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Monday, December 22, 2014

Why lie? No one wants the expense...


Private Enterprise does not want to bear the cost of protecting its servers. As government is a natural monopoly as viewed from a business executive/manager, the government should bear the cost of the protection. Likewise, it is that the internet is quasi-public as to make sure the forum is always open to receive all opinions. Therefore, why lie?


If there is a lie it is not of the Government, Sony, or of North Korea; therefore, it must be of an international terrorist organization acting for a nation, then why not should the GOP do the same for America? Why not George Bush Senior? Why not "White" and "Black Hats?" Why not spirit of "War and Peace?" This is just as if and when the Nuclear Weapons were used to end the American and Japanese conflict in World War Two; it ended in a Treaty of Surrender (essentially) and General \MacArthur said that the weapon was unnecessary (http://www.doug-long.com/quotes.htm). So, why the attack unless it is necessary on a political front; as if it is always the case? As if it is the judgment of the world's opinion? Is it playing with puppets invented for humanity to play with what God and the higher realms know that are nothing but bad policy and "magic."  Therefore, the most basic question must be asked: is there a central clearing house of these decisions and of whom and where? Who is ganging the idea of the expenses of the depreciation-ary aspect of spending of such things and new instutions? (This is a very good reason for fiat currency but also of a great reason of resource control mechanisms beyond the idea of "life" or "death.")


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