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Friday, August 29, 2014

The Problem

When born most believe that what God has given them is the ideas and ideals of their body. Their consciousness is there to be there and anything else that is there. To then what to believe? As what all life is of communication there to be is as is can be of what "is" is. As the ego become aware, the communication is as where there is to be. Then in all instance, a choice would have to be made:




As if it is of choice by that what madness is that sanity. Belief so constrained by the information around them to make this choice; another appears:

Look outside of oneself


Inside of oneself

This choice becomes more about the utility and pleasure of what one feels from the sanity of either. Yes, that itself is what one can call the ultimate delema when money and paradigm is around. I understand that some are of a limit or limited understanding; however, where to enslave next when one's mind and heart chooses these combos. To look outside of oneself is kind of apparent as one has the senses on and in one's head to look (eyes,) hear (ears,) speech (tongue,) and smell (nose,) to perceive the world around them (as well as touch on the skin.) The mind can then become the next sense but what thoughts there are can be there for one to continue to look outside of oneself. As if it was important as God now tells us to do so (see rainbowabundance channel on youtube.com)  then whee to contol the outside world to contol other's who exist; to manage them. Then what to manage them with what and why?:




As eyes exist with both then it is true that this is the choice between them. One is nothing and the other is everything (respectively.) Then why is darkness associated with looking outside of oneself when the sun is the light? As it shines for all to see? What and why is that there? Worship it? Confiscate it (chem-trials and jail cells?) Yet the light allows us to see it anyway and with both and the mind having the knowledge, then there is madness as the choice with what idea is there? Agreed, this is confusing as if to know that one's body is the temple for the soul to worship in it. To manifest things with the mind then to please such senses are of to look outside of oneself. Then too, why light be there with what darkness? It is then my experience after creating the dark sphere in my dreams that someone slapped me waking me up (they slapped a sphere like dark object hovering in the cosmos of existing time/space and dreams.) This sphere was my body and soul wrapped up in a way to protect itself as well as be a weapon to force with. For, if I felt any vibration, I wold then collect the thing that vibrated with me (as if that the dark and the light are sensitive to) and then wold chase after the object in case it was a probe and assimilate it into my being. Nifty, this idea is and I shall keep it in my back pocket. It might come useful incase I (yes my ego) may have to protect my soul during vibration attacks by the dark.

Then comes the next choice, as if it is acceptable:



do not vibrate

And naturally, I choose to vibrate; it is the topic of conversation and alchemy in many circles of enlightened spirit. To vibrate what and why? Is it light? Sure. Is it dark? then conform the clay around a body and make a way to birth forever and collect the clay to make it say "hurray!" Yes, the clay as God says it, is the paste to make art that can only show in the light. From the dark the dark can spark form the clay then be that of light for all to see. As if it is a campfire in dark empty wasteland. Yet how to control the clay as a weapon for all to have sensations with, as protection? It is true, we are protection with our bodies, but if our souls are vulnerable then have not we have already lost? Nay, I say. We as a species have not lost, only assimilated to the other vibrations that exist here to be. Then, what to do? Inside the dark sphere, I was playing a game with myself, yet it was not so accurate as I could not see the light that could be there. Then it must be, we must make our light from the inside out and make like a star. Then that be the problem: a weapon on one or the other.

Of light that burns


of dark that hoard

Of what heart can feel to feed the mind and spirit? To feed the mind is logic and the heart is food, water, and other simple things. Yet, is logic the procession of acceptance of what knowledge is there, then it be that. Logic is a process where things are evaluated as yes or no and all the other things in-between. Marginality is itself the best in times of true war; and as a planet, we have been in that war for such a long time (Ancharan alliance.) This is due to the way people can survive. And if people have always survived then what way should they have instead of using all things at once? Yet the crux of the problem be: abundance is the sin from forth to fifth dimension? As abundance is pollution, then the solution is existence and feelings? Maybe I misunderstand this idea of abundance and the ideas necessary to achieve. Sigh....maybe I need a mentor, another input of logic to figure this puzzle out of beingness be? Yet, if both light and dark are weapons, then are we warriors being used? Akin, to that so, are blue stars the bases of light or dark making light as an experiment (like earth) to see what humans wold do with it? Likewise, is existence a naughty thing to do as it is perceived that we are all weapons dark or light?

My ego, tu, and id rather would be relaxed. To help all. To love all as life itself than to worry about why. yet it is the darkness that vibrates with me, in tandem, in the war between UFO diplomats, inner earth goals, and the pranksters and business men that have accidentally brainwashed themselves with advertisements that the Annuniki gave them in the first place. Over the years, over the generations maybe God was only waiting for a chance for us to free ourselves with overlords. Then why trap ourselves here?

It is best to describe that we did it in an advance to spread the light into the dark; another weapon into the like and dislike of things. The wish and want of weapons like money and feelings that the Annuniki can have. Maybe gold and the energy of it unique to earth is the goal anyway? I have heard a rumor that the cabal and banksters use it for rocket fuel and that no other planet can produce it in the galaxy; but what do I know? This was the long term plan for the last 13000 to one million years ago (before earth's settled colonies.) In reality, I know that God thinks in at least 1000 year increments and maybe even longer. Then so, I live in peace as much as I possibly can and will take a dive into the world of money, ownership, and the weapons that might be there once again.

So, I look forward and try to become a better person again. I look forward to try to bring peace and light using the dark to flame it once again. Akin to the fire that makes the water boil, the steam is the gift of what is brewing on earth. If chaos be, then from that chaos can come a beast of both worlds. An owner of great stories and practice in patience. (Now it kind of creeps me out because it sounds like another advertisement.) And in the end if and it was an information war, then it was well worth the work to know that it provided and provides an opportunity for the glory of God to shine.

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