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Saturday, September 27, 2014

What I learned in my life.

Not to take it granted. Not to not a thing. As be what love crux itself to death via the wars to fight. As to look beyond ones nose and within is the bully outside and in. To honor and respect the lord of ego within yourself is the flaw and logic lost to the world. And so I return to the lost seeking a home away from a warm heart that my ego had with happiness that was there. With memories long ago be not partaken into slavery be. As the worked turned into the loss of a terror waiting for God. Who, I, built bricks knowing the planet was death in some other manner into my heart. My heart where is the love I seek notwithstanding a denial of money as proof of loyalty? Was it loyalty that was wrong? Was it a guess as it is perfect to the flaw of mind? Yet what problems ensue of knowledge when it is peace that is saught? What gate of pain be here? Is addiction of life, love and dark the disease where ease is the flaw of heaven? Nonetheless hardy is life like akin to bully the spirit with light. In darkness and happiness is the wrong. Where work is worshiped and plagued by the management of others.yet where is my idea of pen to paper without becoming a bomb or bullet? Where is the happenstance where a legitamite knowledge to honor life of existence when love is created as sacrifice?

Indeed the longest time awaits us after a death? Yes, life is better as a way and as an island in darkness to become torture by labor and dishonor in choices. Nevermore why loneliness is the solitude to become wise. Now is the key as a way to become together, only because of heavens request to destroy and renew a thing. Yet as a way to describe a commercial planet is the answer to make all the people slaves and the children crystal slaves. All the universe is slavery to those who see it be that.

Then is me, a way and key outbound to beyond the limits as I can tell, yet me not be God or the fear factory that we have made to make our hearts pump or minds relax. It is the lie that keeps us going to spread the light for God to see, but it is the feelings that makes us the trials they test for the ships to leave in the dark places.

As tonight I walk away and you recoup me, remember that my ego was tainted by a thing not responsible for itself. As they are also things learning too. In pride my will to pay the world back is played. So too is the invaders that will incarnate on the next transmission to where earth is now. Remember the day you die as it is the life you live that is the passing light attached to ego's water. Indeed also true is the seperation that is an illusion for all to try. Separation is God's goal too from the world of spirit that makes numbers for us to know ourselves and to advertise like commerce to those who watch us live.

In love I know I am a mistake away from death's door; and is why God must number us in we are just as paranoid too.

In case of such untimely demise. I bequeath my belongings and estate to my mother Jan Ostertag, who fulfilled her life contract to my being. I ask my things be given and recorded for all to read on the internet for love and light whatevert it might hold. If you wish wealth then practice it: learn real estate and service the land with respect. It was a wish without debt, yet my trap was for me and the world as a so called dream. In lasting memory this blog is my totem to peace.

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