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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Arbitrage as Sabatage

Arbitrage is the commercial aspect of separation for a profit. This is the reason that abundance controls for and as government and corporate entities are to take away and manage the so called capital needed to have humanity manage itself and as much as possible, its neighbors, the feelings of thy neighbors and many other aspects thereof. Arbitrage and money can also be used for secrecy and thug warfare. No doubt this is the secret of money and other various patterns of clause in many contracts and (literally and figuratively) forms of separation. Spelled out in plain language and increased into an advanced legalize terms, it is the next wave of things that will end and cave into the new light of ideas and items of hurt. Likewise, every day is a day to sign a contract (maybe not Sunday and occasionally Saturday) in hopes of making someone else capitulate the next idea of that contract indeed. The game at this point signals at least that it be of increasing the price greater than the last person who signed. Unfortunately, fiat currency makes it manipulable where freeing the people with technology and other things becomes increasing hard due to the restrictions that separation becomes anyway. 

In fiat currency, when the bank prints more money as trust for more to become real, then it is the job ot the bank and associates/officers to police the risk that accompanies each and every loan. As if credit laws are itself the culprate anyway; the current east's war on American fiat-ism and replacing it with the restrictions of metal currencies (that ironically can still pollute the planet and ruin the land due to mining efforts) is itself the method that the dark wants anyway. Simple logic of a child can figure out that the branding of painting a dragon white will not make it a different species; even if, the royal famlies knew they were taking a risk of loosing their gold during the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank (yes, this is a direct political attack at the Asian families' logic. True ascension begins at forgiveness and acknowledgement and the same kind of mistake was pulled with western leaders as well. Yet the weapon was not that of the tools used to manipulate the deal, it was the deal itself. People who judged and looked at these ideas were not mistaken to look at this kind of deal making; however, were flawed when they though their thoughts were originating from their own souls or minds/hearts. Instead, it was that of extraterrestrial who wanted to mimic the power of God and create a perfect race to horde the hearts and minds of all living things in the darkness. A plan that is beyond the purity of the spiritual archery and thus is dark in itself (this is why currency is part of the darkness compared to God's love.     

As I have noted on this blog before: separation is a weapon to pry out the dangers and reinforce the weakness that others may have, thus the weakness in fiat currency is itself the trust it must maintain in order to feel safe at its maximum capacity. This is the same with international trade and the discreteness that is contained the hearts of the minds of human. Thus it was the fiat tree in the garden that the snake of arbitrage brought to Eve to tempt Adam many eons ago; and leading to the trickery that the dark reptilian forces (I know there are good and other diplomacy issues here) brought out onto Gaia. Yet another argument can ensue (maybe it is the argument that is the goal) that it was the trickery itself to lead to love as a way to create enough light that the snake really was the truth in the garden that builders called "GOD" wanted to keep their genetic prize of "human" away from the true ideas and ideals of the spiritual hierarchy. It was the spiritual hierarchy and spirit itself that wanted to experience this idea of "human" to ascend and spread of the power and island of light that is truly is. Yet, there is an ironic twist to every corner of arbitrage, is not there?

Lastly, the twist is that the spiritual hierarchy is itself a form of separation from the light as what to merge with that light and life to become a being with a dark covering of the universe with a light filled and radiating body of protection to spread the idea of God manifest itself as the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Also, the creators of the hierarchy of spirit was itself the trick to make sure that their power and arbitrage was non-coherent to those who would wish to create malevolence and pain (and other dark nouns.) This arbitrage as sabotage is itself the pain that many still feel as payment for security from the ideas that might harm those of great importance. Thus, it is the truth that source can only approve the tidings of seperation as a way to grow the soul, but to master the dark as a shield and covering, is itself the goal to merge and conquer the sabotage for arbitrage.

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