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Sunday, September 14, 2014

If you want to ruin the economy, destroy where I work

I know the cabal is watching me and I wish to let them know that I now work at Xerox and starting to help others with credit card machine purchasing; even if rejected by a bank.

Go here to see more: http://www.us-payments.com/aostertag

[Even then, I know that I would like to sell these units as it will accomplish others to achieve their dreams too.]

Maybe the cabal will become more cynical with me. It will be great if they met me at home next week. I will answer the door and greet them and talk to them out side. The cabal must be in human suits/bodies. Maybe god sent them here for me to play with and use them to fuck the world to death as a form of life; as if parasitism is the new way to avoid God, but it would be moot as parasites too are living creatures. Maybe all God does is describe worlds with investigation teams (of what was sent here) to market the world to other souls' experiences. Why not, every planet is a vacation hotel; and my enslavement is just beginning. As if my enslavement to the cabal is equal to God enslaving my mind for thoughts be there. A bounty of ideas and thoughts that time is escaping the specialty that labor becomes true of; therefore, this realm became butchered by those who were sent by God to train us as an experiment. I feel, as this complaint continues, a used fucked doll, a person used all the time, as if my karma became that of knots and "nots." A person kept away from sucess as the market changes too much and the capital I with to use to accelerate the worlds knowledge beyond truth horded by the likes of God that play with the population of greed and formalities. (As if formalities created arbitrage.) I failed in a things in the past several years. I failed because I pushed and bullied my way into the ascension spiral. Round and round I go, as I become dizzy of how to make sure I can become beyond survival. As if survival became what I am? Maybe I am not allowed to have the things I need to build the world of dreams as if it was too dirty for God to truly care.

Maybe my energy was that of great un-importance to the world that enslaves all other's wills of their godly selves. I await an angel investor to help me here with an idea that could create a peaceful planet and decrease diesel fuel usage and maybe more fertilizer usage. Here is an idea packaged in an LLC:

A garden service that grows food in the front yard of where there is any space to grow any. [I am sure it would piss off the grocery chains as it would increase the connections of food to per household.]

Food grown is local to the climate, soil, and client. (Mainly fruit (trees, bushes) and vegetables.)
client pays for instillation and/or gets paid to sell the food outright to others or as a cover payment for services of instillation and/or harvest.

Organic or free-planting practices are offered as first choice ["free-planting" is just scattering the seeds on the ground and just letting the plants grow wild if they sprout. fertilizer is optional. Faith for successful corp is OK too. It is probably better this way as others tend to their grass lawns in the same manner.]

Crop rotation and physical removal is primary advertised method for pests (with organic planting and harvesting practices.)

Now for the cabal's worth of time and shit they give us workers (yes, I am sticking the stick int he beehive) they here have an opportunity to borrow as much money as possible to invest in this kind of endeavor and fuck with it; just like those catholic breasts and money managers who wish to eat the world to death with their stupid feeling-less money.


In heaven I know I will have to loose my mind of all things; and that is OK as doing so would be of God's judgment as well as my own.

Hey, good families of the world trying to make themselves relevant again, are you going to meet me again. come to my house, you have access to my email: arostert@ncsu.edu . Well, you have fear like the rest of us don't you? For at least not releasing the information; thus the truth became tainted and will cause darkness 1000 years from now (about 2012 Myan calendar date) with the feminine energies of Aquarius.

I know how how to make cities and the country side legitimate again Consulting, not registered but wish to LLC packaged in a family limited partnership thingy.


I will always be a child as I really do not want to aid and abed any army, even if it is of God. That is why I will play games in heaven and cause darkness 1000 years from now on earth. (The feminine kind in order to boost this crap that was created here.)

If you really need any kind of advice about this; we are a 7,3 hybrid civilization based planet. 7th level macro with 3rd level micro management strategies. The gaps of levels in between are designed to confuse the enemy of war-ness. I know that I must boycott war and peace; as peace itself is the contrast to war. War itself is the woe of the population and I was baited to take the ideals of poverty and lack as a way to prove myself of God's allegiance.

All of this just to try to extract logic out of the fearful abyss that it is in caused by the manipulative nature of the Ancharian alliance and the banking crap they decided to use to separate themselves from God.

Then comes what is truly significant. It is that each planet is a petri dish for experiments to happen and independence as the goal from the collective and unity crap that the dark wants us to continually have*. As if that is great to be on oneness. In business, organizations grow so large, that their policies and programs become the nature that people then expect after just 30 years in business (again, must be of significant market share or share of some kind of budget or economic utility.)  Thus it is true, that God is better than me and my own ideas are bitter attempts to shine my own kind of light. it is a flavor most not wish to want. And me becoming lost in the dark shining my light means that I will be raped by the ego of other pests called bugs in space. (Just as how moths are attracted to a light.) Yet, maybe my mass of light can form a dark sphere around it and use the dark as a way to encompass the universe's flaws according to whatever God has planned for me and my reincarnation.) It will become significant enough (my id and tu) to cause God to trash identity of oneness and cause the piercing of the veil that the universe and/or earth is in. Thus after Adronoma and Milky Way galaxy merge together, we will become more significant than the rest of existence and others will become mine to manipulate for good or bad as of the other's perspective opinion.

*As from this dark to become a beacon of light to all (the 6th dimension?) Therefore, what will the color of earth be if it becomes a star?

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