the blessing of Light to have this not manifest of my soul or sourounding universe. Amen.

(May fear die as a way to manifest and allow me to transmute the light and dark within me to not create such a monster or block its moves of becoming.)

Watch as reference:

Why it's time for Doughnut Economics | Kate Rawor…: http://youtu.be/1BHOflzxPjI

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