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Sunday, August 17, 2014

[REPUBLISHED; REPURPOSED] The Best Way to End All of This

[Republished for new thread/organization.]


Just now: 1:45 PM EST 8/17/2014 My computer spontaneously restarted and erased an argument that could have been threatening to those who are trying to control the planet. Well, it may be true that the Pisces test has failed (from my point of view,) but maybe humans are too smart and efficient in its collective state to be of the light or of the dark. Maybe this idea of war and peace are itself just as much of an illusion for those who wish to understand that allowing the vampire king and the dark to become part of the 4th/5th dimensional worlds are just as legitimate as anything else? As it is life, yet to judge the life itself is the flaw of love. Maybe there is just another idea of love itself, it is judging itself not to judge others (unconditional love?) Maybe love is another kind of bureaucratic jurisdiction so God does not choose to destroy us in the event of disliking the events that happen on our world. And love itself is another cause of distrust in my heart itself. Now I will continue and publish what I know to be true of the fear that some kind of idea has out there of the dichotomy between the collective argument versus the independent ascension argument that has been in contention ever since 12/21/2012 ( or maybe beforehand but at least more contrasted due to the punishment of acknowledgement.)

Disclaimer: It is not those who wish to help humanity that is the enemy, neither is it the feelings that are harbored within me or others; it is those who wish to hinder my mission. Because, in the end, is not disclosure the important part?

Anyway, this is my though process and how I wish to solve the American Economic Crisis via a corporation to solve our generation's plight of a way between spirit and physicality (date of birth: 12/27/1986).

If there was a way to cause myself to have freedom and not have the karma or at least obsolete karma from all of physicality, then is that really the goal of all of what I am thinking? Then would God learn from us as God is with all of us, only legitimating the heart itself, while the mind thinks there is a way to fight? Like I have said, I know how to solve this economy by utilizing the banks, maximizing production, and minimizing the pollution that can happen from it. To save Earth from the destruction of God's judgement by love itself from what humans did to this planet is speak-able today. It is my generation and love causing fear in me that is the crux of the problem?

Paperwork is a way to entrench fear one way or another. As money itself is only a version of paper (including precious metals) it is only used as a way to displace the fear into another. Paperwork is to hire a bureaucracy and  guards from the local courthouse and utilize the ideas entrenched in society to enforce what the rules are said to be in that paperwork. Yet, my generation and I can solve this problem to cause disclosure. DISCLOSURE in all caps. Big and thoughtful to cause the truth of the world to be known. That is my goal, not a lie, only to fund the people with such communication channels to disclose their own ideas (academically backed/vindicated by both source and Earthlings.) I know it is a dream into a reality of mine. Akin to the wars of the mind versus the feelings of the heart.

It would work out like this, start a corporation via craigslist (http://raleigh.craigslist.org/fns/) and trade Real Estate to fund DISCLOSURE with post tax dollars. Dollars that the IRS has already touched and maybe in a way to have multiple 501 c 3 type corporations defeat the Cabal at work and have God not intervene as well. I wonder why of such resistance? Is separation and graduation a taboo when love can be used as a weapon of creationism? Trapping creative abilities into a religion a belief and junking out the ideas and ideals of such? I wonder if that is the war here? Yet, such war weary is that what the United States is based on? I know so, that is the story of my generation; a wish to escape the ideas and ideals of war and the kind of ideas to use love and fear in a way to cause even more war anyway. I have a fear of the love that can be because I do not want to be a conscript in God's war against darkness and fear. Yet, is not that earth that much of a catch 22? Ah, it is confusion that is the weapon then? Yet such ideas are the weapons of the feelings to the soul of mine that wants to solve earth and use it as a way to harbor both 4ths and 5th dimensional beings as love and light as a controlled aggregate weapon. Is that why we are considered a collective, God? Instead of independent? My plan would challenge what heaven has built in the past 2000+ years would it not? Under Pisces it would have been ok, but under Aquarius a taboo? Money as an interpretation is itself the contract to control using the judgement of society on others. Yet, this too is the taboo when it is precious metals, right. The pollution from such metals? Mined and mined alone with what wealth to squander from mother earth is the goal to own Real Estate? Do I ask legitimate questions while being used by the light's empowering forces?

It might be the goal of my organization to buy Stonehenge and allow people to touch it: (PROJECT CAMELOT: MARIA WHEATLEY - DOWSING EARTH ENERGIES; http://youtu.be/KeqFeLZHiLs?list=UU2na0DRywwQrXeodGmCt63Q). Would you like that? Would you like to reclaim your power and render the ideas and ideals of separation to be useless? I cannot stop such a beautiful process; however, I can manipulate it so that I become God before you do...wait that is a time bias is it not? Maybe utilize the process of light as a way to enforce the usury of others to help the pentagon proceed with its goals of meritocracy? [What do you think or feel? email me at arostert@ncsu.edu; and post your thoughts online.] I know that is what they want. Only those with the knowledge and skill can pass on to the next objective in life. So too is true with a lack of knowledge but not that of will. Yes, that is my generation. Not a lack of will, but that of a hindrance that the population of earth has become. Why then assimilate into the war zone that everyone thinks exist. Why have their feelings become such? It is a weapon to have the thoughts become feelings akin to that of war. As love, light, darkness and other unknown and undiscovered things become that of the front-lines to the ideas and ideals of warrior. A spiritual warrior. Maybe that is the lesson in all of this: do not think or know of war; let the light just be. As the war is continuous and demanding itself.

As of time and Saturn. Maybe touching Stonehenge could change the way Capricorns think as what time can be? Maybe the hexagon and vortex can change and become something else to make humans into the ultimate asset to God and the army for light. Would that be nice? Would that be the best goal of all? The goal to change the way we operate as a soul existence? Likewise, looking both inside and outside of oneself is important as both worlds exist, therefore are justified to exist. Thus life is only of one time or is life only of one kind, where light expresses itself like sperm rushing to the egg; only one makes it to make more of life; and in the end the rest are love's and fear's trash? That is the nature of the pyramid and capitalism via currency restriction. Only one instead of oneness. Where oneness is that of life's true essence of separation for action.

Yet, maybe this is the distraction from the truth. The truth that calmness was not warranted by those who have fear of the idea that money and heaven can coexist together. Without precious metals, and with the judgment of God itself become that beyond love. Where the relative realms are more in tune to create a permanent opening between the 4th and 5th dimension. This is the plight of my generation. The plight of not being able to express our light because of inaccurate information at hand; not of our design, but of our want to graduate in novelty and break the blessings that heaven has bestowed upon us. Not for dark, but to create a more powerful light beyond the ideas and ideals of what the mind has already. It is that of love itself is the weapon of propaganda that it is as it is the successful ideals to hinder those who do not want the kind of responsibility that judgement and relative realms take. Hark, our generation must take heed to use what the dark has given us to make more light than ever before! Make the positive feelings and gratitude that embarrasses those who hind the world from the true essence of self. For I know mine is my own mind and if there is fear from that of the heart then it is my own self that I must change. Yet, change what and when of where? Is my idea the crux of the matter? For if I change the world with using the same things the cabal has used then will they target me for death by using the forces that want this planet to be Aquarian?

I know what land is used for. I know what ownership is of 9/10ths of the law; as too ownership is 9/10ths the laggard (economic definition where things happen at the speed of bureaucracy.) This is the problem itself. Onerous ownership hinders the correct use of land itself from the wishes of the labor of the people, spirit, and of earth. If I create such an organization, I know I would be able to acquire land for the Montague Keen Foundation (http://www.montaguekeen.com/). Then comes the catch 22 of my generation and of those who watch me. If I do this plan, to make a corporation to squire land and improve the general population of the planet's awareness, will the cabal cause NESARA to happen? Is that my ego's expression: an ironic fear? Is that the flaw that I am suppose to embody so those who wish not to have darkness in the next generation can become true to God's eyes? As if God can then pick his/her warriors (as if it is a race for sperm to egg?) Therefore, the truth is truly stranger than the fiction that people make to keep themselves sane. As the truth becomes real, then the fiction becomes the shadows that others need to maintain the falseness that can harbor more dark. Then the dark becomes real to the light to hold the body, spirit, mind, and heart together with the glue of light and enlightenment at hand.

Then who makes the glue of light? I have heard that the ships in space and time are of a weapon of love and light. As if the light itself was a management training tool; out of how many tools? What is the vampire of darkness hiding from the rest of existence and that of the relative realms know about. [Dang, I wish I had more novelty to express my creative abilities to help more life to thrive and be happy.] So, then what meritocracy is necessary if my power is organized management and ideas that can obsolete the ideas and ideals of love for something more powerful and better? (It would still be light.) Yet, how cooperative is there anything be if no "faith" there for any manager to give? Yet, what to manage when no thrust unless ownership is used as trust? As ownership is the question (again?) Then power is the question and taking one's power (taking my own power) back was of my life? Through the Anchara Alliance? Or is it ours as a collective as in not to trust unless ownership is the question? Own what for what ego when? I am more confused due to managing than what war can provide; but my tu and id are watching with anticipation. Thus it is judgment that is not the answer; but only a cause for light to be in existence. As light is the auxiliary function of alchemy from the aethers* of existence itself. Be that the glue of light for anyone to affect and bend. Be that the truth that we have hidden so long without hindrance. And that of bureaucracy that continues the judging throughout of who is to die or live; thrive or toil.

So, we must take our power back! I must take such power back! Are you with me? Those who read this? Are you wishing to be come Gods of great loving expression? I know I must in order and chaos. Even if I am the enemy of those I wish to be friends and light with, it means no other difference except of the shadow or light that I can represent for Earth and God to finish the play of humans to the new beginning.

*definition: aether; aethers (pl.) = alchemy substance, energy, or a substance that responds to making a rule by action of the soul, heart, mind, body, and/or relatively important to all other points of view. One of the basic tools of alchemy. (Akin to the clay for a potter, aether can be reformed by the user for an experience. The goal of exiting form this universe and graduating to the relative realms is to form the aether into a body that can survive and thrive in the relative realm. To humans, this is the secret that many wish to keep hidden as too many can destroy the 'party.' Likewise, humans are the decedents of the vampire kings who are guarding the weird and wacky relative realms from us as well as the humans not going past the relative realms. The technical goal is to get one's thoughts to become clear in the relative realms (but this just be of my own goal or accord. Each individual is different and should understand accordingly.)

Note that I would not have to do this if I learned welding instead and became a construction worker. Yet I could just feel as guilty as being a polluter and help dispense of energy? Therfore energy is itself is and was the objective.


[older post]

Real Estate investment is a game of paperwork and ownership. Ownership itself is part of an illusion where one can be king over a land of things derived from old empires and kingdoms. The English law (derived from a mixture of Roman Empire, German, and some Scottish and Irish compromises) sets the literal stonework where people can own and control the land. Real Estate Systems of the landlord and old laws passed and interpreted by courts in the days of 800 to 1500 AD are the fundamental base and building blocks of our court systems today. The American and English court traditions only differ by several interpretation ideas and statutes, but mostly remain the same.

In Real Estate, the accounting can become quite out of hand and become a slight of hand issue. Those who wish to clear the junk from the good stuff should recognize that working the land is itself the benefit of the owner, yet not that of the laborer, where that itself is the disconnection between owner and labor. Sure, entrepreneurs are important and provide leadership where necessary. Yet, there are no known cures to an illusion that is known here except that of love. (Yet, love being used to interfere with the truth? More on that later...) The principal thing to know, is the principal itself. It is real estate and the money values we place as land as a savings device that is the problem with our modern world. Our courts and other legal bodies have been structured to keep it sane, but to the view of open and working labor, it is not. From the labor point of view, ownership is onerous as it provides a block from production being done. Ownership, provides those with a reason to fear the consequences of an action that could otherwise be good or bad for social outcomes (nonetheless personal.) Likewise, Real Estate if tied to labor, can re-balance the balance sheet of any organization; however, can be detrimental to those who wish to sit on their laurels/'savings'

Here is how it can be done (and for starters, I wish to have a partner in this business as I already have plenty of knowledge without capital to achieve this.) First, buy non-performing notes where the big banks and hedge-funds control who buys them and what will happen to them after ownership happens. It is true. The Banks do care how prices move and that is a form of fear. After acquisition, resell the notes to build a larger cash on hand balance (minus repayments to equity and lending sources.) Then after done a few times and hoping things can be guided by heaven...buy non-performing notes and resell to the landowner at profit at cost, no more and no less, as this will re-balance the home mortgage and real estate value scheme. This can be done at a wholesale level and also at an individual transaction level as long as the correct paperwork can be done. Think about it as treating it as a non-profit and/or for purpose venture with adding environmental benefits along the way (like solar panels, real estate cleanup, etc...)

Empty houses a or abandoned claimed though with this process...fix up and resell at business cost.

Here is a simplified accounting version of what I am talking about:

LLC bus acct startup: $$10K - $50K - done by following SEC laws and other practices

Non-performing notes (NPN's): vesting and networking with various banks

resell NPN's after negotiating with deed holder of property and new terms of repayment

rebuild repayment schedule and sell NPN as a re-performing note (RPN) after several months

OR resell note after due diligence of property investigation (is there still someone living there?)

Repeat process to build cash based LLC acct.s


Buy NPN's convert to RPN's

make into non-profit based oriented LLC or transition business into non-profit. Provides Real Estate jobs in the short term and provides community stabilization by re inhabiting houses. Business managers are instructed that LLC charter is now a charter of non-profit (transition phasing.)

Resell or administer RPN's to open market (but home owners/deed holders first to see if they are interested in wiping off the mortgage early.)

Watch the markets balance themselves as people in the community can hold onto their homes; houses are reoccupied and Real Estate is more affordable.

Knowledge needed from the websites below are important for the base paperwork and some structure.

privatemoneygoldmine.com -requires knowledge of SEC laws and an LLC or other corp.

eddy speed and non-performing notes business -
use base hyperlink if nessary: https://usainvestmentreports.com

find private money in IRAs and other equity accounts to do bus. deals and investments. http://www.privatemoneyondemand.com/

If you want to fight banking, one must do it right. Sure the banks will get cleaner balance sheets because of this, but it is better to have happy people instead of those being fearful all the time of something. Additionally, if the labor already resides in the house, then the land really belongs to them, not an institution that manages so called 'risk.' Therefore, it would end much of what the banks and other institutional houses and managers wished to exist. What should exist is the idea that banks are not important is a spiritually guided population that treats everyone equally and unconditionally (yet is not unconditionally still a "not" function? (More "novelty" needed to discover?)) This is kept in regards with a spiritual basis and self discovery basis.

Lastly, if anyone who is reading this wishes to help me help them to pursue a business process like this, then let me know at arostert@ncsu.edu so we can set up a private meeting. Estimated initial start up cost minimum $5K.

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