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Friday, August 29, 2014

Real Dragon Captured by Fisherman

We need to know more about this and what a dead dragon means to society's wonders. Then, what if a white dragon does dies? Has been transported to Beijing. Need info on hoax or not?

The Problem

When born most believe that what God has given them is the ideas and ideals of their body. Their consciousness is there to be there and anything else that is there. To then what to believe? As what all life is of communication there to be is as is can be of what "is" is. As the ego become aware, the communication is as where there is to be. Then in all instance, a choice would have to be made:




As if it is of choice by that what madness is that sanity. Belief so constrained by the information around them to make this choice; another appears:

Look outside of oneself


Inside of oneself

This choice becomes more about the utility and pleasure of what one feels from the sanity of either. Yes, that itself is what one can call the ultimate delema when money and paradigm is around. I understand that some are of a limit or limited understanding; however, where to enslave next when one's mind and heart chooses these combos. To look outside of oneself is kind of apparent as one has the senses on and in one's head to look (eyes,) hear (ears,) speech (tongue,) and smell (nose,) to perceive the world around them (as well as touch on the skin.) The mind can then become the next sense but what thoughts there are can be there for one to continue to look outside of oneself. As if it was important as God now tells us to do so (see rainbowabundance channel on youtube.com)  then whee to contol the outside world to contol other's who exist; to manage them. Then what to manage them with what and why?:




As eyes exist with both then it is true that this is the choice between them. One is nothing and the other is everything (respectively.) Then why is darkness associated with looking outside of oneself when the sun is the light? As it shines for all to see? What and why is that there? Worship it? Confiscate it (chem-trials and jail cells?) Yet the light allows us to see it anyway and with both and the mind having the knowledge, then there is madness as the choice with what idea is there? Agreed, this is confusing as if to know that one's body is the temple for the soul to worship in it. To manifest things with the mind then to please such senses are of to look outside of oneself. Then too, why light be there with what darkness? It is then my experience after creating the dark sphere in my dreams that someone slapped me waking me up (they slapped a sphere like dark object hovering in the cosmos of existing time/space and dreams.) This sphere was my body and soul wrapped up in a way to protect itself as well as be a weapon to force with. For, if I felt any vibration, I wold then collect the thing that vibrated with me (as if that the dark and the light are sensitive to) and then wold chase after the object in case it was a probe and assimilate it into my being. Nifty, this idea is and I shall keep it in my back pocket. It might come useful incase I (yes my ego) may have to protect my soul during vibration attacks by the dark.

Then comes the next choice, as if it is acceptable:



do not vibrate

And naturally, I choose to vibrate; it is the topic of conversation and alchemy in many circles of enlightened spirit. To vibrate what and why? Is it light? Sure. Is it dark? then conform the clay around a body and make a way to birth forever and collect the clay to make it say "hurray!" Yes, the clay as God says it, is the paste to make art that can only show in the light. From the dark the dark can spark form the clay then be that of light for all to see. As if it is a campfire in dark empty wasteland. Yet how to control the clay as a weapon for all to have sensations with, as protection? It is true, we are protection with our bodies, but if our souls are vulnerable then have not we have already lost? Nay, I say. We as a species have not lost, only assimilated to the other vibrations that exist here to be. Then, what to do? Inside the dark sphere, I was playing a game with myself, yet it was not so accurate as I could not see the light that could be there. Then it must be, we must make our light from the inside out and make like a star. Then that be the problem: a weapon on one or the other.

Of light that burns


of dark that hoard

Of what heart can feel to feed the mind and spirit? To feed the mind is logic and the heart is food, water, and other simple things. Yet, is logic the procession of acceptance of what knowledge is there, then it be that. Logic is a process where things are evaluated as yes or no and all the other things in-between. Marginality is itself the best in times of true war; and as a planet, we have been in that war for such a long time (Ancharan alliance.) This is due to the way people can survive. And if people have always survived then what way should they have instead of using all things at once? Yet the crux of the problem be: abundance is the sin from forth to fifth dimension? As abundance is pollution, then the solution is existence and feelings? Maybe I misunderstand this idea of abundance and the ideas necessary to achieve. Sigh....maybe I need a mentor, another input of logic to figure this puzzle out of beingness be? Yet, if both light and dark are weapons, then are we warriors being used? Akin, to that so, are blue stars the bases of light or dark making light as an experiment (like earth) to see what humans wold do with it? Likewise, is existence a naughty thing to do as it is perceived that we are all weapons dark or light?

My ego, tu, and id rather would be relaxed. To help all. To love all as life itself than to worry about why. yet it is the darkness that vibrates with me, in tandem, in the war between UFO diplomats, inner earth goals, and the pranksters and business men that have accidentally brainwashed themselves with advertisements that the Annuniki gave them in the first place. Over the years, over the generations maybe God was only waiting for a chance for us to free ourselves with overlords. Then why trap ourselves here?

It is best to describe that we did it in an advance to spread the light into the dark; another weapon into the like and dislike of things. The wish and want of weapons like money and feelings that the Annuniki can have. Maybe gold and the energy of it unique to earth is the goal anyway? I have heard a rumor that the cabal and banksters use it for rocket fuel and that no other planet can produce it in the galaxy; but what do I know? This was the long term plan for the last 13000 to one million years ago (before earth's settled colonies.) In reality, I know that God thinks in at least 1000 year increments and maybe even longer. Then so, I live in peace as much as I possibly can and will take a dive into the world of money, ownership, and the weapons that might be there once again.

So, I look forward and try to become a better person again. I look forward to try to bring peace and light using the dark to flame it once again. Akin to the fire that makes the water boil, the steam is the gift of what is brewing on earth. If chaos be, then from that chaos can come a beast of both worlds. An owner of great stories and practice in patience. (Now it kind of creeps me out because it sounds like another advertisement.) And in the end if and it was an information war, then it was well worth the work to know that it provided and provides an opportunity for the glory of God to shine.

Mortgages, Dream, and Reality


Mortgages are destructive to the American Dream and Reality it is a middle man to mandate the courthouse to enforce a note and bond of debt. If mortgages are taken away, then how could the notes be enforced? Where would savings go? Where would returns on labor go? Ownership would be the problem in all of this. NESARA is important to happen.

*Note that mortgages are only a notice to the court that real property (land) is in exchange of ownership of deed, a loan is taken for such impending case of not paying funds back to the house; ie, foreclosure.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

TEDx Video

When Genius and Insanity Hold Hands | Ondi Timone…: http://youtu.be/yv7c_RzPSn0

Rothschild - war and greed

Read article below


Wednesday, August 27, 2014




Hot Potato

There is a war with love involved. A war to get rid of an object; and the last who gets rid of it is the loser who is bullied against. Whoever has the "hot potato" is the one without the ideas and ideals of love; the love itself is a way to argue away the fear of anything else. For fear is now the enemy to argue away. With love, one can forget fear as if it is the "hot potato." The things of fear itself as what love really is anyway. Then if this is true what kind of bully has the world become when the love itself is used as a way to bully for more things, for more harming of the world that one lives on and the way to use ownership as a way to pollute more with a circumscribed value that is by what most consider logical at the time anyway? This is mostly true without NESARA/GESARA or any of its laws and karma non-considered. Earth is the effect if energy is the dark's agenda. So, then I warn all who read this and ask, do "I/you" still have that "hot potato?"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Articles to Read


-The best way for ownership of land and buildings as a way to ensure slavery of the populous.


-Bank Slaves; a great way to become slaves of getting and enforcing more indebtedness


-The NSA is just a light touch on what the federal government's powers really are and is in fact connected to real estate and owners of land who represent the people in multiple jurisdictions. Elected officials around the country (and maybe trans-nationally) get income in this way and become great powers and impose their ideas on to the people though selling tactics they learned while getting rich and high income. Some of the properties owned is Real Estate and is used for voter-ship manipulation; since they own the land they can manipulate the jurisdiction via gerrymandering and only accept certain renters in that certain voting district. Then why spy on them; domestic espionage was and is only used to keep and/or maintain the status quo as much as possible.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Creativity and Hinderance

Creativity can go awry, it is the moment humans come together. Together they pass rules of behavior where to monitor their creative forces, thus itself deems a creative force monitors itself and in the right conditions they will pass laws to regulate that creativity. Dark or light, it does not matter it is inevitable that the creative force will seek to regulate itself, in some manner. In some way. 

Yet in all existence; will that creativity become a hindrance, that as too much regulation as a way to stifle what is necessary to allow the mind and heart to love each other? I wonder in my own creative imagination. Yet, this might just be as much as a creative hindrance as of it to itself the problem of the thing itself. I ask myself that question in all of my days and nights. A question of what next to have of being creative itself. If the dark the paint that I cover on the white board? If the dark the board itself? Is the dark creative and because it is low on God's scale of dimensions of light that creativity, abundance, and self-love itself the problem? Is the heart suppose to survive the lowest dark to spread more light? I ask these questions as that creativity commands me so; creativity asks me to ask if I can trust it to deliver what the universe wants me to have it so. And I accept it, that creativity and the madness that can come from it as it give me experience that God has built as a fence of it.

Thus I know that weapons are stranger than the fiction that the dark wants us to have. That creativity is only another form of dark compared to the light of God. As what exists is all that there needs to be as then why be more creative? Is it a race to the end of some kind of means that might not be truly creative and/or is just a blatant Hindrance of things? A way to weed out the weaklings? This truth I know as it is here on earth in the soil and of lower organisms; so then it be true of us humans; in a collective or individually? 

I now know this to be so. Every layer we go through as evolution of the light and soul is a mechanism to breed God's army when one day we have a war against the forces of dark. As that is what earth kind of is anyway. 

I also know that this means that I am dangerous and being shunned out of society because of these kinds of thoughts. They are too dangerous and I know that my next lifetime by karma will or might not be so pleasant as the rape and torture of my soul might be the next creative thing I can only do as a poor person. The next idea I am contemplating is that how much of a bully must I be to that of myself as to harm the soul within? Why you may ask? Because it is the only thing a poor person can do when the entire world knows that every single thing must be counted and seriously scrutinized for the safety and well-being of the mind and heart. The safety and well-being of the kindred soul within without the freedom that must be true in a place called heaven or earth. Likewise, sometimes I know that God is only advertising earth for reincarnation; as each moment that goes by I hear my soul make the wrong moves as to the judgement of others who wish to hire me. Why is labor such a thing taken too seriously? If I had to remake myself I know that the mind and heart would be of one organ so that God could try to solve it? Then again, maybe my reincarnation of another day will be just only a thing not wanted by others. Another weak thing that others see me as  and myself wish and aspiring to be strong. Yet, the bully-ness is just that as both ways from what judgment be. 

Maybe these thoughts are just from the boardoom of wishing to make a sale, or wishing to have love become or that awaiting a false promise of wealth. When I was young I had the thought of: "if you do not complain about your life, you will be able to get out of the thing you are in. Do not try to kill your father or harm another soul. You are precious to me. Sincerely, God." Alas, I feel like I failed. I failed because there were others in my life that liked to kill and do very mean things to others (like war, 9/11,3/11, Waco, TX, etc...) Maybe these feelings came from others that I have felt (see previous postings.) Likewise, what was my life plan and how did I wander from it? Was poverty part of the plan because such wealth to the world would make all students (humans as a species) of becoming gods or angles themselves? I know from my dreams of being shaken and stirred up in sleep in order for me not to become a successful being as by definition of an American dream (which is not a reality in the first place.) Now I am stuck in such a dream that is turning into a nightmare with weird hopes and dreams of reincarnation in order to use that knowledge as a weapon. Lastly, I know I wish to have a heart again and need to ascend these feelings again. 

Now I know as this is the proof and lengthy idea that my life was nothing more than the creativity of the light using me as a punching bag for what I did in the age of Leo. 13000 years ago that was what the earth was in and the fire rose high with tall buildings of Atlantis and Lemuria. I worked as a consultant and child in one of the many imagination pools of workers in Atlantis high rise tower. Then on the screen, I saw that they took my advise of drilling a hole into the earth; then I had the though of "they are idiots for taking my suggestion seriously." Even then, as like today, I feel that the world and darkness was nothing but a joke to play with; as that may be so, I knew that they were stupid, but not that stupid to "punch" a hole into the earth. Maybe my karma is true for me to write this kind of blog. Maybe, I am to be the sacrifice for the western ideals of cruel and arcane disclosures; to become poor again for the ironic crime I have committed that today I wish not to do ever again. I do not want to aide and abed the enemy of God (darkness); yet is my anger and fear doing so? (Probably and yes.) Today, I wish and try my best not to work as the labor taxes and creativity that comes from my mind can also be that to be a danger to all and hopelessly aide and abed the enemy; but what poverty helps me to do so, to build the idea that I am not so great after all and give ideas of the future that we are all hollow minds near Gods ever gripping love of "you children are being punished with abundance and wealth. With the minds of tomorrow and solitude of the darkness that be nothing but the pain we trade with each other. Truth is important and you killed many who wished it so out of earth it be. May creativity be a gift of full consciousness become your new novelty' have fun with it and do not destroy yourselves in the process. Think better thoughts children; the truth will set you free", And from my own mind (tonyotag now speaking) just watch out for the fly-paper is what the new spiritual main message is now. As that is the collective covanance of the humans, just like insects and if you kill one insect it is not that big of deal. Like I, I am not that big of a deal, just a person hearing the nuisance of existence and the trade of light that appears from our perspective in this darkness (compared to God's position.) Therefore, why should not one person be killed if all life if precious? Therefore the beings form other worlds helping us might just be now the dark compared to what God has in store for us earthly humans.

All are one enough to feel the pain of each-other

Side-note: It is my mistake for not becoming a welder and owning enough land to protect it form the western oligarchs of hate and doom. But it is very hard to do so when they own the vehicles to be like a tower in the sky (UFO's.)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

[UPDATED] Defeating Sales Objections

[Updated] There are two articles here. The original posting and one I just found for business to business objection dealings.


Just posting this for my own reference. Maybe liberation forces and forces of the light are just trying to overcome objections? Human Objections?

Anyhow; the article below is just a vanilla "how to defeat objections" business article. Something that I need in order to overcome my own objections within myself. The uncertainty in the future while going into business and sales; while also tackling the darkness of war in my mind and becoming peace and light within my own heart.



7 Common Sales Objections and How to Overcome Them

By Alyssa Gregory
Small Business Information Expert


Selling doesn't come naturally to many small business owners, but that doesn't mean they can't do it effectively. Often the key is understanding what is stopping your potential client from making a decision in your favor. Once you know why he or she is hesitating, you can reply directly to that specific objection.
Here are seven common sales objections you may hear during the selling process, as well as some ideas on how you can overcome each one.


1. Price

Example: "Your services cost too much. I can get the 'same' service from someone cheaper."
When the bottom line is the biggest hurdle for a client, you need to help him or her justify the cost. Try breaking down your total cost into smaller amounts that are attached to smaller services so the client can see why your price point is what it is. And make sure you focus on the unique value of your products and services that the client won't be able to get from any other provider.

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2. Complacency

Example: "I'm okay with the way things work right now."
When complacency is the culprit, you can try to use just a touch of fear to get the client to see why he or the needs to start thinking about the making changing. Share some research about the competition and some of the changes they have made in their businesses. There is often nothing like a look at everything your competitors are doing that you are not yet doing to move you to action.

3. Fear of Change

Example: "I don't want to change the way we've been doing things for 15 years. Too much can go wrong."
Often related to complacency, having a fear of change can make the decision-making process a difficult one for many business owners. One way to overcome this objection is to demonstrate past examples of change and how it was positive. For example, show the client a list of different ways the industry has changed over the past 10 to 15 years, and how the potential customer has adapted to those changes for the better. This can help him or her be less fearful and more confident about changing things up.

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4. Trust

Example: "It seems like you know what you're doing, but how do I know you really have the necessary experience to do this?"
Trust is something that takes time to build, so if it is a hurdle for your potential client, you need to be honest and consistent across the board to overcome the objection. Be forthcoming with information and share testimonials, case studies and references that will take away some of the uncertainty and give the client confidence in your ability to get the job done.

5. Personal Politics

Example: "I told my brother's friend's wife I'd use her company for my next project."
Sometimes there's not much you can do to usurp a family connection, but you can get yourself in the position to be the next in line. If this is an objection you're hearing from a potential client, think a few steps ahead and show the client what you can do in phase two of the project or in an off-shoot that will likely come about from the work being awarded to a family member.

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6. External Input

Example: "I need to run this by my wife/business partner/mentor before I do anything else."
This can often be a positive outcome, assuming the client is truly consulting with others and not just using it as an excuse. One way to make sure it doesn't end up as a deal-ending sales objection is to attempt to stay in the process. Try suggesting a joint sales meeting between the client and their counterparts in order to answer any questions and help facilitate the decision.

7. Timing

Example: "It's too much for me to take on right now; I'm too busy; Call me again in 6 months."
If time management or lack of time is an issue for the client right now, chances are it will still be an issue in six months or a year. To overcome this objection, you need to make the decision to hire you an easy one. Start by listing all of the benefits of working with you, outline the value of the products and services you offer, and explain how easy it is to get started. Make the decision to hire you a no-brainer and you will remove this objection.
Keep in mind that your potential clients may have more than one objection so it's important to be able to identify each one as you see it occur. Once you know what is stopping the sales process, you can arm yourself with the right arguments that will tip the scale in your favor.

[second article]


How to Tackle the Most Common B2B Sales Objections

by Ginny Soskey

Getting objections during your sales process is expected … though it can be one of the most frustrating aspects of selling. You’ve done your research, prepared for a phone call or demo, and then you’re hit with the but. "Your product is great and all, but I don’t have the money for it." Or, "I could easily use what you’re selling, but my boss won’t agree to it." Ugh. After all your hard work, it can feel like you’ve hit a brick wall.
… But (hehe) it doesn’t always have to be that way. Although they can be frustrating, objections are another opportunity for you to use your expertise to influence qualified prospects' decision to buy and even weed out prospects who aren't a great fit for your product or service. That’s great -- especially since you have the inbound marketing and sales collateral to help you out (right?).
So how do you get out of the negative spiral of frustration and into positively addressing objections? To help you figure it out, we’re going to use the four main objections you’ll hear on the phone and give you tools to address them with your opportunities -- all with a very inbound approach. Here’s what you should do. 

The 4 Most Common Sales Objections, and How to Handle Them

There are four main objections you’ll hear on the phone when you're trying to make a sale, and they all revolve around budget, authority, need, and timeliness (also known as BANT). Knowing how to recognize these objections and having a process in place to handle them is key to closing a sale or removing a poor-fit prospect from your sales queue. We’re going to walk you through each objection and give you tips for addressing them, so let’s get started.

Objection 1: Budget

This is probably the easiest objection to identify right off the bat -- it’s all about the moolah, baby. Prospects may say things like, “I don’t have money for your product,” or “There’s no room in the budget for us to buy your product.” They may even ask if you can give them a discount. So when a person brings up the issue of money, how should you respond?

How to Handle the Objection

Concerns about the cost of your product can go deeper than the sticker price, so it’s up to you to figure out what their true reasons for indecision are. Dig deeper to find out why they aren’t happy with the product's price. Is it just sticker shock? Or is it that they don’t see the value in your product for the price that they have to pay? Getting to the root of the objection is key -- it will help you choose the right language to use with the prospect.
If it really is just sticker shock, you can explain about all the components that make up your product and emphasize how much value they're receiving for the price they are paying. If the prospect isn’t convinced of the value of your product, you’ll probably want to explain how much he or she could save using your product. Both conversations are similar yet slightly different to better address the needs of your prospect. 
Also, if they ask for a discount -- don’t feel like you need to offer it right away. First, find out how much of a discount they are thinking is possible. No need to promise $1,000 off a product or service if the potential customer is willing and able to pay the price with only a $100 discount. You also probably have a monthly revenue goal to hit, so giving discounts to anyone and everyone isn’t feasible. By asking up front, you’ll be able to better set expectations and maybe even close the sale.

Objection 2: Authority

In this objection, prospects may try to pawn the decision off on someone else. This is a very common objection, especially if there are multiple decision-makers within a company. You’ll hear, “I have to speak with my boss/CEO/designer/coworker/mother about this before deciding,” or “My boss/CEO/designer/coworker/mother says no thank you.” So what do you do when you're given the slip because of someone else? 

How to Handle the Objection

First, validate that the objection makes sense. While this may seem like a small step that doesn’t necessarily need to be addressed, validating the opportunity's concerns will help you better connect with them. It also opens you up to the next step: finding outwhat the third party's needs and fears are about your product or why the decision-maker said no.
After you get to the root of the problem, you’ll be able to do two things: 1) address the third party’s objections before you even get them on the phone, and if this step goes well, 2) potentially set up a time to speak with the third party in the future. If you can thoughtfully address these objections and reiterate that you are a resource for your prospect and his or her decision-maker, you’ll be much more likely to make the sale. 

Objection 3: Need

Especially for complex products and services, this is a prevalent objection sales representatives will face. You’ll recognize this in the field when someone says something like, “You know, we really don’t need your product or service,” or “Your product is too hard to use … we’ll just stick to our old ways of doing things and get by.” This is probably the hardest objection to handle since it revolves around the product or service you're selling.

How to Handle the Objection

Like in Objection 2, you’ll want to first get to the root of the problem. Do they view yourentire product as something worthless, or are there a few features they love? Or, are they just overwhelmed with your product offering? Or, are they just too scared to make a purchase? No matter what their reasoning is, you need to get to the bottom of it before moving forward.
Their responses can vary greatly depending on what you’re selling, but you have two weapons up your sleeve to help address this objection: content and data. If your company is really drinking the inbound Kool-Aid, your marketing team has probably already created blog posts and offers that your prospect might be interested in. Maybe you have case studies of customers who are similar to the prospect -- if so, go ahead and send the case studies over.
If your prospect is especially skeptical, try using some hard data to help convince him or her. Let’s say you’re selling inbound marketing software … for example. ;) If the prospect were concerned that inbound marketing wouldn’t be as effective as outbound marketing, you could pull up some stats from the 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report that show that more than half of marketing agencies (51%) reported positive ROI for their inbound marketing efforts in 2013. That data is much more convincing than just “inbound marketing works … just trust me and give me your credit card.”
With this objection especially, it's very possible you may find that prospects might not need your product at all. For example, if their company goals aren't aligned with what your product or service can solve, you should get off the phone. No hurt feelings here -- you just want to focus your time on helping those who are a good fit for your product or service.

Objection 4: Timeframe 

Last, but certainly not least, many sales representatives will have prospects procrastinate or put the sales process on hold. They'll say things like, “It’s not the right time to make a decision. Please call me in a month or so once our imminent project/hiring plan/budget/etc. is in place.” The chances of them actually coming back and purchasing something from you? Slim. So how do you handle this non-committal objection?

How to Handle the Objection

Again, this objection can be tricky based on the opportunity's reason for delaying the sales process. How you handle the objection all boils down to his or her reason for delaying -- but you should always remind him or her of the long-term payout from buying your product or service right now.
If the upcoming project your prospect is citing is somehow related to your product, one thing you can emphasize is how much better it would be to purchase your product before the big change. For example, if you were selling inbound marketing software and the prospect was about to undergo an intense website redesign, you might want to emphasize that it would be much better to buy the software before the redesign -- they wouldn’t want to have to re-write content (and potentially rework the design to fit the content) if it wouldn't align with their future inbound marketing goals. 
For the future hire objection, you can emphasize that purchasing your product nowmakes sense because the prospect will be able to enable new hires with all the tools they need from day one.
If the issue is a far-away budget allocation decision, you’ll need to get more information. What’s the process for approving budgets, and who is involved in that process? You may have to switch to handling Objection 2 by addressing the decision-maker’s needs and fears. By getting more information about prospects’ processes, you’ll be able to be much more helpful to them.
Ultimately, knowing how to address these objections could help you close a sale … or just disqualify a lead from being a fit for your company. By handling these objections, you’ll better understand your prospects' needs -- which could help you focus your time on turning the right prospects into a new, excited customers.
Do you have any special techniques for handling objections on your sales calls? Share your tips with us in the comments!
[No comments provided]

income = taxes paid to empire

This from fear be of the state. From income we make taxes are paid to help the empire grow and places flags everywhere. Yet, no other idea of things exist is a lie. A clever lie to continue to take the labor from the people and give it to those who confiscate the law for labor and love itself for greed. And money is to weed out the greedy from the chaff. The Wheat from the chaff is itself the ideal of things (things are not feelings; so they are not highly valued in the realms of spirit.) The cruelest trick any one can give to give again and again to make sure those who have feelings are lack are burdened with lack again in time and space. This too is the irony of time and space.

Taxes from income and creation are itself the trick to make sure that all can become wealthy. Yet, I know that I failed in my life as a person; as a guide to get my mother and father into heaven from the lack of breeding that be within me (children are the carriers for the future and genetics always can carry the soul; what lives in the genetics is the soul itself. That is especially true when, as an end be those genetics are the carriers of consciousness. From the soul that consciousness can be measured by creating money itself. (The meritocracy will not work for consciousness anyway as the information and feelings of spirit cannot be monetized; the great spiritual ones will not allow it as much as they can help it.)) From this breeding, we as a collective is an income for those who harvest from us taxes to keep expanding the empire. The empire of using the dark for a benefit of another light? I guess again and in so I do not know if it is true; but as far as I know the empire requires income so keep expanding that soul and body. As the body is the empire for the soul to control, to keep the feelings in that kind of way/existence. An empire of feelings versus an empire of dark/dust; such feelings will always win and light from those feelings be true for income. As income is then the taxes are paid to the empire be. All that is left is to ask, what empire do you wish to be apart of?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Acronym GOD

GOD = General On Demand

As every army has a god. So too does the truth of what the war is. As I always wish to get away from such disaster: military action, war, conflict. I am sure the ascentiom always has had an affect on you too, but to be a warrior is indeed the flaw of love and the fear. If only there was a way out of such in this neutral universe where no idea was to be born. Like I, there is a flaw of this consciousness of God where the generals use a fact as a weapon instead of a lie as a pill. Like neo in the matrix movies, I feel like I have to choose between the red or blue pill where all I really want is the purple pill or one of yellow.

Now you know the truth. There will always be an armed force to reckon with in light or dark. Taken for granted and used as labor forever by the dark or the light. The greatest catch 22 ever divided.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wiki NESARA Story

There is plenty of confusion over all of this. Will NESARA really happen? Or is it a designed UFO/GOD military campaign to test the souls on what to do? What is the purpose of the chess game that is properly being done on this planet? Yes, I do believe as of now that both the cabal and NESARA like minded individuals are all part of the same group and need to be disposed of in order to save earth from the pollute destruction that would ultimately happen anyway. It is cruel; but pessary as I know every single action of every day is another military campaign, in civilian life or where the weapons are being used; because the truth is just more bizarre.

Light is a weapon designed by an evil entity and 'spiritual gurus' who use ships in an alternate dimension who aim their alchemy weapons on dark matter and entities that begin to use their mind, heart, or any other organ outside of their plan. Likewise, the dark and various technocracy and meritocracy forces are using the pentagon and other earth based military forces as bait for the realms of spirit. One of their major weapons, is a depression ray that causes the entity to lose chemical health and become a faith based sadness that overwhelms the body (what I have been going though...) Light and love itself is an algorithm orthogonal to the fractal of the universe; reflecting on the darkness that exists creating the colors that be. Think about how a prism refracts light and how one would have to go though a prism to become part of that original light that is emitting from that source; such a simple toy, yet a great principle.

Is this not a great catch-22? Is this a person for death by both sides? Am I just another soul who wants a brain to own others? Via, the same system that they have created? Likewise, is NESARA now a tool of the dark to cause chaos? Think about Ferguson, MO and all the other crap and false flags that have been used by both sides to get what they want. What lies from the apples in the garden of Eden that was to create a way to cause experience for all; even if God hired another to lie as the perception of God to enslave humans up to my own (or yours) existence? I am tired of war; for the light and the dark. For rest and of and within my own mind. O, what peace is necessary from the pieces that I want to build with; when, I know, that the world of pieces are not at peace? Maybe God is only using us as a way to create a barrier between Dark and Light? Maybe God's deceleration of collective is another way for us to be used to create for a so called God, who is just hiding from the real truth of what the universe really is. (And yes, I know I am a sinner and co-creator of this crap; because I am human, I get to eat and shit.)

The Universe is nothing but a way to extortion for and of gods. Others watch as a way to extort the information at hand. Others feelings are manipulated to make them labor for other's ownership. Others preach to manipulate the choices of their thoughts. All that is left is to manipulate the heart. The heart of the beast that exists of us and about the paper that it exists on; now our governments shall change again to create a way to manipulate us to make this cycle always to be true for others who watch to extort us. Again and again, only earth is nothing but a waste disposal bin for the choices of incarnation.

I guess I am dark enough for God to reject me anyway. I did kill my father using the energies of alchemy anyway; it must be fitting for that to be so. What luck I spend from the position in order to find the lines of war that great generals of the past wanted to find anyway. Alas, I wish I was my own universe, to make my own version of light and dark.

Quite frankly, I wish to build the vertical column where one can go from the 3rd to the highest level possible without disaster. Unfortunately, the human law only upholds ownership and those without the ownership are slaves for those to imprison everything else into a dark abyss. To rise again into the fear being nothing but to ride the waves of those who think that heaven can exist; as heaven is whee the heart is, where the feelings be.


Also look at: http://nesara.org/

Wikipedia reprint for security reasons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax (see also FairTax), abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress. NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Other people have adopted and embellished Goodwin's ideas.
Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits. Based on a theory that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy, and compound interest the number one "moral evil" and reason for debt, Barnard made several other attempts during the 1990s to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the US economy, and his suggested economic recovery proposal based on the root causes he determined. After these did not succeed, he decided in 2000 to release the proposal to the public domain and publish it on the internet. Barnard established the NESARA Institute in 2001, and published the 2nd edition of his book in 2005, retitling it Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.[1][2]

Goodwin's allegations
Soon after Barnard released NESARA on the internet, a user known as "Dove of Oneness" began posting about it in internet forums. "Dove of Oneness" was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School Of Enlightenment, referred to in the media as a "cybercult queen."[1] According to Goodwin's website, the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is claimed that the new law was to be implemented at 10 am on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of "Prosperity funds") were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks. Supposedly an earlier gag order issued by the Supreme Court had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.[3][4][5] Goodwin referred to "White Knights," most of them high-ranking military officials, who have since been struggling to have the law implemented despite opposition by President George W. Bush. Goodwin allegedly believes and purports that Bush orchestrated the September 11, 2001 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.[6][7] Goodwin's description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard's proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections. Goodwin often claimed that Bush officials were attempting to hack into and bring down her web site to prevent her from publicizing the law.[8]

Goodwin began commenting on NESARA in connection with Omega Trust, a fraudulent investment scheme whose creator, Clyde Hood, was on trial at the time. According to Goodwin, Omega Trust investors would receive their returns after NESARA was announced.[1][9] Goodwin repeatedly predicted that the NESARA announcement would occur in the very near future,[10][11][12] although in later years she became more reserved in these predictions.[13]

Further development
After Goodwin began commenting on NESARA, other internet-based conspiracy theorists latched onto it. One supporter, Sheldan Nidle, ties the imminent NESARA announcement into his years-old prophesy of an imminent large scale UFO visitation by benevolent aliens (occasionally on his website reports, but more prominently in his videos,[14] seminars and public appearances). Jennifer Lee, who used to publish internet NESARA status reports almost daily[15] on her now defunct site, discussed a host of other-worldly and "interdimensional" beings who are helping behind the scenes to get NESARA announced. Internet evangelist Sherry Shriner, who operates many websites, sees NESARA as linked to malevolent reptiloid aliens she feels have long controlled the U.S. Government.[16]

NESARA groups are known for certain to exist and to have attracted press attention in Utah,[17][18] and the Netherlands.[19] Members of these groups get together to discuss the status of NESARA, read the various reports, hold protests, and pass out fliers about NESARA to the public. Goodwin claims that NESARA groups exist throughout several nations and US states including California, Washington, Arizona, and Texas, and provides hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence of people in public protests holding NESARA banners,[20][21] but it is not clear to what degree the people holding the banners are aware of what NESARA is, or for how long these groups were active. The News Tribune has traced the story behind at least some of these photos (photos of trucks driving around Washington DC bearing the words "NESARA Announcement Now!"), and found that they were part of a $40,000 advertising campaign allegedly paid for an elderly San Francisco resident who had made donations to Goodwin.[19]

Criticism and comparison to a cult
Barnard became aware of Goodwin's description of NESARA before his death in 2005. He denied that NESARA had been enacted into law or even assigned a tracking number, and condemned Goodwin's allegations as a disinformation campaign.[22] Goodwin, for her part, dismisses the NESARA Institute as a disinformation front for the Bush family.

Some NESARA detractors claim that NESARA is a cult designed primarily to provide an income to Goodwin and others. They point to the fact that Goodwin, Lee, and Nidle frequently asked their readers to donate money.[23][24][25] Goodwin, who also asked readers to donate their frequent flyer miles,[26] claimed that she needed and had used the funds to travel to various locations around the world to secretly meet with high-level government officials about getting NESARA announced.[26][27]

Some NESARA supporters also make the claim that otherworldly beings are working to get NESARA announced. These include a "channeled" cosmic being called "Hatonn"[28] (an android Pleiadean), and another named Sananda. According to some Ascended Master Teaching proponents such as Joshua David Stone, Sheldan Nidle, and Luis Prada, Sananda is the "galactic name" of Ascended Master Jesus, which he uses in his role as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Command flying saucer fleet. Pallas Athena is regarded as being the Vice-Commander of the saucer fleet. Ashtar (Ashtar Sheran) is regarded in these teachings as being third-in-command.[29] Saint Germain, an Ascended Master borrowed from the I AM Movement and the Church Universal and Triumphant, along with benevolent aliens from the Galactic Federation, are also frequently mentioned (most prominently by Nidle) as working towards the NESARA announcement. The designation of George W. Bush as a disguised reptilian often co-occurs with this claim.[30] Goodwin has claimed that Ascended Master Saint Germain has come down from the etheric plane to physically meet with heads of banks and world leaders regarding the NESARA announcement.[31][32]

The prominence of failed prophecy also lends support to the cult theory. NESARA supporters often tell their readers that the NESARA announcement is going to happen in a matter of days. These claims have been made too many times to enumerate, without ever coming to fruition. According to the documentary Waiting For NESARA, the claim was also made prior to March 2003 that George Bush was planning the war with Iraq only to further delay the NESARA announcement. It was prophesied that spiritual beings and UFOs would intervene with Bush's plans and prevent the war.[17]

A June 2006 complaint to the Washington consumer protection division accused Goodwin of using the NESARA story to defraud a 64-year-old San Francisco woman of at least $10,000. The woman's daughter said the actual amount is much larger, in the hundreds of thousands.[19]

Thursday, August 21, 2014


In the mist of war and diplomatic confusion. Where more than the other parties are explained and no one knows the answer except those who watch all the time. All it takes is an idiot to ruin a party; all it takes is the fortune and luck of an idiot to move and shake things beyond time and space. To make a reality that harms all and loves the emptiness of creating. O, what control of likelihoods that can be made where all know that all it takes is an idiot to ruin a plan. All it takes is a thing of both sides, of all sides in creation to say why do I really need to exist? All it takes is an idiot to ruin everyone's well made plans. Yet, O, what God creates as to what an idiot can do.

And of what is to those who wish control in anyway to maintain a status quo is in a flaw of the change that happens to every derivative; yet, all it takes is an idiot. What random event and creation bestow by the way of any-other idea to save the young and growing, so it takes an idiot to save them. The children be there all the way to the end of there to create anew as they are as always the new idiots. Soon, we shall see, in our minds and in kind, an army of idiots that we the nature of God itself be to conquer the ideas of space and time. In contrast of light and dark the guard is always the idiots.

As always, it takes an idiot (or more.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crazy Credit FYI

If you come into America, You should know that there is so much fraud that it has become legal to the goverment of the United States.

Here are some examples I pulled off of Craigslist and if you are planning to make it here in America I suggest you can get as many Credit Profile Numbers as you can. Exchange the money though forex, then wash with post tax dollars (taxes paid, federal and state income) via a corporation and presto...your new fourtine awaits on the otherside of the dream.....where your karma awaits to become quite stupid. [Note that you (or me) is offering a product in all of this, so it is legal and is always legal as long as a legal product is offered. As my fortune plays out, maybe NESARA and GESARA are both just a confusion tactic by an overwhelming force that the cabal has and/or allies of God/love/light...etc... Otherwise, one can use this system in order to start the process of building donations for http://www.montaguekeen.com/  and http://www.disclosureproject.org/  .]

Enjoy what I have found:




base: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/fns/




*****try not to take these services if you can help it*****
