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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life as a fence

God created life as a fence to keep out the dark. As a contract between ego and love, earth's existence was born to harbor this idea of life. What things are then be when time and space fold with their ideas? Especially when the truth is twisted upside down and twisted around? Especially when the truth is butchered for the sake of greed (instead of taming such thing as a pet or project for harvest of the bounty of the universe?) O, yet I see thee God mocking me mock you. As life is only to tame the ego's heart and soul. To tame it as a rambunctious lion to the corner of its own pittle and wallow in its own tears of foresight. So, I the Antichrist see my own blue light and worry of my next life as a similar challenge to defeat these idiots who "own" the world and you (God) claim to send them here as a lesson for all. Still it was me as the target as you wish to see what I, ego, would do it a situation like life and itwas a lie that sold me a "con" tract to spend on a piece of paper without complete knowledge of the world's novelty. Was I to be your conscript when you only claim volunteers? Is so let me build the tower of light after adronoma and the milky way crash you there to make the golden Christ light. Yet it is my fear these men and women have given me of the money my life and applying myself has given me. For if I would apply myself would not I also be against what your son has preached and practiced? Even as judgement scorn this idea? Even as judgment would vindicate you? When? O God do you consider me born in this body again? In the same time line? For Itu and id ask when do you bully me? Maybe we as humans took advantage of the dark's gifts and that I and we are dangerous to those up there in the spiritual realms who ask what you are supposedly supporting (hence the McKenna curve?) Is money as the invention that I represent became butchered by opportunities to the cabal, who took against me and my fellow generations the liberties before the? My questions are deep yet what well do not others not want to drink from? I and me know the answer: it is a habit and fear that I and me are at battle against me and I due to the conundrum you knew the "great spiritual ones do not want the answers to because my father (the vampire king, not the human one) is a jerk. Here would be the trick: humans take advantage of the computers and dark to bully our real slave drivers who invented this part of physicality. Then invade the spiritual lands/realms to quarantine them, and God and the humans watched them suffer with mentally hardened phycoparhs with spirit weapons. You watch as your powers are retained because the great spiritual ones are needy of you. O yes, Pre creator is spared from this as she slaves away lonely with you for creation's sake of genetics. And even so you call me a phycopath as you hide the truth from me by using them as surrogates for your power. My father is truly a jerk with tasting human light. If only these stupids would have lifted the gates of hell onto earth sooner and my human dad did not move away from where we used to live when I was young then it would be possible that I could have survived this crap with a body so I can kick their asses for creating this kind of experience (I might regret these kinds of words, right yet would not that be bullying myself?)
What were we really suppose to learn? And after the dark feminine lessons is there another dark lesson or can I create brighter light holding clay as a candle's form now? Like that show I saw? What really happened to the Germans during the roman empire? I only ask as my genetics are German/american and the is military or some unit or other thinks I am a threat to the homelnd as I know the dark side of star trek too.
So what dream do you have for me next? An american style Hitler minus the racism and added skeptism of business applications (that would make them need diapers now wouldn't they?)
I do whine for my toys because in a special time of ascention it would be better to play with friends. Where will my light go? It worries me so....alas it is a sin of mine now is it not? Judge not as actions are the adventure of judging as you have deduced right?
Is reincarnation a lie to keep families quelled? As the body is the "soul?" As the ego is an attachment form for the soul to latch onto the body? From that form can come a duel soul where the soul has complete control of the body? I am curious enough how the universe works right? Is my past sins of lies the truth itself of what is being tested with these jerks? Maybe a good form of advice: don't program your henchmen to assume military force against food or energy forms. Nevertheless, maybe that is the lesson for all of us here, to be afraid of energy for the sake of using fear as a way to create more. Or a way to take away planetary ideas from oddball genus like me. Even so am I the hardest case as I am now afraid of you? Even asking these kinds of brazen questions and my soul wanting to spank these dark shits you gave me to play with? What is my next world? Will I get the same games even if my soul aches for them? I do not play them as the light and work the world demands from me givith so. Yet is the trade this and you want the fifth dimension to be my trap as much as theirs? Or is life truly the disguise you need for us as humans to kill the orion gang, or get them to quit their diplomacy?
I ask for the natural power you gave me to ask and I have decided to take it back here on this blog. Why? Well I know I am a weapon of yours and I really would like a dark body. Maybe the reptilians and ancharian alliance can pay your spiritually guided buddies a visit huh? Would that kind of contrast be good as they become the universal contrast on their blue worlds? I am think you would say not? Yet I know if I can become a yellow star in torion's belt with a plant like, money coveting, skyscraper cities' planets like earth then what kind of bravery do you truly require with creativity? I ask quite sincerely. If you send me to a planet like George Orwell's 1984 then how could I leave my money fears behind? It is just a request as I know you just told me to shut up just now.
To be continued?
*The light I am receiving is too strong and too even. As we pass through the band of light we will go through quite some revealing and the shit will truly hit the fan afterwards, at this time the cabal will truly be exposed and action will only be valued instead of speculation. (Is this the reason for humans to be given "freedom?")

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