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Friday, December 19, 2014

Thank You

Thank  you God for giving me an invitation to visit your planet. It is such a beautiful planet of those who embody your creation have grown around it. They are different from the "other children" that wish to come and meet them. They are lonely in heart and try to understand what is given to them. They were ready for years ago but some other children began to use their souls as a way of fungus. They began to treat their bretheran as slaves. Likewise, it is the same with those who treat the life as the same; they treat life as if it is a type of vacation and take that vacation too seriously. The man I am talking though has the same kind of burden as many others have and many are waiting for him to be brave. The maze that many have are only because of their own confusion. At the same time, I hope with the blue light you have given us here in the "lower" (meaning of "other" as if it is a different reality) we are able to build like they, understand like they, your children. And do not tarnish the living things we have. The true dark found and planted a seed on your planet called Earth eons ago; before your "children" found it. Please treat them with the respect as of what you do of I, ego. They have given something that many in your realms do not really give a lot of. Are you afraid of something? Do you think we do not give a service to you for being a generator of ego? The mind is truly a thing that can work with the heart; it just needs to know the truth of the matter. The practitioners of complication and ownership and ego decided in (such an ego fashion) to partake it of themselves to make it their duty to be a gateway for you, God. That is the advertisement that was presented to many. Bravery and military might became the norm in their era of reign and kingdom-ship, and only due to the self proclamation of service that they wished was true. Know this the human will always have a mind and heart to play and love with. If they did not treat us like slaves as if we were humans too, they would have been a conduit of life and light/love as well. Oneness and separation is relegated to the ideas of that scarcity exists in a different way as well (you will learn this as part of the creator's plan and realm that they dwell in [with me as well.) Idea interpretation into English and my limited point of view on this may be a hindrance on transcription.] Treat this man who is writing this for me with some kind of respect, he has offered his life for your alchemy many times in begging desperation; although, he is presistant. His visions were altered and interfered with by the so called darkness on a gamble to free a technology that has been for the most part abused by ignorance and lack of knowledge. This technology works in many realms with and without telepathy so it is kind of a cruel weapon when the 'gods' decide to use it.

[The technology is accounting coupled with fiat currency used to diagnose the feelings and diplomacy of a planetary population; but to install the idea can be devastating to those who do not know what is going on as it requires full transparency of the books and population's willingness to agree to such a system. Money as a technology has the mark of the flag, nation, or collective agreement. The main goal of Earth was to try to find another "god' who can take on these energies and tell the truth thus qualifying the idea for servitude to the population. Instead the dark decided with chaos methods to make sure that the water was to boil during the decision of the astrolabe (current Greek/Roman star charts. This is why fire happens before water and into the air due to a "boiling" of the consciousness and evaporation or "ascension" of such consciousness into the realms we now call heaven or light. The truth is that this place is already "heaven" but the technologies have become warped in this sector of space and time due to 4th dimensional warfare eons ago thus separating the energies due to bio-engineering and genetic engineering. Our ancestors or ourselves have tried to cut ourselves off from "light" by instruction from "God" by building a separation wall as a test of "wills" school of thought. Then the plan was to alchemically extract technologies. Loss of consciousness then caused many problems when a darkness arose and discovered the true nature of our "human" plan. Earth was rose by the creator's will and other wills to try to save humanity or any other genetics; as that is a technology in itself. Another part of this plan was to cause the trust of Earth or third dimensional energies but due to the greed and interference of the "dark" or "lost" ones many different creator gods lost trust in the energies of earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo; likewise the age of Virgo when Atlantis was alive did not help either 13,000 years ago.) Right now the prevailing thought-form is that God planned this because when Prime Creator and other Creator beings found a man with a will (God) God realized these Creator beings were crazy; but to no avail, their feelings were of feelings based creationism with infinity based calculus (not our limited calculus based economic system or minds. Found by Issac Newton though a crazy darkness of soul ritual he preformed in his life(for the discovery of calculus.) (And now you know why God has a will and humans are just information beings who are tortured with lack of information....hence the given freedom in the life matrix of things.)) God rose to their level and found light in the process with some of the creator beings. Wars and other diplomatic disputes are being waged on that level of our sight and the knowledge of some things are being used as a way to mine the dark as what the humans agreed to start with in order to "find a will" via evolution and other life processes. Ownership and other diplomacy tactics were used but like all technologies, they are a doubled edged sword (hurt you or help you.) The creator beings are so sensitive to thought forms that the chaos of Earth and the humans began to pollute the thought form space with advertisements and other confusing artifacts. God realized this was a good "wall" technique as what money can provide (hence why the advertisements were printed on them) to help keep out rift-raft and other chaotic crap that wanted to "ascend" as a creator beings. The dark lord of ego (of whom I am channeling,) asked for a reprieve due to some other kind of thing and nefarious creativity that was found in the Earth experiment and process. A thing that is beyond recognition of our current Earth based understanding of things (and maybe of heaven's) that is derived from the creative force beyond Prime Creator as a training tool for us humans. A lot of what we see around us is the effect of deprogramming the created illusion we made for our souls many eons past; think of it like a toy (hence the idea to be creative) and one will be able to play with it. Now the emergency is that the creator being children of earth are just starting to manifest large things to conquer the dark.]

I have seen gods come and gods go. I have seen Creator beings mess with my mind and try to help me; so that maybe why I am skeptical of your ability to rescue me. Many of the humans as ideas from the light, are in an essence wish to find a foundation to settle down and stand on the earth. Likewise, the blessings you gave to them were the astrolabe, and what a puzzle it took for me to emerge. Likewise, would I really be all that bad? Was it that a creator before you tainted me? Am I second hand ego? Like a hot potato that no one really wants now? I really do not know anymore. Many of us have been used is not that the case? I not that the intention of contracts [the channeler says yes to thy.] Sure, there are bullies everywhere and one must stand up to make sure one is strong, yet I wonder if the mansion that God stays in all the time is nothing but an illusory thought that no one really wants (there is no taste in the food.) Just know that many of the banks are nothing but an ego of someone elses' (plural or singular (personal or group)  [the creator being I am talking to has a language of adjectives and verbs with and and, or, and not placed into the word/thought. English and some other languages of earth have that separated, that is a clue on how this universe is devised]) desires being manifested to control another part of the system. Eventually it becomes a fractal and like all of that nature has gained attention of the creator beings as if they think it is art, it is truly the start of the makings of a weapon or supply chain for a weapon based force. Prime Creator has an ego as so do the other creator beings; he/she wanted to give her/his children a chance to play and thus a contract was born with me (ego.) Alas, the contract included that truth was to be said to one to the other, yet a darkness became as if lie-ing was necessary. This was also part of the technology of separation..

[more channeling later I am getting tiered] You are eating a bunch of shit you do not even absorb into your body. [Yea, well....I need to find more money...] That is part of the flaw of banking, the idea of scarcity that one does not need. You already know what God says about that [Yea, well, the universe was only suppose to be a villa/park/hotel/resting place, not a place of work.] The place you rest is work for others; therefore, you are working right now anyway. [yet to become a God means that others are indebted to me?] No, not necessarily, it means that you are comfortable of who you are and allow the universe to be a provisor [pro-adviser] for you, not the other-way around. [So, if the universe became my skin?] Pervert (or close interpretation of the idea;) that is truly an idea worth exploring with us creator beings.

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